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Start in Night City — Chapter 56

Elizabeth’s hand holding the phone shook, and her face was expressionless: “Keep talking, I’m listening.”

“Although your husband’s current votes are higher than Mayor Lane’s, and the public’s support for your husband is also very high, before the final results are announced, no matter how big the advantage is, we cannot take it lightly. Such a simple truth, I don’t need to tell you. You.”

“I have something in hand that can help you expand your advantage, further widen the gap with Mayor Lane, and make the people more supportive of you.”


“Sorry, I can only let Mr. Jofferson see these things in person.”

Elizabeth was born into better circumstances.

His sympathy for the lower class of society is not as strong as that of Jofferson.

Compared to Jofferson, an idealist who came from a grassroots background and really wanted to do something practical for the bottom class of society.

Elizabeth was just using this as a gimmick to win votes.

She doesn’t really care about the interests of the lower class of society.

Su Xiao was worried that after taking advantage of the patients in Sequoia Mental Hospital, she would turn her back on them and burn bridges.

Elizabeth hesitated.

Her private phone number is not known to just anyone.

Since the other party can get his phone number.

I don’t think I would lie on purpose or out of boredom.

“Wait me a moment.”

It didn’t take long for another newsletter to be added.

“I am Jefferson Peralez, and I heard from Elizabeth that you have something that you want to give to me.”

“Yes, Mr. Jofferson, well, I know you have a lot of things to do, so I won’t say any more nonsense. You can see for yourself.”

After speaking, Su Xiao turned on the video synchronization function of the holographic phone.

Let both Jofferson and Elizabeth see what they saw.

When calling Regina to ask for Jofferson’s number, Su Xiao had already rushed to the ward area.

At this moment, he was already standing in the ward area.

He showed the ward like an ant nest to the two of them.

Let them see clearly that under the dedicated treatment of Sequoia Mental Hospital…

The patients here are not only physically and mentally healthy, but at least they can be said to be terminally ill.

Especially the crimes recorded in the terminals of the attending doctors and the hospital management made Jofferson furious.

“How do they

Can you do such a thing? ! “

Jofferson punched the table hard.

It is really unimaginable that the problems at Sequoia Mental Hospital are so serious.

“Anger can’t solve any problems. As an elite, you need reason more at this moment instead of getting carried away with anger.”

“You…you are right, but I need some time to gather my team to discuss.”

“No matter what you plan to do, you need to send some people here first. I have cleaned up all the staff here at Sequoia Mental Hospital. The patients here need your help.”

Jofferson chuckled.

Only then did he notice that Su Xiao was not a staff member of the hospital, nor was he wearing the uniform of Sequoia Mental Hospital.

Moreover, the Sequoia Mental Hospital dares to conduct experiments on patients. It is definitely impossible to allow outsiders to come and go at will.

But Su Xiao can not only come and go freely in the ward area, but can even enter the attending doctor’s office, call up the records in the terminal, and view them at will.

During this time, no guard came to stop him.

Jofferson was not a fool and soon understood the reason.

“I’ll send someone over right now… No, wait, I’ll just go and do it myself. Elizabeth, help me prepare.”

Jofferson turned his head and finished speaking to his wife, who had been standing next to him, before turning his head again and looking at the camera.

“Speaking of which, I haven’t said thank you to you yet. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have known that Night City’s health and medical center would have such a serious problem. You are a mercenary, right? I don’t know what your name is?”

Lidya Su smiled: “Next time, if there is a chance to cooperate again, I will tell you my name.”

“Hello, friends from Night City! As always, I care about your business!”

“In today’s program, we are going to take a closer look at biotechnology and analyze this company in detail.”

“Some friends may not know this company. Simply put, it is a company specializing in genetic engineering and biotechnology, pharmaceutical and microbial research.”

“It is in the laboratories of biotechnology that the world’s top experts have used breakthrough discoveries to pull the world back from the brink of energy crisis.”

“What was the discovery? CHOOH2, synthetic alcohol made from genetically modified wheat.”

“This patent establishes the company as an important player in the market.”

“To this day, Biotech still has exclusive rights to this product, giving it complete control over the energy market.”

“Another important business area of ​​the company is food production, and large companies like Whole Foods also rely on the protection of biotechnology.”

“But, those are all things of the past.”

“Just yesterday, Mr. Jefferson Peralez secretly entered Sequoia Mental Hospital incognito and discovered the shocking and cruel truth inside.”

“Sequoia Mental Hospital is actually colluding with the biotechnology company. They actually use biotechnology’s experimental drugs on patients!”

“As soon as this news was released, the whole city was shocked, and the stock price of biotechnology plummeted by 10 percentage points.”

“According to stock market analysts, this downward trend is likely to continue.”

“As for my suggestion, throw it! Throw it with your life.”

“The faster you sell, the more you stop, the slower you sell, the less you stop.”

“Of course, you can also choose not to sell, or you can do the opposite while everyone is selling and take advantage of the opportunity to buy, buy, buy.”

“If biotechnology can restore its reputation and regain investors’ confidence in the future, then the company’s stock price will soar again soon.”

“This is the most exciting news today, Night City, see you on the next show!”

Jack turned off the car radio.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising.

“Ten percent, and I don’t trade stocks, but it sounds like biotech is in trouble.”

“Based on what they did at Sequoia Mental Hospital, even if it dropped by a few dozen percentage points, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration.”

Although he was not present at the scene, Su Xiao could imagine it.

What a chaotic scene it would be in the “Biotech” building located in Company Plaza.

Moreover, it is easy to go down, but it is difficult to go up.

However, that has nothing to do with Su Xiao and others sitting in the car.

They are here for another reason.

Two days ago, they escorted a frightened Bryce out of the Sequoia Mental Hospital.

Along the way, Bryce was in a trance and lost his mind.

They deliver Bryce to the Watson District and hand him over to Regina’s men.

The latter promised to make Bryce better.

Then after a tiring day, several people parted ways and went back to their homes.

However, I originally thought that this matter would end here and just turn the page.

What Su Xiao didn’t expect was that two days later, during the day, Bryce came to the door accompanied by Regina.

He tremblingly asked Su Xiao and others to do one last thing for him.

He is willing to pay all his savings to Lidya Su and the others.

Just help him kill one person.

That person was the culprit who tortured and killed his children and sent him to Sequoia Mental Hospital.

That is Daxiang Yiyi who lives in North Oak District.

Chapter 60 Look, this is called

Do It Professional (4K)

North Oak is different from anywhere else.

This is the new area of ​​Night City, an exclusive residential area for the rich.

Here, there are no poor people or gangs.

However, the situation in North Oak fifty years ago was not like this.

Fifty years ago, there was nothing in Northern Oak except the dry hills on the northeastern border of Night City.

In the 2023 incident, the city center was attacked by a tactical nuclear bomb. Within 25 years, North Oak once became a temporary refugee camp and a gathering place for slums.

This situation lasted until the early 1950s.

The city hall, which was backed by giant corporations, decided to use force to clear the area.

The company’s public relations team, and the media controlled by the company, claimed that this was a “war on crime.”

And the action became synonymous with corporate brutality and bigotry.

Eventually, the company’s security forces pacified the North Oak ghetto and razed it to the ground.

A few years later, North Oak became an area of ​​Night City where every inch of land was at a premium.

Initially, many wealthy people were reluctant to buy the squalid land where homeless people once lived.

However, after years of continuous operation between the public relations team and the media, the entire incident was eventually downplayed and quelled.

Today, these events are almost completely forgotten.

Today, North Oak is home to an elite group of high-flying corporate CEOs, hedge fund managers and investment bankers.

It is also home to various entertainment figures – Mewtwo Experience producers, celebrities and musicians.

Outsiders are not welcome here and private security is tight.

The scenery here is also spectacular, and the entire area is made up of large estates.

Some of these estates also have their own microbiomes, and artificial landscaping.

Arasaka’s mansion and Kerry Orodine’s villa are both located in North Oak.

Because here, no one cares whether you are a business owner or a rebellious rocker.

The most important thing is how much money and reputation you have.

Of course, it goes without saying that this is also the place where every citizen of Night City dreams of living every night.

A Delamain taxi drove into North Oak.

The surveillance along the way has been hacked into friendly mode.

Soon, the taxi stopped on a side road.

About a few hundred meters ahead, you can see a manor.

The manor was brightly lit and bright.

The security guards hired by the owner of the manor from Arasaka are faithfully performing their duties.

Large companies such as Arasaka and Military Technology, in addition to selling arms, also provide security services.

Many customers particularly favor Arasaka’s security services.

“You idiot, you are really rich. You usually plunder people’s wealth and wealth.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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