Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 52

The ceiling overhead was damaged.

A big hole was blown out.

The fluorescent lamp was broken and shattered, there was a conspicuous gap in the metal ceiling, and dust was falling.

“what happened?”

Emerick heard the noise outside the door and came over after hearing the news.

“Mann? Mann!”

“I’m fine, Rebecca, you go first.” Mann took out an inhibitor and stabbed it in hard, then put the muzzle back into his arm, “Su, please take Rebecca and go first. “

“Is it really okay for you to be alone?”

Although the contact time with Mann was not long.

Even including this time, the two of them only met twice in total.

But Mann gave Su Xiao the impression of a trustworthy and reliable team leader.

It shouldn’t be like this.

Chapter 55 Hua Zi is waiting

“Don’t worry,” Mann’s left hand held his right arm that almost lost control just now, “I’m fine.”

Lidya Su nodded when he heard this.

Seeing that he seemed to be back to normal.

He said nothing more.

He took Rebecca’s little hand and ran in the opposite direction of Emerick.

“Is Mann going to be okay?”

“No one was hurt, just something was broken. It should be settled by just compensation…”

realize this

The statement was not very rigorous, and Su Xiao added: “At most, it may be banned, and it will not be allowed to enter the next life in the future.”

“That’s really miserable.”

The next life is a holy land for mercenaries.

Not allowed to step into the next life.

It is equivalent to a permanent ban for athletes.

However, Su Xiao was more concerned about another issue than knowing what kind of punishment Mann would face.

“Does Mann’s situation happen often? How long has it been?”

Rebecca didn’t hold anything back.

“Ever since he installed the pair of mechanical prosthetics, this situation has happened almost occasionally. Either the projectile launch system cannot be activated when needed, or like just now, it occurs when it should not be activated. “

“Does everyone else in your team have any objections?”

“Dolio asked him to replace the pair of mechanical prosthetics more than once, but Mann…”

Rebecca didn’t say any more.

But Lidya Su could already understand what Rebecca meant.

Mann seems to be quite stubborn.

To put it mildly, it means sticking to one’s point of view.

But if you say something unpleasant, it means you are determined to have your own way.

Su Xiao can probably guess Mann’s thoughts.

In fact, just like most mercenaries in Night City.

As long as it can increase combat effectiveness, use it;

If you have a good prosthesis, just pretend;

Even if this prosthetic body is obtained from a dead person;

Even if this prosthetic body is incompatible with me;

Even if this prosthetic body may bring irreversible consequences to my body…

I don’t have the time or energy to think about that much.

Just install it and use it.

Dead and pulled down.

But as long as you are not dead, use it to your death.

Su Xiao is not a prosthetic doctor.

The research on prosthetics is not that thorough.

However, since even the owner cannot control the prosthetic body implanted in the body at any time and at will.

This shows that the pair of mechanical prostheses are really not suitable for Mann.

Even if Mann uses inhibitors now, he has regained control.

But inhibitors are like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Don’t look at it now, you only need one pill to be effective.

Customers will need more and more in the future

Moreover, there will come a time when even the inhibitors will no longer be able to take effect.

By that time, everything may be irreversible.

When Su Xiao was thinking, V’s holographic phone called.

“Su, where have you been? Why haven’t you come over yet?”

“Sorry, I’ll come right away.”

When Rebecca was outside the door and almost had a conflict with Emerick, Su Xiao asked V and others to go find Regina first.

After he went to rescue Rebecca, Mann’s incident happened again.

I didn’t think of that much at once.

“Rebecca, I have something to do now and I have to leave first. As for “Qianxin”, can I give it to you when I contact you later? “

Rebecca nodded.

Then he reluctantly looked at Lidya Su with a look similar to that of an abandoned kitten.

It was really unbearable to be stared at by Rebecca like this.

Su Xiao had no choice but to say.

“When I finish my work, I will call you as soon as possible.”

Only then did Rebecca turn from gloomy to sunny, and waved vigorously towards Lidya Su: “You must remember it.”

