Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 54

“Can you make arrangements? I want to meet with a patient.”

“Sorry, that won’t work. Contact with the outside world would interfere with our highly specialized treatment.”

“Okay, can you temporarily unblock his built-in communicator? I wanted to call him, but I found that he was blocked and couldn’t call.”

“Sorry, the attending doctor won’t allow it.”

The receptionist was smiling but firm.

No matter what, I just don’t want to.

Su Xiao used the corner of her eye to look at the guard standing in front of the hospital’s internal passage.

After weighing it in my mind, I gave up the plan of forcing my way in.

“That’s it, okay then. In fact, I have another patient here. I want to hospitalize him. How should I fill out the procedures?”

A few minutes later.

Su Xiao held the tablet and sat on the bench with Lucy.

Pretending to be filling out hospitalization paperwork.

In fact, it turns on the scanning mode of the tactical eyepiece.

A circle of red light that no one else could see spread out around Su Xiao.

The staffing of the entire mental hospital was clearly visible in his field of vision.

After spending some time, I finally found the red silhouette of a human named Bryce Stone on the second floor.

This is the scanning mode. It is not a true perspective, but displays the human beings within the scanning range as red outlines.

At this moment, Jack’s voice came from the voice channel.

“How’s it going, Sue? Have you gone inside? Have you seen the target?”

“I found the target, but the front desk didn’t let us in. Not only us, but also others who wanted to visit.”

“Then what should we do? Let’s just go in?”

“It’s a good idea, as a backup plan, but I have another idea. V. Jack, you can climb to the roof from the scaffolding next to the main building, and you should be able to go directly to Bryce’s ward. I will scan it right away. share our vision with you.”

Although it is not a see-through, you can see the staffing and movement of doctors, nurses, guards, and patients in the hospital.

V and Jack shared the scanned field of view with him, so they should be able to easily rescue Bryce without alerting anyone.

After that, Su Xiao and Lucy waited on the bench for several minutes.

Even the two company dogs who came earlier have left.

In the huge waiting hall, apart from them, there were only the staff of this hospital.

Particularly conspicuous.

Fortunately, V’s voice sounded in time.

“It worked, we found Bryce.”

“Okay, bring him out quickly, we’ll retreat now.”

There was silence on the team voice channel.

“What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

“Sue, you’d better take a look at this.”

V sent a picture.

Just like Su Xiao can share his vision with V.

V can also allow Su Xiao to synchronize her vision.

As a result, in Su Xiao’s eyes, the world was divided into two.

The picture on the right is the world you see with your own eyes.

The picture on the left is the world seen through V’s eyes.

From the video synchronized by V, it can be seen that the second floor where she and Jack are currently is an area for patients.

It is different from the brightly lit hospital scene that the general public thinks…

There are only dim lights here.

The ceiling, walls, and floors were all covered with dirty stains.

Chapter 58: Stop pretending, let’s show off

In such a filthy environment, it’s hard to imagine how someone could have the honor to call themselves a “health medical center.”

Such terrible sanitary conditions would never be tolerated in any hospital – unless it was an underground clinic.

Every other section of wall is a room.

But the room is not big, just like a

A tiny rat’s nest.

There is only room for a bed and a toilet.

Even just looking at the picture, it seems that I can smell the stench spreading from the toilet.

The patients in the room had different reactions to the arrival of V and Jack:

Some held their heads in their hands, squatting on the ground and shivering;

Some turned a blind eye, as if the two of them didn’t exist, they were just air;

Someone else seemed to be hallucinating and had been selling houses to the two of them.

But the most unbearable and infuriating thing was the email records that V and Jack found from the office terminal of a doctor who was about to inject unknown drugs into pregnant women——

“Sender: Biotechnology”

“Attn: Dr. Jacob Shipman”

“Dear Mr. Shipman, we are contacting you to invite you to participate in the window trial of our new drug “prexisolone”. “

“We are very interested in evaluating the effects of prexisolone on pregnant women. Perhaps you could provide eligible patients?”

“We want to understand the frequency of miscarriages, the effects on fetal development, etc.”

“Of course we would like this to all happen privately so please contact us at your earliest convenience.”


“From: Dr. Jacob Shipman”

“Attn: Biotechnology”

“I have one pregnant patient here at the moment, but there will be three in the near future.”

“Needless to say, there will be no paper trail left from the trial and I await my reward.”

There is more than just this message in the terminal.

And this doctor named Shipman, in his reply to Biotechnology, said that he would not leave any written records.

But in fact, in his terminal, detailed records of various experiments were left.

This includes using experimental drugs on people of different ages, genders, and health levels to test the drug’s general applicability.

And it can be seen from the terminal that Dr. Shipman is not the only one.

But the entire Sequoia Mental Hospital is actually a testing ground.

They use the patients sent here as guinea pigs to test new drugs.

Visitors are not allowed, and the patient’s built-in communicator is blocked, naturally to prevent the patient from revealing the true situation here.

There was anger and trembling in V’s tone: “If we just leave like this, this hospital will not only kill everyone here, but also more people, and the outside world will have nothing to do with it. Known.”

They could just leave.

But like V said.

If you just leave like this.

No one will ever know the crimes of this mental hospital.

The cruel and inhumane human experiments will continue.

“You hide first and let me think about it.”

The first thing Su Xiao thought of was Max Jones, whom he had worked with before.

He is an upright journalist who is conscientious and willing to contribute.

But his ability is limited after all.

Let him report the truth here, Su Xiao believes that he will do his duty.

But Su Xiao thought more long-term.

Because there are only some normal people in this mental hospital.

It is true that some of them are abnormal people suffering from mental illness.

There was no way Max could take care of the real patients.

But if we just release them back into society, it would be irresponsible to them and to society.

It’s best to find someone who is both idealistic and capable of dealing with the aftermath.

But where can I find such a big injustice… to bring good people?

Just when Su Xiao was thinking hard, a name suddenly flashed through his mind like lightning.

Jefferson Peralez!

Yes, why did I forget about him?

Su Xiao had seen Jofferson’s information before…of course it was the kind that his public relations team took the initiative to put online.

He has a grassroots background and is compassionate. He himself completed his studies with the support of others.

He often appears on TV programs, and sometimes travels through the streets and alleys, entering into the lives of ordinary people, greeting them and asking them about their situation.

Although every time he goes out, he brings a group of company security guards with him.

Although he is not ruled out as a showman and a conceited persona, he himself is still much taller than the current mayor, Lucius Lane, and the deputy mayor, Wilton Holt, who covets the mayor’s position. cut.

At least for now.

Su Xiao couldn’t think of a more suitable candidate than Jofferson.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

“Has the form been filled out?”

Lidya Su raised her head.

But he saw the receptionist who was too lazy to maintain a professional smile and had a frosty face standing in front of him.

Behind her were several guards armed with weapons.

“Can you wait a little longer?”

“I don’t think so, sir. I’m afraid I have to ask you two to stay in the Sequoia Mental Hospital now.” The front desk showed a charming smile, “Please believe that we have a professional team and we guarantee to provide you with the necessary services.” Best therapy service.”

This is a lie!

The truth is, if you live in it, you won’t get out alive.

The front desk had long seen that there was something wrong with Lidya Su and Lucy.

Therefore, the guards in the security room outside and the police in the waiting hall were secretly

Wei called over.

Even if the two of them disagree, it’s useless.

The heavily armed guards behind the front desk were her greatest source of confidence.

Lidya Su said nothing, just turned to look at Lucy.

Lucy gave him a “all the monitors have been hacked” look.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode