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Start in Night City — Chapter 53

They even conduct human experiments on patients.

Su Xiao thought of a question: “Isn’t Sequoia Mental Hospital not allowed to visit? How did he issue the commission to you?”

Regina’s face darkened.

“In fact, he didn’t contact me. I paid for this work out of my own pocket. I really can’t remain indifferent when I know that an innocent person is about to be lobotomized.”

“So, you have to leave as soon as possible. The sooner the better. If you are late, it may be too late.”

Sequoia Mental Hospital, Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo.

Opposite the mental hospital, you can also see the super skyscraper H7 where poverty gathers.

On the way to Santo Domingo, the atmosphere was a bit heavy and depressing, and no one in the car spoke.

“If you don’t want to talk, why don’t you listen to some music?”

Jack, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said that he was going to turn on the car radio.

“Forget it, I don’t really want to hear it.”

Lidya Su shook her head.

V and Lucy have the same attitude.

But Jack had turned on the car radio.

But what came out from inside was not music.

But a male voice full of justice.

“Hello, my name is Jefferson Peralez and I am a progressive candidate who refuses to conform.”

“I want to take a minute to tell you why you should vote for me.”

Jack cursed: “Fuck! It’s these guys again, they’re really canvassing for votes all the time.”

He doesn’t care about politics.

In his view, it actually doesn’t matter who is the mayor.

The sky is as black as a crow.

But only black and darker.

No difference.

Just when Jack was about to turn off the car radio, Su Xiao stopped him: “Wait, let’s listen to what he has to say first.”

Jack drew back his hand and touched his nose.

Peralez’s voice continued to ring on the car radio.

“Let me first answer the question, ‘What am I fighting for?'”

“The answer is simple, it is to end the influence of giant corporations on the politics of Night City!”

“Everyone who opposes them suffers, but we can succeed! All I ask is that you show your support and let me run without corporate funding.”

“With your help, I will definitely win the election! My victory is your victory!”

“Sitting in your car and listening to the radio, you may have a question: What will you…and millions of ordinary people get in return?”

“My answer is – a truly independent city.”

“End the dominance of giant corporations, and end the days when board members never set foot in Watson District or on the streets of Taipingzhou, but could make decisions for this city and its people just by sitting at their mahogany desks!”

“I strive for everyone to have the opportunity to receive a better education. If I can become mayor, I promise that in the first year of moving into the mayor’s office, I will

, establish an annual fund. “

“Allocate funds for 20 full scholarships and 30 partial scholarships to support the 200 most talented students in the city to pursue further studies!”

“More than that, I will also collect income tax from giant corporations and use the money to benefit the general public.”

“Last year, Night City’s City Hall exempted thirty-two businesses from paying their income taxes.”

“These include Arasaka, Moore Tech and Dinara.”

“Their total income, even if you only count gross income, is tens of trillions of euros.”

“The proposal passed almost unanimously.”

“Why do you say almost, because the only person who voted against it was me.”

“If I were mayor, I would never allow this to happen.”

“I would make the giant corporations pay their fair share and use that money to improve housing and health care shortages.”

“I am Jefferson Peralez. Please vote for me with your trust and votes. I promise to bring you back to the golden age with Night City.”

Jack snapped the car radio off.

He twitched the corner of his mouth with a look of disdain.

“It sounds nice, but it’s not just for votes. These guys are all the same. They are all the same.”

After complaining, he saw that Su Xiao didn’t speak. When he turned around, he only saw Su Xiao looking ahead: “Su, what are you thinking about?”


Peralez’s campaign advertisement gave Su Xiao a wake-up call.

Soon, Night City will hold a mayoral election.

In order to compete for the next mayor, rising political star Peralez and the current mayor Lucius Lane have made every effort to launch a publicity offensive.

A lot of promises were made.

But this is also the inertia of Western politicians.

Before I took office, I made a lot of promises and wanted to do this and that.

After taking office, being able to achieve a few of these things is already remarkable.

If there is an opportunity, maybe you can take advantage of it.

Su Xiao drove the car to a place still some distance away from the Sequoia Mental Hospital.

Drive directly to the door, that would be too conspicuous.

This is more suitable.

“V. Jack, you stay in the car for now while Lucy and I go over to investigate the situation.”

Su Xiao’s tactical eyepiece has an anti-detection and interference function.

Lucy was also implanted with an anti-detection jammer.

When the two of them were photographed by the monitor, their entire bodies would be covered in a thick mosaic, making it impossible to capture anything at all.

Moreover, even if others used prosthetics to scan the two of them, they could not scan out any information.

So it would be most appropriate for him and Lucy to go scouting.

V nodded: “Then we will wait for you in the car.”

Jack sat down from the passenger seat to where Su Xiao was just now: “I will not turn off the car, and I will be ready to respond at any time.”

“Then let’s go, Lucy.”

Su Xiao got out of the car and took Lucy towards the Sequoia Mental Hospital.

Chapter 57 I just wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person

Lucy asked suddenly as the two passed through the wall of Sequoia Mental Hospital.

“What are you going to do?”

“It depends on the situation, but we’d better leave with the target without alerting anyone.”

Lucy covered her mouth and smiled.

“Why are you laughing?” Su Xiao couldn’t help but feel strange.

“It’s okay if you don’t say this, but if you say this, I always feel that we may have to kill each other later.”

Lidya Su: “…”

As the two approached, the metal door of the main building of the hospital slid open from both sides and slid into the gap in the wall.

A guard sits behind the counter.

In front of him and on the wall next to him, there were information screens displaying various data.

But he didn’t even look at it, he just lowered his head and played with his mobile phone.

Hearing the metal door open, he looked up at Lidya Su and Lucy.

He lowered his head again and continued to be addicted to his mobile phone.

Su Xiao and Lucy walked past the express boxes stacked in the corner.

Pass through the security room and behind is the waiting hall.

The dim fluorescent lights from the ceiling add a bit of a permeable atmosphere.

Since visitors were not allowed in the Sequoia Mental Hospital, there were not many people in the waiting hall.

Only two company dogs, who might have just brought a patient over, were sitting on a bench chatting.

On the bench on the other side, there were several guards sitting.

Moreover, there was a guard standing in front of the passage leading to the interior of the hospital.

“Hack all the monitors.” Su Xiao said in the team voice channel.

Lucy nodded slightly without any trace.

She quietly fell one position behind Su Xiao.

Use Su Xiao’s shoulders to block the light in his eyes when he hacked into the monitor.

When passing by where the two company dogs were sitting, Su Xiao clearly heard their lowered conversations.

“If you ask me, coming here is a waste of time and money. If anyone goes crazy, just shoot him out of his misery. What’s the use of this kind of ‘forced treatment’?”

“You don’t understand. It’s all about money.”


“The company has bought medical insurance for its employees. If it collapses, how can we defraud the insurance? The more people who are sent for treatment and the longer they stay, the more the company can do.

profit from it. “

“Fuck, that’s enough.”

“What else? You’ve been working in the company for so long, can you stop being so naive?”

Lucy’s voice came over the team voice channel.

“It’s all done.”

“well done.”

Su Xiao no longer paid attention to the two people talking on the bench, but walked towards the front desk.

In front of the front desk, there was a young man who was dressed very poorly and was consulting.

“Hello, I would like to see my father, Bob Gelbaum (patient number: NC/23322/C), who was transferred to you from the medical center. I would be grateful if you would allow visitation. Not enough.”

The receptionist had a smile on his face, but there was no doubt in his tone.

“Unfortunately, we will not open visits in the short term. The doctor believes that the patient’s isolation is very critical for treatment. Please do not come again. We will notify you when patient NC/23322/C can accept visits.”

The front desk refused to accommodate me no matter what.

The young man had no choice but to leave sadly.

After he walked away, Su Xiao stepped forward.

The front desk immediately showed a professional smile.

“Hello, how can I help you?”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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