Box No. 4.

Regina was in the box, waiting until the day lilies were cold.

Seeing Lidya Su finally come in from outside, he couldn’t help but complain a few words.

Everyone else had already arrived. Su Xiao walked to the seat deliberately reserved by V and Lucy and sat down, getting straight to the point.

“What exactly is going on?”

Regina nodded.

She is also a fiery and resolute woman.

No more nonsense.

“A few days ago, after I got the original film of Black Mewtwo from you, I handed it over to Bryce. Bryce found a Mewtwo editor he knew and asked him to help him. A few days later, Bryce Got the clues he wanted about the murderer.”

“Let me guess, the murderer of his son is a big shot. He can’t afford to offend him, so we need to take action.”

“No, the situation is different from what you think, Su.” Regina shook her head and looked around the box: “Have you ever heard of the name Ichijo Dasho?”

Su Xiao and others looked at each other.

They all saw the same confusion in each other’s eyes.

“I have no impression. What does this person do?”

“Daisho Ichijo holds an important position in the city hall and maintains good connections with many bureaucrats in the city hall. It was he who brutally murdered Bryce’s son and made him Black Mewtwo.”

“I don’t know where he got the news from, but he knew that Bryce found clues from the original Black Mewtwo film. So Ichijo Daxiang immediately found Bryce, hoping to mediate privately.”

Lidya Su frowned: “Bryce refused?”

“Yes, no matter how much money Daxiang is willing to pay, Bryce insists on exposing the evidence in his hand to the media. He wants to send Daxiang to prison.”

V, who was sitting next to Su Xiao, shook his head: “I can understand the pain and anger of a father who lost his son, but I have to say that it is really irrational to refuse in person.”

Jack also nodded in agreement: “At the very least, it should be hypocrisy and resignation.

, one thing in front of others and another behind his back, agree to his conditions first, stabilize him, and then come to us to kill that piece of shit. “

Lucy lowered her head: “He believes in God, but it’s a pity that in this sinful and dirty city, even the light of God cannot shine in, and He cannot protect His believers.”

Regina took out a cigarette.

I took out my lighter and was about to light it, but then I thought it was inappropriate.

So I put away the cigarettes and lighter again.

“If Mr. Bryce had your cleverness, he wouldn’t be in this situation now.”

“Has he been threatened with death?”

“No, worse than that, he was thrown into a lunatic asylum in Santo Domingo.”

Lidya Su and others couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

The asylum in Santo Domingo, whose official name is actually the Night City Mental Health Center, is also known as the Sequoia Asylum.

In such an era where cyberpsychosis cases are increasing rapidly.

Night City’s mental hospital seems to be a solution to the city’s urgent needs.

From traditional medications and psychotherapy, to deconsciousness and dream experience recovery.

Sequoia Psychiatric Hospital has everything you need for treatment.

At the same time, Sequoia Mental Hospital also launched an innovative project that it is proud of – “Safe Space”.

Completely isolate the patient from the outside world.

Chapter 56 Sequoia Mental Hospital (×) St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital (√)

Some people agree with Sequoia Mental Hospital’s approach.

believes that eliminating visiting hours is key to successful treatment.

Others hold the exact opposite opinion.

They suspected that the reason why these so-called psychiatrists were not allowed to visit was because they were doing something shady.

Compared with their “thinking”, middlemen like Regina, who have a lot of data and information in their hands, are much clearer than their “thinking”.

Sequoia Psychiatric Hospital is nominally a health medical center for the treatment of cyberpsychotics.

But in fact, that mental hospital treated more than just mentally ill patients.

There were also NCPD officers who were thrown into the mix because they investigated too much and the stakeholders did not want to pursue the case any further.

And people like Bryce who are unwilling to compromise.

In addition, there are various rumors about that mental hospital, which the outside world thinks are rumors, but are actually true things that happened.

For example, staff often abuse patients and take pleasure in doing so.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode