Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 57

Jack, sitting in the taxi, said angrily.

Su Xiao did not drive her own car in this mission.

Because the SUV he owns was given to him by McCoy when he left the Bakker family.

That car has an obvious Ranger modification style.

It doesn’t match the luxurious style of North Oak at all.

If you don’t want to attract attention, you’d better not bring that car in.

But Delamain Taxi is different, it is the top taxi in the city.

Even if you show up in North Oak, no one will think anything is wrong.

When Su Xiao rented a car, he ordered the best package for the four of them – that is, the excellence package.

This package will not only make Su Xiao and the others the most valued customers.

If something unexpected happens, they also have the right to use the combat mode of Delamain Taxi.

Lidya Su turned to look at Lucy sitting in the back.

“Has the automated alarm system been hacked?”

Lucy shook her head: “ICE is very thick, and remote hacking is not that easy.”

The full name of ICE is Invasion and Countermeasures Electronics.

It can be simply understood as a network security firewall.

If you want to invade a house and seize the authority of its security control system and automatic alarm system, you need to break into ICE before you can continue.

V looked at the surrounding environment: “Su, we can’t stay here for too long. The nights are long and there are many dreams. I don’t know what unexpected things will happen as time goes by.”

“I know,” Su Xiao nodded, “Lucy, since there is no way to turn off the automatic alarm system, then trigger it.”

Lucy was stunned: “What?”

V and Jack also looked confused.

“Don’t ask so many questions, just listen to me.”

Just like V said, time is very tight now and there is no room for wasting a minute.

Lucy gritted her teeth.

Finally decided to believe Lidya Su.

The automatic alarm system was actively triggered.

All of a sudden, the alarm bells sounded.

All the lights in the manor suddenly switched to red.

The guards patrolling the courtyard immediately became as if they were facing an enemy.

Not only that, NCPD vehicles, with their red and blue lights flashing, roared past the road in front of them.

He flew to the door of the manor and stopped.

The police officers got out of the car and wanted to enter the manor to check, but were blocked by Arasaka security hired by the manor owner.

They were far away and couldn’t hear what they were saying.

But what can be seen is that after some pulling, the police officers got back into the car and left quickly.

After the NCPD left, the guards in the manor conducted a careful search of the manor.

Of course nothing was found.

Thinking it was a false alarm, the guards restored the red warning lights in the manor to normal.

Patrol when it’s time to patrol, and stand guard when it’s time to patrol.

The surroundings returned to calm.

A few minutes later.

“That’s almost it. Let’s do it again.”

Lucy nodded upon hearing this.

The manor’s alarm sounded again.

NCPD arrived quickly again.

But the result this time is still the same as last time.

The NCPD was not even allowed to enter and was driven away again.

And after the guards checked again and found that there were no abnormalities in the manor, they resumed patrolling and standing guard.

“With the lessons learned from those two incidents, even if the automatic alarm system is triggered next time, the NCPD will not come so quickly. Come on, let’s solve this matter quickly.”

Several people got out of the car.

Each holds a silenced kinetic weapon.

Use the vegetation near the manor as cover and approach slowly.

Originally, in 2077 it was already rare to see animals and plants again.

Because it is already very rare.

But in order to show that North Oak District is a wealthy area, the wealthy people who live here spend a lot of money and plant a lot of green to show their worth.

Several people used the cover of vegetation to get close enough.

Su Xiao shouted “do it” in the team voice channel.

call out! call out! call out!

Three guards patrolling the courtyard were shot in the head and fell to the ground at the same time.

The two guards standing guard at the door seemed to hear the sound of the patrolling guard falling to the ground in the courtyard, and turned their heads in confusion.

Just when they were hesitating whether to open the door and go in to see the situation.

Two more bullets shot out of the darkness, breaking their necks.

The guards stationed at the gate of the manor and patrolling the courtyard were all eliminated in the blink of an eye.

Su Xiao and others rushed out from their hiding place.

Go straight to the manor.

Without Su Xiao’s order, Lucy and V began to hack the cameras in the manor one by one.

Take out the access token from the body of the fallen guard.

Open the manor gate.

Two women, V and Lucy, went in first.

The two grown men, Su Xiao and Jack, who were walking behind, dragged in the body of the guard at the door.

V closed the manor door again.

All cameras in the courtyard were hacked and changed to friendly mode.

Su Xiao turned on the scanning mode of the tactical eyepiece.

Confirm staffing and structure within the estate.

“Lucy, you and Jack go to the control room. V, you stay here in the courtyard while I go to the villa to deal with the target.”

Several people split up.

The second floor of the villa.

Ichijo Daishou took off Mewtwo’s ring.

Normally at this time, he would be immersed in the world of Black Mewtwo.

Appreciate your own work.

But for some reason, I suddenly felt uneasy today.

“Forget it, let’s go to Genting today to have some fun. “

He put down Mewtwo’s headband, stood up, and headed downstairs.

The two sumo wrestler bodyguards who were always by his side also followed behind him.

Just when the three of them were about to reach the stairs.

A sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from the stairs.

The two sumo wrestler bodyguards reacted quickly.

Pulling a big fly behind him, he used his strong body to block a big fly.

Then they saw a young man wearing a white trench coat walking up from the bottom of the stairs.

“You…who are you? How did you get in? Guard? Guard!”

Su Xiao put his hand on the handle of the knife, with a kind smile on his face: “No need to shout anymore, except for the two sumo wrestlers beside you, no one is breathing.”

Ichigo Daxiang’s pupils shrank sharply, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face.

The two sumo wrestler bodyguards were indeed the security provided by Arasaka. They looked at each other without any nonsense and launched an attack.

One of them quickly took off the “authentic” kinetic assault rifle from his back.

The bullet turned into a torrent of metal, screaming and pouring towards Su Xiao.

Su Xiao swooped to the side, kicked over the long table with the artwork, and hid behind it.

Suddenly, Su Xiao found a huge shadow covering herself.

When he looked up, he saw another sumo wrestler’s bodyguard leaping into the air above his head.

He held a horrifyingly huge mace high above his head with both hands.

The spikes on the mace reflected a horrifying light.

Su Xiao rolled on the spot.

The next second, the place where he had just been hiding was hit by a mace.

The long table fell apart in an instant, and sawdust flew everywhere.

Even the carefully decorated wooden floor had a big hole punched out.

Da da da–

Holding the “authentic” sumo wrestler’s bodyguard, he put on a new magazine and continued to fire at Su Xiao.

Su Xiao sometimes tossed and turned in the hail of bullets, and sometimes raised the power arm armor to block.

With his last foot on the wall, he jumped into the air to avoid the hail of bullets. At the same time, he took out a large-caliber revolver, aimed at the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard and fired five shots.

The latter quickly crossed his hands to cover his face.

The bullet ricocheted off the gorilla’s arm,

Return without success.

Just when he lowered his arms and prepared to fight back.

Su Xiao saw the right moment and fired the sixth bullet in the revolver.

The bullet cleverly avoided the mask on the face of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard and entered his right eye.

Bring out a bloody arrow.

But the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard just staggered back a few steps and then knelt on the ground on one knee.

That heavy body like a mountain did not fall.

Sumo wrestler-level guards are on the front line in the security provided by Arasaka.

Not only is it equipped with a power-enhancing prosthetic body called “Gorilla Arm”.

Military-grade prosthetics such as “subcutaneous armor”, “pain editor” and “biological monitoring” were also implanted.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode