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Start in Night City — Chapter 58

The life of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard was detected, like a candle in the wind.

“Biological monitoring” is automatically activated immediately and begins to repair the damage.

Su Xiao took off the “Achilles” technical precision rifle on her back.

A thin blue line flashed past, passing through the chest of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard who was kneeling on the ground.

There was even a big hole left in the metal wall behind him.

The remaining left eye of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard suddenly widened, and his tall body finally fell down with a heavy loud noise.

Even the ground shook.

Another sumo wrestler bodyguard wielding a mace came while Su Xiao was sniping.

The death of his colleague not only did not bring him any sadness, but was instead used by him as an opportunity to get closer to the enemy.

This is called professionalism.

“Go to hell!”

A sumo wrestler’s bodyguard cherishes words like gold.

The giant mace swept over with terrifying momentum.

Not to mention people, even the main battle tank would be deeply dented if hit head-on by this blow.

The distance is too close and the enemy is already in front of you.

Su Xiao had no time to dodge, so she had to pull out Murasame to block.


The long knife collided with the mace, creating dazzling sparks from the friction.

But it’s not over yet.

The sumo bodyguard’s feet spun like windmills, driving the giant mace to sweep again.

And the power and speed are superior to the first strike.


when! when! when!

Su Xiao blocked several sweeps from the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard.

He didn’t just stand there and block stupidly.

Instead, he cleverly used the timing of retreat and the angle of blocking.

Try to create more favorable defensive opportunities for yourself and reduce the energy consumed by blocking.

In addition to these skills, thanks to Arimurasame, power gauntlets, “Strong LV5”, and “Block LV5”.

Skills can only be developed under equal strength.

If the strength gap between the two sides is too big, they will be crushed to death like ants, and even if they master the skills, they will have nowhere to use them.

With the help of these techniques, even the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard is like a spinning top, constantly spinning and attacking.

Lidya Su also blocked them one by one.

Su Xiao didn’t believe that the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard could keep spinning like this.

And this is indeed the case.

After the eighth sweep, the sumo bodyguard seemed to be drunk and could no longer stand still, stumbling and revealing obvious flaws.

Su Xiao did not miss this opportunity and immediately turned from defense to offense.

The left arm holds “Achilles” in one hand.

An ordinary person would never be able to hold a technical precision rifle firmly with one hand.

But Su Xiao’s left and right arms were wearing powered arm armor.

One hand is not only stable, but as stable as an old dog.

He pressed it against the chest of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard and pulled the trigger.

PS: Recommend a book by an author.

“Six Steps to Conquer the Thriller Game”

Introduction: 1. “Oh, poor bugs, this is going to be a massacre.”

2. “He is but a powerless child in the face of our terror.”

3. “Despicable strangers find a chance for themselves in despicable ways.”

4. “Di Fengfeng topped the rankings.”

5. “Di Fengfeng landed at the core of the thriller game like lightning.”

6. “The great and strongest player Di Fengfeng topped his faithful thriller game today.”

7. “His Majesty Di Fengfeng decided to designate today as a rest day. This decision is extremely wise. The combination of work and rest allows players to have more energy to play in the thriller game, and it also makes it easier for our thriller game to investigate some of its own shortcomings. Filling in the gaps, and… (10,000 words omitted)”

Chapter 61: Without you, it is very important to me (4K)

The sumo wrestler’s bodyguard froze.

A large ball of blood exploded from the back.

His widened eyes quickly lost life.

But the “blood pump” implanted in the body began to work to maintain the lost life.

The sumo wrestler’s bodyguard had a stern look on his face.

Regardless of the injuries sustained on his body, he swung the giant mace again and smashed it down hard.

Su Xiao raised the “Achilles” in her left hand.

Technical precision rifles were smashed to pieces by giant falling maces.

Gun parts were flying everywhere.

Then, Su Xiao used the power gauntlet on her left arm to hold the mace tightly.

Makes a crunching sound.

The sumo wrestler’s bodyguard tried desperately to push the mace down.

Su Xiao grabbed the mace in her left hand and wrestled with it.

His right hand was on Murasame’s sword handle.

A cold light flashed.

The blade cut deeply into the right side of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard’s abdomen.

Then with surging blood, he slashed it out from the left side of the chest.

The upper body of the sumo wrestler’s bodyguard slowly moved sideways.

Then it slipped from the lower body.

It fell to the ground with a thud.

Blood flowed out and soaked a large area of ​​the floor red.

“Don’t…don’t come over”

Ichijo Daisho holds a “Yukimura” smart pistol in both hands.

His face was pale and his arms were shaking.

Only the cold touch of the pistol could give him a sense of peace of mind.

“Who are you trying to scare with a broken gun?”

Lidya Su was disdainful.

Bang bang bang——

Three bullets drew three trajectories in the air and shot at Su Xiao.

Su Xiao’s eyes narrowed and she waved Murasame.

Block two bullets, then duck to dodge the third.

Then, without waiting for Ichijo Daisho to shoot again, he kicked his right foot hard on the floor and crossed a distance of several meters to arrive in front of Ichijo Daisho.


Ichijo Dasho only felt a light touch on his hand.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that the area from the wrist up had disappeared.

And the missing severed hand, together with the smart pistol he was holding tightly, fell to the ground.

“I…my hand! Ahhh! My hand ahhhhhhhh!”

Ichijo Daxiang fell to the ground, then hugged his broken arm and howled and cried non-stop.

That posture is so ugly.

Once upon a time, Ichijo Daxiang saw countless low-level people and let out heart-rending wails.

But he never thought that he would be reduced to such a situation.

Perhaps it was because of the severe pain that tears burst from his eyes uncontrollably.

Then, Ichijo Dasho glared at Su Xiao who spilled the blood on Murasame onto the floor.

“Do you know who I am? How dare you do such a thing to me! I must kill you! I will definitely! I will never let you go!”

“Should I admire your courage? Or should I laugh at your stupidity?”

Su Xiao looked disdainful, not caring about Ichigo Daxiang’s angry expression at all: “You don’t think you have a chance to retaliate against me, do you?”

Lidya Su just finished speaking.

A red alarm sounded throughout the room, and even in the courtyard outside.

But it was the automatic alarm system of this manor that was automatically triggered when it detected that a large Xiang was harmed.

But soon, the red warning light only flashed a few times and then disappeared, returning to its original normal light.

You don’t need to think about it to know that Lucy must have controlled the monitoring room and cut off the automatic alarm system from the terminal in the monitoring room.

“If you are counting on the NCPD, then you can give up. They have come twice before and were driven back by your Arasaka security guards. Do you think they will come this time?”

Yiyi Daxiang’s lips trembled.

The road outside the manor was silent.

Apparently even the automatic alarm system just sent it to NCPD.

They just thought that this was another false alarm.

With the “experience” of being driven back twice before, they simply didn’t even come this time.

Su Xiao stepped forward and held down Ichida Xiang who was still trying to escape.

Without any explanation, he inserted a blocking chip into the nerve slot on the back of his head.

After the blocking chip was inserted, Ichijo Daxiang fell to the ground as if he had been hit by a restraining spell, unable to move.

Su Xiao spent a lot of money to get this thing from the priest.

Can be thought of as a combination of handcuffs and signal jammers.

As long as the blocking chip is inserted, the body will be blocked.

The brain can no longer give commands to the body and the body will become immobile.

At the same time, blocking the chip will also cut off the signal of the trauma card.

The so-called trauma card is something that all clients of the trauma team have. There is a transmitter in this thing, which will automatically send a distress signal to the trauma team when the client is dying.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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