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Start in Night City — Chapter 51

The strong mercenary walked aside and the door opened.

The lively atmosphere was overwhelming.

The decoration inside has a retro style from the 1970s and 1980s.

“This is it…the next life, the heart of Night City. The next life! Here we are! Haha!”

Jack was beside himself with excitement.

The mercenaries sitting, standing or squatting in the Afterlife nightclub did not show any disdain when they saw Jack’s appearance.

At most, they just looked at it a few more times and then turned their heads away.


It was like this the first time I came here.

They would not deliberately laugh at a dead man.

Because many new talents show up here a few times, but never follow up.

Therefore, unless Su Xiao and others gain a firm foothold in the next life, they will pay attention.

While Jack was looking around, Su Xiao had already found the bartender Claire who was pouring wine behind the bar.

“Are you Claire? How can I get to Box 4?”

Claire was familiar with the way and gave Su Xiao directions: “Over there, go straight, it’s on the right, there are numbers of private rooms on it, you can’t get it wrong.”

Then, she blinked and sighed again.

“Regina is a good person. Even as a middleman, she is a good middleman. It’s a pity that she doesn’t come here often.”

Lidya Su asked curiously: “Do you know Regina?”

“I’m afraid there are not many people born in Night City who don’t know Regina. She used to be a reporter and published many reports that supported ordinary people oppressed by companies. Unfortunately, most of them were ignored.”

“For this reason, she was even put on the company’s blacklist. I heard that one of her eyes was lost at that time.”

“But now she has become a middleman and no longer confronts the company like before. I don’t know whether I should be happy for her or feel sorry for her.”

In this regard, Lidya Su and Claire have different views.

“When the strength is not enough, you should conserve your own strength and hide yourself instead of showing off. Only when the strength accumulated secretly is enough to launch a counterattack, should you show your fangs.”

While Lidya Su and Claire were talking, a burst of noise came from the door.

Chapter 54: Need to pay more

The mercenaries in the nightclub didn’t care.

No matter what happens, the strong mercenary named “Emeric” who is responsible for guarding the gate will handle it properly.

At least since the place “Afterlife” existed and replaced “Atlantis” as a mercenary holy land…

No one has ever successfully caused trouble here.

Lidya Su didn’t intend to meddle in other people’s business.

Until he heard a familiar voice.

“Why can’t I just go in?”

Rebecca watched her companion pass through the door behind Emerick unimpeded.

Especially my bastard brother Pyrrha, who had just joined the team not long ago and only came in after his introduction.

Forget it if no one stops him.

How dare you wink at yourself.

It almost made Rebecca angry.

“Minors are not allowed in, little sister, it won’t be too late to come in when you are an adult.”

Emerick looked at the little loli in front of him, whose height was even less than his chest, and stretched out his hand to stop her.

He didn’t know why such a young child came out to do the job of licking blood from the edge of a knife.

He doesn’t care and can’t control it.

But all he can do is prevent the other party from entering.

Rebecca just looks young and cute in appearance, but her temper doesn’t match her cute appearance at all.

Instead, it is as popular as a small pepper. (Monthly fee group 694936135)

Hearing Emerick’s words, he immediately went berserk.

He actually pulled out a gun at the door of the next life.

And pointed the gun directly at Emerick.

However, Emerick had never seen any big storms.

How could he possibly compromise when a little girl pointed a gun at him?

What’s more, he is not alone.

Three afterlife mercenaries appeared out of nowhere.

Suddenly appeared behind Rebecca.

Three kinetic pistols were aimed at Rebecca’s head from three directions.

Rebecca’s face was solemn: “Tch!”

Seeing a conflict inevitable.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became dark.

Plunged into darkness.

The mercenaries couldn’t help but feel a little commotion.

“what’s the situation?”

But as the captain, Emerick calmly gave the order: “Don’t panic, send someone to start the backup generator.”

Emerick just finished speaking.

The lights come on again.

Just when he sees clearly

When he saw what was in front of him, he was stunned.

Not only him, the other three mercenaries were also dumbfounded.

The little loli who was noisy just now has disappeared.

Inside the afterlife.

“Are you okay?”

“Thank you… thank you…” Rebecca, who was being carried like a kitten, turned around to see the person who had saved her, and then a surprise expression appeared on her face, “Su?!”

“Long time no see, Rebecca.”

When Rebecca was stopped by Emerick, Su Xiao keenly smelled the smell of gunpowder.

Although working as a mercenary can’t be said to be kind to others, it can at least be said to be friendly to others.

Although Rebecca is very young, in the world before Su Xiao traveled, she would still be at school age.

But Lidya Su will not underestimate her because of this.

Therefore, before the conflict breaks out, please ask Claire to turn off all the lights at the door.

At first Claire disagreed.

After all, he is the bartender in the “afterlife”.

Be a member of the “afterlife”.

How could it be possible to do that kind of thing?


Need to pay more.

Taking advantage of the lights at the door being turned off by Claire, Emerick waited for the mercenary in the next life to temporarily lose his vision.

Su Xiao switched to the night vision mode of the tactical goggles, and took the opportunity to sneak Rebecca in from in front of Emerick.

“Su, why are you here?”

“We are here to receive a commission.”

“What a coincidence? So are we.” Rebecca changed from a grumpy loli to an ordinary loli in an instant, and said with a smile, “Although the big guy outside the door is annoying, I don’t hate the “afterlife.” We have all entered the “afterlife”, and it seems that the “afterlife” will soon have wine named after us. “

“Forget it. Only dead people have that privilege. Isn’t it good to be alive?”

Su Xiao doesn’t want to become a legend lying in the graveyard.

He glanced at the “Lexington” held by Rebecca: “Is this… your weapon?”

“Lexington” is the famous water gun.

It’s very powerful and can’t even be used by dogs.

“You guys have done so many jobs, isn’t it enough for you to get a weapon you can use?”

Since mercenaries rely on fighting, weapons are naturally their second life.

Rebecca lowered her head: “A powerful weapon has a large recoil. Among kinetic energy pistols, the only one with the smallest recoil is the Lexington.” “

Su Xiao thought for a while: “What about ‘Qianxin’? “

“‘Hympathy’? You mean Arasaka’s technical pistol? “Her eyes lit up with desire, but the light soon disappeared, “Technical weapons are too expensive, and I don’t have enough money. “

“It’s okay, you can pay me back in installments, I don’t want interest.”


“Of course it’s true. Wait until I get back to you.”

“When was that?”

It seemed that Rebecca was suffering from a phobia of insufficient firepower and pestered Su Xiao to get to the bottom of it.

Just when Su Xiao was about to answer, she saw the big man Mann walking over.

The two sides chatted for a while.

Then Mann couldn’t wait to show Su Xiao the mechanical prosthetic leg he had replaced with the original leader of the Animal Gang.

But unfortunately, something went wrong at this time.

The arm deformed, and a muzzle extended and rose.

Aim at the bar.

Claire, who was standing behind the bar, was startled.

The next life is not without struggle.

But most of them were just fists and kicks.

And it will be over soon.

No one has ever used weapons here.

After all, the master of the next life, Rogge, was once a legendary mercenary.

Who dares not to give her face?

Therefore, when being targeted by the gun, Claire, who subconsciously regarded the next life as a comfortable place, forgot to dodge for a moment.


Rebecca screamed.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Su Xiao lifted Mann’s mechanical prosthetic limb upwards.



Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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