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Start in Night City — Chapter 5

This is a lifeless and barren land.

The most dangerous thing is people, that is, the Luan Dao Society.

The Gang is made up of bandits, criminals, and outcasts.

Banished from the Wanderer tribe, they form dangerous gangs that prowl the roads and suburbs in search of prey.

The name “Rantokai” itself is a combination of several derogatory words.

In the Wanderer tribe, an elder will formally declare someone to be a member of the Knife Club in a ceremony, and the guilty person will be permanently expelled from the tribe.

Despite their large numbers, the Blades are not enough to form a cohesive family or tribe.

They just work on their own, like itinerant gangs.

Each is ruthless, destructive, and aggressive.

For most Night City residents who don’t often encounter homeless people, the gangs are no different from the city’s gangs.

Victims often report robberies, ambushes and attacks in towns and suburbs carried out by various gangs as “tramp attacks”.

Therefore, this has caused many people’s evaluation of the Rangers to plummet.

Suddenly, the outline of a car appeared in his field of vision.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up.

A homeless man on guard duty also sounded the alarm.

“A car is coming!”

The wanderers sitting around the campfire grabbed their guns and came to the outskirts of the camp.

“It’s our car.”

“Why did only one car come back?”

The windshield was splashed with paint, making it difficult for anyone to see what was going on inside the car.

I don’t know how many people were sitting there, or whether they were injured or not.

The sentry signaled frantically.

But as if the driver didn’t see the signal, the speed of the returning car continued unabated.

“Hell, he’s not slowing down!”

“Get out of the way, we’re about to hit you!”

Only a loud noise was heard, and the off-road vehicle hit the roadblock hard.

Then it finally stopped.

“Damn it!”

“Two people go over and check the situation.”

Two wanderers approached with guns drawn.

Su Xiao was alert and suddenly had a bad premonition.

He quickly ran towards his tent.

The homeless people who went to check the situation only saw what was going on inside the car clearly when they walked in front of them.

The driver was tied tightly to the seat, with nothing around his neck and his head held tightly in his arms.

“What a fool! This ****…”

He hadn’t finished speaking, and he didn’t even have time to react.

A wave of fire came towards me.


The car exploded instantly, sucking in the two people who were approaching.

At the same time, a faint muzzle flash suddenly lit up a few hundred meters away.

The sentry fell from a high place, his head and neck twisted at a weird angle, and a big hole was made in his chest by a sniper rifle bullet, and blood gurgled happily.

It was only then that the sound of sniper rifle shots rang out.

As if this was a signal, gunshots came from all directions.

Chapter 4 Treating Injuries, One Bullet at a Time

Amidst the gunfire, Su Xiao ran all the way back to his tent and dragged the box out from under the bed.

Open the box, take the katana, and put the grenade inside into the backpack that you had prepared.

After doing this, he didn’t rush out immediately.

Instead, he first stuck to the door of the tent and took a look outside.

The originally peaceful camp was now in chaos.

There were firefights everywhere.

Gunfire rang out and bullets flew everywhere.

Screams and roars echoed throughout the camp.

I don’t know how many enemies are besieging the camp.

Now he no longer hesitated.

Lowering his head and bending his waist, he rushed towards the center of the camp, which was the leader’s longhouse that McCoy mentioned earlier.

There is a tunnel hidden in the leader’s longhouse that can lead directly to the outside.

It is impossible for the enemy to know the tunnel, and it is obviously safer to leave through the tunnel.

Da da da–

Just then, a string of bullets came from the side.

Lidya Su’s body reacted instinctively.

He threw himself forward hard, then rolled and hid behind the Esko blast wall.

HESCO bastion is composed of mesh squares made of galvanized steel and large polypropylene bags.

The cost of this thing is very low, and it is very convenient to carry when transporting.

One truck can pull a lot of them. When they arrive at the place where they need to be deployed, they can first pull out the grid and then use whatever materials are available.

Just fill it with sand, gravel and dirt.

Just like a sandbag, it can block bullets, shrapnel, explosion shock waves, etc.

Due to the above advantages, it is very popular among wanderers who call home everywhere.

And it’s very common in homeless camps.

Bullets hit the explosion-proof wall, making pop-pop sounds and splashing sand and dust.

He poked his head out from behind the bunker and saw two enemies standing not far away, shooting at him as they approached.

A barrage of barrages forced him back again.

Su Xiao took out a fragmentation grenade from her backpack, pulled out the ring, and threw it outside.

“It’s a grenade!”

“Lie down!”


rapid gun

The sound suddenly stopped.

Su Xiao jumped out of the bunker and rushed towards the enemy.

Before they could get up, he drew his samurai sword and stabbed the person lying on the ground.

The blade pierced the back of his head, thrust out from the front door, and penetrated straight into the ground.

Another enemy tried to aim his gun, but Su Xiao’s reaction was faster.

Kick away the rifle held by the opponent.

Then he drew his katana and killed the remaining enemies.

“You killed two enemies and gained 0.2 potential points.”

He was slightly startled.

What I guessed before was correct

As expected, you have to kill people to gain potential points.

However, an enemy only gives 0.1 potential points, which is too little.

Complaints are complaints.

But Lidya Su’s movements were not slow.

He didn’t stay where he was because he knew there was a sniper on the enemy side.

Before the sniper noticed him, he continued to run, while not forgetting to use the surrounding environment as cover along the way.

We are getting closer and closer to the leader’s longhouse where Chari lives. All we have to do is turn the corner in front of us…

In the field of vision, an enemy suddenly appeared.

The other party heard the rapid footsteps, turned around and spotted Su Xiao at the same time.

A torrent of metal poured from the muzzle.

Su Xiao rolled over and hid behind the bunker to avoid the bullets chasing him.

When the gunfire stopped, he rushed out from behind the bunker.

The other party quickly dropped his rifle and pulled out his pistol.

But before I could take aim, I felt my sight was dwarfed and my knees hurt.

But when Su Xiao came to the enemy with a sliding shovel, he drew his knife and cut off his calf.

Su Xiao took out a fragmentation grenade, stuffed it into his pants when the other party was whining in pain, and then kicked him down the stairs.


After the explosion, Su Xiao looked back and only glanced back.

The scene was extremely miserable.

At this moment, Lidya Su’s expression changed.

He hurriedly hid behind a bunker.

The radio playing Bobo Chicken on top of the bunker was smashed into a pile of scrap metal.

It’s that sniper!

He’s targeting himself!

Lidya Su calmed down and refused to let panic overwhelm her.

He took out a smoke bomb from his backpack and pulled out the tab.

Throw it outward.

Then the second and third.

The smoke quickly filled the air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he rushed out from behind the bunker and headed straight for the leader’s longhouse, which was just around the corner.

As long as I can get there…


Almost as soon as he heard the gunshot, his body flew forward fiercely.

The bullet grazed his hair and shattered the decorations hanging on the wall in the room.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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