Switch Mode

Start in Night City — Chapter 6

The body fell heavily to the ground.

He turned over.

Another sniper round hit the spot where he was lying just now.

He kicked the door shut, dragged down the wardrobe next to the wall, and blocked the door behind it.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets kept hitting the wall, but Su Xiao calmed down.

The enemy sniper loses his vision and is shooting blindly.

As long as you are not lucky to a certain extent, you will most likely not be hit.

He calmed down, observed the indoor environment, and then locked his gaze under the table where Charlie usually worked.

He pushed the table away and stepped hard. Sure enough, he could hear that the sound of this floor was different from other floors.

Pull back the blanket covering the floor to reveal the cover underneath.

There’s just a lock hanging on it.

McCoy didn’t tell him that the tunnel entrance was locked.

It was too late to find the key.

Su Xiao cut the lock directly with a knife.

Open the lid and jump into the tunnel.

This camp used to be a “biotechnology” factory. After it was abandoned, it became the camp of the Bakker family.

When Serita was the head of the family, she specially sent people to dig a tunnel leading to the outside in case of emergency.

When Su Xiao came out of the tunnel, she was already outside the camp.

In the camp behind them, the gunfire continued without stopping.

But it is much smaller than before.

He looked at the vast, free wilderness, and then back at the camp.

Didn’t leave.

Instead, run towards the location of the enemy sniper.

Next to it, a warning turret was set up to protect itself.

This type of automatic interception warning turret, as its name implies, has the function of attacking the enemy on its own without the need for human control.

The Mk.31 heavy machine gun produced by Military Technology is amazingly powerful.

The flaw is that it is so huge that it is impractical to carry without special prosthetic modifications.

And in a combat situation, it is very difficult to reload by one person, so it can only provide a wave of explosive output.

But the original design intention of this heavy machine gun was to fix heavy firepower.

No one in military technology had ever considered that someone would be able or willing to move around with this huge gun.

They are often used as fixed sentry posts, or are more useful when mounted on vehicles.

A security turret is placed next to a sniper, which is enough to resist the attack of a small team.

If it had been anyone else, there might have been nothing that could be done.

But McCoy told Lidya Su, right

How to pay for security turrets.

There is an infrared electronic eye on the security turret, which is its “eye”.

Under normal operating conditions, the warning turret will turn around like an electric fan in a food stall.

And when the muzzle of the security turret is pointed in a certain direction, it cannot “see” other directions.

Therefore, what Su Xiao has to do is actually very simple.

He quietly approached and was out of range of the warning turret.

When the muzzle of the security turret turned to another direction, he immediately charged forward and ran wildly.

The lying sniper heard a noise behind him.

His reaction was not slow.

He quickly turned around, raised his sniper rifle, and aimed a shot at Su Xiao.


When the sniper rifle was aimed at him, Su Xiao’s figure flashed to the side.

A large-caliber sniper bullet was fired from where he just stood.

The sniper did not miss the hit.

Instead, he threw down his sniper rifle, a tactical dagger in one hand, and a technical pistol in the other.

Su Xiao stepped on the sniper’s left hand holding the technical pistol, swung the samurai sword down, and cut off his right hand holding the tactical dagger.

When the opponent screamed, he moved his right foot, pulled the opponent up from the ground, and used it as a shield to block his back.

At this moment, the muzzle of the security turret finally turned back.

But Su Xiao used the howling sniper as a human shield in front of him, allowing the electronic eyes of the security turret to identify friendly units and unable to fire.

Su Xiao picked up the technical pistol, pointed it at the sniper’s head first, and pulled the trigger.

After the gunfire, the wailing stopped.

Then throw the sniper’s body towards the security turret.

Almost at the same time, he threw himself under the security turret.

Insert the cracker into the slot.

One of the Rangers’ jobs is to deal with the company’s armed convoys.

But not everyone who wanders is a hacker.

Therefore, crackers come in handy.

The company’s armored SUVs and security turrets can all be hacked.

Of course, the premise is that the cracker must be inserted into the slot.

Instead of being able to hack remotely like a hacker.

Su Xiao glanced at the display screen on the cracker, which showed that the cracking progress was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Now that the security turret has been turned off, wait until the crack progress bar runs out.

You can reset it.

After confirming, Su Xiao felt relieved and picked up the sniper rifle that the sniper had dropped earlier.

A row of data is displayed.


Name: SPT32 Ice Storm

Type: Kinetic sniper rifle

Damage: 1705-2084

Attack interval (rate of fire): 0.28 times/second

Durability: 70/100

Manufacturer: Hi-Tech Military Industry

Note: Around the turn of the 21st century, the arms industry faced severe challenges. Many popular sniper rifles are increasingly less effective against targets equipped with a large number of prosthetics. A bullet that could kill an ordinary person can now leave only a dent. A new generation of sniper rifles is about to come out. The SPT32 Ice Storm manufactured by the Russian Federation is the first generation product of this new wave. Many people think it is the most powerful sniper rifle on the market. Although it has less attention to detail than similar products from Arasaka or Military Technology, in the hands of well-trained sharpshooters who don’t have to rely on weapons to assist wind judgment, Ice Storm can exert terrifying power. No wall can prevent it from hitting its target.


After the inspection, Su Xiao set up the gun and aimed it in the direction of the camp.


An enemy who was fighting a gunfight with a homeless man in the camp had his head exploded.


The enemy hiding behind the tent had his chest exploded and his body fell softly.


When the third enemy’s neck was broken by a sniper bullet fired from behind…

The enemies who invaded the camp finally realized something was wrong.

They hurriedly found bunkers to hide.

“There are snipers!”

“The position behind us!”

“Damn, that’s our direction!”

“Our snipers must have been killed!”

An enemy placed his hat on the barrel of his gun and slowly stretched out of cover.

Trying to attract Lidya Su’s attention in this way.

Lidya Su satisfied him.

A sniper round penetrated the bunker where he was hiding and pierced his thigh.

The blood flowed like a gush and howled like a pig.

In the face of the powerful Ice Storm sniper rifle, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to use a box or an iron barrel to resist the bullets of a kinetic sniper rifle.

“We can’t go on like this. We are just like targets here.”

“Leave a few people behind and continue to suppress the camp. The others are divided into two teams, outflank the left and right, and kill the sniper.”

The sudden gunshot also attracted the attention of the homeless people in the camp who were still fighting hard.

“Is it McCoy and the others?”

“It doesn’t look like much.”

“What are they going to do? Retreat?”

“Don’t worry about what they’re going to do, stop them.”

The Rangers tried to prevent the enemy from leaving, but were forced back behind cover by fire from those who remained.

“Damn, their firepower is too strong.”

The Rangers, who were suppressed and could only huddle behind the bunker, did not dare to raise their heads, so they could only extend their guns out of the bunker and shoot blindly in the general direction of the enemy.

“Want to outflank me?”

Seeing the enemies in the camp leaving the camp regardless, splitting into two teams and running quickly from both sides, Su Xiao couldn’t figure out the other party’s intentions.

It’s a pity that Su Xiao can naturally think of what they can think of.

He expected that firing would reveal his position and attract enemies.

Therefore, when he saw the enemy approaching his position, Su Xiao did not leave his position or try to escape.

Instead, I took a look at the cracker first.

It was found that the crack has been completed.

Su Xiao reset the security turret.

After setting up, continue to use the Ice Storm sniper rifle and fire fiercely at the group of enemies coming from the left.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode