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Start in Night City — Chapter 61

I also vomited heavily.

If it hadn’t been for Lidya Su’s call, Rebecca would have been ready to lie dead in bed all day.

After receiving Lidya Su’s call, Rebecca immediately jumped out of bed.

I brushed my teeth three times and took two baths.

I was afraid that the residual smell of alcohol from last night would leave a bad impression on Lidya Su.

Then she came directly on the sky rail.

When Su Xiao asked her to come out, she also asked her to contact Mann.

Because Su Xiao also prepared a gift for Mann.

But Mann never showed up.

Rebecca came out in too much of a hurry.

I didn’t buy a burger, pancakes, fruit, or anything else.

She is very young.

It’s still the time to grow your body.

Don’t say you haven’t eaten yet.

Even after eating, I get hungry quickly.

At this moment, I could smell the aroma of food faintly wafting in the air.

It made her unable to sit still.

But she glanced at Lidya Su sitting next to her.

Somewhat embarrassed to leave.

However, Lidya Su took the initiative to stand up.

“I’m a little hungry. Do you want something to eat? Can I buy you one too?”

“Yes, yes.” Rebecca suddenly beamed and nodded hurriedly.

Su Xiao asked Rebecca to sit on the bench without moving.

He walked toward the food trucks in the park.

I glanced at the menu on the dining car, which was displayed in both Chinese and English.

There is only pasta on it, no burgers, chicken wings or anything like that.

“I want two bowls of curry tempura udon,” Su Xiao added, thinking that Rebecca might not be able to use chopsticks, “Can you give me a pair of forks and a pair of chopsticks?”

The boss bowed skillfully: “Private Marseille, no forks, only chopsticks, do you want any more?”

Lidya Su looked around.

In this huge Concord Park, there is only this one mobile food truck.

In the northern part of Heywood’s valley area, Su Xiao has not been here often and is not very familiar with it.

If you don’t buy it here, you don’t know how far you have to go to find another breakfast shop.

“Okay, then chopsticks will be chopsticks.”

Carrying two steaming bowls of curry tempura udon noodles, Su Xiao returned to Rebecca.

“Only noodles, nothing else. Can you use chopsticks?”

Rebecca could smell the aroma from afar and couldn’t sit still.

When she heard Lidya Su ask her if she knew how to use chopsticks, her face suddenly stiffened: “I guess I can.”

“What do you mean tentatively? If it doesn’t work, I’ll go somewhere further to see if there are any burgers.”

“No, don’t bother.”

Rebecca felt uncomfortable.

Su Xiao not only helped her get a smart pistol, a technical pistol, but also a third-generation prosthetic body.

These things are all brand new, not ripped from the dead.

Moreover, Lidya Su is willing to let her pay back the money in twenty-four installments.

The kind that doesn’t require interest.

Now Lidya Su went to help her buy food.

How could she be so embarrassed to ask Lidya Su to go all the way to buy hamburgers for her?

“Okay, then you try it first, and if it doesn’t work, then talk about it. Be careful, it’s a bit hot.”

Lidya Su carefully handed one of the bowls of noodles to Rebecca.

“The one above that is fried to a golden color is called tempura. It is wrapped with shrimps. Can you eat seafood? If you are not allergic, you can eat it directly. There are no spines or bones.”

After introducing it to Rebecca, Lidya Su started to eat it herself.

He was starving too.

Early this morning, I went to the next life.

Give it to Jack and the others, and they’ll come over in one cent.

There was nothing in the stomach either.

But Su Xiao didn’t eat tempura.

Instead, he took a sip of soup first.

Feel the rich soup and the aroma of curry filling your mouth.

Then he picked up a large handful of udon noodles and put them into his mouth in large gulps.

Although it’s just noodles bought from a mobile food truck, the boss’s craftsmanship is surprisingly good.

Su Xiao estimated that even if he opened a store in Japan Street, there would still be customers willing to queue up.


Hearing screams coming from beside him.

Lidya Su turned around subconsciously.

But I saw a fried golden tempura prawn falling to the ground.

Rebecca, holding the chopsticks in an awkward posture, lowered her head.

He didn’t dare to meet Lidya Su’s eyes.

After a while, he carefully looked at Lidya Su’s face from bottom to top.

It seemed that Lidya Su was afraid that Lidya Su would get angry over this.

“As expected, you still can’t use chopsticks?”

“No, I…I can use it.”

Rebecca refused Su Xiao to help her.

Instead, he looked at Su Xiao’s posture with chopsticks and imitated it like a cat or a tiger.

See Rebecca looking like a good girl trying to improve herself.

Lidya Su said nothing more.

Just slow down your eating action.

So that Rebecca could see more clearly.

As the noodles are flipped, the heat rises.

Su Xiao looked at the skyscrapers surrounding the park and fell into thinking.

Now they are qualified to enter the “afterlife”.

We also maintain a good cooperative relationship with three top middlemen in Night City.

It can be regarded as a firm foothold in Night City.

But it’s not time to sit back and relax just yet.

The best they can do now is that they are well-known in Watson District, Japan Street and Heywood.

There is still a certain distance before the fame spreads to other districts and people in the entire Night City are talking about their names.

As for becoming a legend, that is still quite a journey.

Moreover, even the legendary mercenaries of the year, Morgan Blackhand and Andrew Weiland, were nothing more than ants in the eyes of the company.

Only magic can defeat magic.

The only thing that can defeat a company is a company.

However, although the goal is far away, Su Xiao is full of confidence.

He didn’t want to succeed in one fell swoop.

We had already made plans for a long-term war of resistance.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

If you don’t accumulate steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles;

If you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to form a river or a sea.

Now they may be just a spark.

But it will definitely become a prairie fire in the future.


“Do you hate seafood and fried food?”

Su Xiao, whose dream was interrupted by Loli’s lovely scream, looked helplessly at the tempura that fell to the ground again.

It is said that everything can be tempura.

But not everyone likes tempura.

Just like durian although it is called water

The king of fruits, but many people hate the taste of durian.

“No, I don’t hate it. It’s just that I doubt that the prawns in this tempura are still alive, so they escaped from my mouth…twice.”

Lidya Su: “…”

A bowl of curry tempura udon only had two tempura prawns in total.

All the tempura prawns in Rebecca’s bowl fell to the ground.

I didn’t get a single bite myself.

Lidya Su sighed.

“Let me use the chopsticks.”

He took the chopsticks from Rebecca’s hand.

He picked up the tempura prawns in his bowl – he had originally prepared this and saved it until after finishing the noodles, and enjoyed it slowly with the soup and curry.

First dip it in the soup and curry, and then put it into Rebecca’s mouth simply and roughly.

Rebecca was stunned at first.

Then he chewed it subconsciously.

Seeing Rebecca closing her eyes and enjoying the delicious food in her mouth, for some reason, Su Xiao suddenly felt like she was feeding a baby bird that was just born and didn’t even know how to eat. .

“Now you know that the prawns in this tempura are not raw, right?”

Rebecca nodded, opening her mouth like a baby bird: “I want more.”

“That’s not possible, I still have to eat.” Seeing Rebecca’s disappointed expression, Su Xiao felt soft in her heart, “If you haven’t eaten enough, I will take you to Japan Street after I finish dealing with Mann’s matter. , let you have a good time eating tempura.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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