Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 59

Su Xiao guessed that Ichijo Daxiang must be a member of the trauma team.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s the highest grade “Platinum” or the next-level “Gold”.

It can’t be the lowest level ordinary member.


Blocking chips is not a panacea either.

First of all, the blocking chip itself is divided into many models.

The latest models are the best and are also ridiculously expensive.

Secondly, if there is a spear, there will be a shield.

If the person whose blocking chip is inserted has high enough hacking skills, and a powerful enough hacker prosthetic body is implanted in his body.

It is also possible to counter block the chip.

Disable the blocking chip.

Of course Ichijo Daisho is not such a clever hacker.

After a blocking chip is inserted into the body, it becomes impossible to move, even if you just want to move a finger.

At the same time, it can also be clearly felt that the signals sent out by the biochip implanted inside the body keep reporting errors.

Realizing that he was really in a desperate situation, Ichijo Daxiang’s face finally turned extremely ugly.

“You…what do you want? What do you want? Money…money?”

Ichijo Daxiang swallowed hard, glanced at Su Xiao, who had no Poland, and continued bravely: “You are a mercenary, right? Mercenaries do this business for only one purpose, and that is for money.

, tell me, how much do you want to let me live. “

Su Xiao squatted down in front of Ichijo Daxiang.

Patted his face with the scabbard.

“You shouldn’t ask me this question, but you should ask yourself, how much do you think your life is worth?”

Ichijo Daxiang glanced at Su Xiao tentatively and reported a number: “Ten…one hundred thousand?”

“Then you’d better die.” Su Xiao’s face darkened, and he stood up, preparing to kill someone.

Ichijo Dasho quickly closed his eyes and begged for mercy.

“No… wait, I know! You… you make a price! Make a price! Whatever you say is the price! I will never counter-offer!”

Su Xiao put down the knife and put Murasame back into the scabbard.

“I don’t want the money in your bank account, not a penny, but I know that people like you must have prepared cash and gold bars that are difficult to trace. Tell me where they are and I will let you live.”

Su Xiao’s request exceeded Daxiang’s expectations.

It’s not that he can’t bear it, but if he hands over all the cash and gold bars, all the savings he’s worked hard for in the city hall for so many years and won the card will be in vain.

But Ichijo Daxiang’s expression changed drastically, and he finally gave in.

Only if you have money can you make money again. If your life is gone, you won’t even have the chance to make money.

“I…I know, but can you give me a shot first? I feel like I’m going to die.”

Lidya Su said nothing.

He took out a pneumatic syringe and inserted it into Ichigo Daxiang’s chest.

Push directly to the bottom.

Only then did Ichijo Daisho feel like he was alive.

The bleeding from the wound also began to decrease.

It doesn’t hurt as much anymore.

“In my bedroom, there is a Japanese samurai armor. If you gently turn the knob on the armor, the armor will automatically move away, and the safe is underneath.”

Su Xiao found the safe key from Yiyi Daxiang’s body.

Come to his bedroom.

This is a bedroom with a typical Japanese style.

But Lidya Su didn’t come to see the house.

His attention was focused on the Japanese armor in the corner.

Su Xiao walked over and turned the buttons on the armor.

The unique sound of hydraulic machinery sounded.

Large clouds of steam spurted out from the bottom of the armor.

The Japanese armor, together with the floor on which it stood, slowly moved sideways.

Revealing a safe hidden under the floor.

Holding the key found on Daxiang’s body.

Lidya Su opened the safe.

Contained inside were wads of cash and neatly stacked gold bars.

“What the hell is this guy doing at City Hall and how does he have so much money?”

What he didn’t know was that what was in the safe was actually almost all of Daxiang’s belongings.

There is not much money in the bank account.

After all, with only a salary from the city hall, how could he live in a mansion in North Oak District and hire Arasaka’s bodyguards to protect his safety.

Many incomes that cannot be discussed in detail on the table are cash and gold bars used to settle accounts.

Lidya Su looked around, and then pulled off the sheets.

Wrap the cash and gold bars in the safe in a sheet and take them away.

Daxiang, who was still lying outside, saw the sheets Su Xiao was carrying on his shoulders.

He could guess what was inside without thinking.

An expression of pain immediately appeared on his face.

My heart felt like being cut with a knife.

Su Xiao had previously given him a pneumatic syringe injection.

His broken arm stopped bleeding.

Now his heart was bleeding.

However, soon he won’t have to worry about money anymore.

Because he saw that Su Xiao, who had already taken all his belongings, did not leave.

Instead, he walked towards him.

“You, you, you… what do you want to do?!”

Ichijo Daxiang was shocked, angry and scared.

He wanted to escape.

But with the blocking chip inserted, he couldn’t move at all.

He could only watch as Lidya Su got closer and closer to him.

“Don’t come over!!!”

The shrill screams stopped abruptly when the blade pierced the head.

Daxiang’s eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of his head.

Looking at his dead body, Su Xiao pulled out Murasame and shook out the blood on the blade.

From the beginning, Su Xiao was not prepared to let go of Daxiang.

This guy works in the city hall and has more than 95% of the jobs of Night City citizens. He even tortured and killed Bryce’s son and recorded the murder scene as Black Mewtwo.

There are some corrupt and incompetent city hall officials, but Ichijo Daisho is even more perverted compared to them.

It is impossible to let him go.

He would do no good to Night City if he was alive, but at least he would be one less scumbag if he died.

Come out of the manor and drive out of North Oak and back to Haywood.

In the garage of the Wild Wolf Bar, Su Xiao first distributed the cash he received to the other three people.

The remaining gold bars are sold through middlemen.

And you won’t just find a middleman.

Su Xiao understands the principle of not putting eggs in one basket.

A few days later, Su Xiao received a large transfer from the middleman.

All those gold bars were sold.

The total is seven hundred thousand euros.


People gathered in a box in the next life, and Su Xiao transferred the 175,000 euros each of V, Lucy and Jack deserved to them.

“Get rich, get rich.”

Jack was overjoyed.

He has been living on the streets since he was a teenager.

Now he is thirty years old.

Life can’t be said to be about getting rich overnight, or at least it can be said that there is no improvement at all.

But ever since I met Lidya Su, it seemed like something happened.

The orders came one after another, and the wallet gradually became bulging.

V and Lucy were happy too.

And as soon as they get the money, they pay it back.

But Su Xiao only charged them five thousand euros.

Facing the confusion of the two women, Su Xiao smiled slightly.

“I don’t want your interest, so why are you so anxious to pay me back in advance? Keep it, you need the money more than me.”

For Su Xiao, these hundreds of thousands of euros were nothing more than a few days of helping the priest make technical weapons.

There is no shortage of money at all.

But for V and Lucy, it’s different.

With these hundreds of thousands, they have more uses.

They need it more than themselves.

Hearing Lidya Su say this, both women felt warm in their hearts.

“Su, where should we go for fun later? Lizzy? Or Genting? Or just stay here and get drunk?”

Jack turned on the smart appliance above his head and started browsing eagerly.

The biggest difference between the wine in Afterlife and other bars is that there are many wines named after legendary mercenaries.

That is to say, it is more powerful than formal.

“You guys drink slowly. I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first. The money is mine. I’ll go say hello to Claire later.”

Su Xiao waved to them and walked out of the box.

Go to the bar, point to the box where Jack and the others are, and tell Claire that all the consumption in that box will be charged to his own account.

And transfer 10,000 euros to Claire.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode