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Start in Night City — Chapter 62

Rebecca nodded excitedly: “Okay!”

At this time, a majestic voice came from the side: “Sorry, I’m late.”

Chapter 63 Mann: I have never heard such a request in my life (4K)

A patio somewhere in the Haywood Valley area.

The traffic on the road outside has become insignificant after being diluted by the walls and houses.

“What are we doing here?”

Mann didn’t know why.

From Rebecca, he only knew that Lidya Su wanted to see him.

But don’t know why.

“You’ll know later, please let me show off for now,” Su Xiao spread her legs, stood on the spot, and waved to Mann, “Now, attack me with all your strength.”

“Why?” Mann was confused.

“Stop asking so many questions, just hit me.”

Mann took a look at Su Xiao’s thin body and compared it with his arms and thighs, which were as strong as a calf.

If it had been anyone else, Mann might have punched him.

But after all, Su Xiao has worked together before.

In addition, in the “afterlife”, he almost caused a disaster.

It was only because of his prevention that further tragedy was avoided.

Due to both emotion and reason, Mann was unwilling to take action.

Of course, another reason is that he is afraid that he will strike too hard.

Lidya Su couldn’t bear it.

Seeing that Mann was unwilling to take action no matter what, Su Xiao resorted to aggressive tactics.

“You’re a grown man. What’s wrong with my mother-in-law? If I ask you to hit me, just do it. If it’s really bad, I won’t need you to pay for medical expenses. What are you afraid of?”

“Okay! OK! This is what you asked for! Don’t blame me, Su!”

Mann clenched his mechanical prosthesis, raised his fist, and hit Su Xiao on the shoulder.

He only used 50% of the force of this punch, and it hit Su Xiao’s shoulder.

Even if Lidya Su can’t avoid it, he won’t be hurt too seriously.

However, before Mann’s fist hit, Su Xiao took a step to the side and avoided his punch.

“Soft, haven’t you eaten? Come again!”

Mann was stunned.

The right fist he wielded subconsciously turned into a whip and swept forward.

And there is no retention.


After the punch was thrown, Mann realized something was wrong.

But it was too late to pull back.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiao leaned over and easily avoided the blow of the fist.

Got dodged twice in a row.

Mann’s expression became serious.

No more mercy.

But even so.

But he still couldn’t hit Lidya Su.

The two sides fought for a while… To be precise, Mann attacked, Su Xiao defended, and Su Xiao announced the end.

“Okay, we’re almost here.” Su Xiao looked at Mann who was panting and said, “Do you know why your fist can’t hit me?”

Mann hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: “You hid too quickly.”

Su Xiao shook her hand and tapped her fingers on Mann’s mechanical prosthesis.

“Not only is this the reason, there is another reason, and it lies within yourself.”

“Because your mechanical prosthesis does not fit you well, you may have felt it yourself. When you punch, there is always a delay of nearly tenths of a second.”

“In these few tenths of a second, if you are dealing with ordinary people, it may not be obvious, but if you are facing a melee master, it will expose a fatal flaw.”

Rebecca had talked about it before when she was still in the afterlife.

The pair of mechanical prosthetics that Mann obtained from the leader of the Animal Gang are actually not easy to use.

Not long after replacing it, problems and malfunctions occurred.

Frequently stuck.

The reason why I am reluctant to change it is because even if it is like this, this is still the best prosthetic body that Mann has.

So, when I asked Rebecca out today.

Su Xiaocai specifically asked Mann to come too.

Mann is not

Like something better?

Then Su Xiao showed it to him.

His own powered gauntlets were better than his pair of mechanical prosthetics that frequently had problems.

And Mann was really moved.

“How much does it cost?”

Lidya Su stretched out a few fingers.

“So expensive?”

Mann felt the fire rising in his heart just now.

It was like being poured a basin of cold water on it, and it was quickly extinguished.

This price greatly exceeded his psychological expectations.

Although he can also guess that the price of the power arm armor cannot be low.

But after he confirmed the price.

Still couldn’t help but retreat in my heart.

Seeing his troubled expression, Lidya Su patted him on the shoulder.

“You don’t need to pay the full amount, you can pay me back slowly in 24 installments, and you don’t need to pay any interest. Moreover, if you really can’t pay it in any month, it doesn’t matter, just pay it to me in the next month.”

If it were anyone else, Lidya Su would not dare to be so generous.

But Mann is different.

From Mann, he could feel the same reliability as Jack.

That’s why he agreed to let Mann pay on credit.

I also believe that Mann will never run away.

Seeing that Su Xiao allowed him to repay the loan in installments, Mann finally agreed with gratitude.

He decided that after he returned, he would find a reliable prosthetist to perform a replantation surgery to reattach his original hand.

Then he put on Su Xiao’s power arm armor.

However, the only flaw of this power arm armor is that it does not have the built-in projectile launching system that Mann likes.

After all, there are gains and losses.

Compared to mechanical prosthetics that break down all day long, this pair of powered arm armors is definitely better.

With this in mind, Mann took the opportunity to order two pairs.

Except his own.

I also want to give Dolio, who was once a member of the Animal Gang, a pair.

So, over the next three weeks.

Su Xiaodu stayed in the weapons modification room in his apartment in the Valley area, doing manufacturing in seclusion.

It took three weeks to finally produce three pairs of power gauntlets.

Except for the double pairs that Mann and Dorio want.

The remaining pair was prepared by Su Xiao for Jack.

Originally, Su Xiao wanted to help V and Lucy make a pair each.

But after Su Xiao asked them what she thought, both women expressed their dislike.

Therefore, Su Xiao only made these three pairs.

Call Rebecca and ask her to come out and give her the power gauntlets that Mann and Dorio want.

Lidya Su returned to her apartment.

I took a nice hot bath.

Then he fell asleep.

I slept all day and all night.

Wait until he gets up from bed and takes a look at the time.

It was only around four in the morning.

It’s still dark outside.

Lidya Su lay on the bed for a while again.

I want to sleep until dawn and then get up again.

But I only slept for one day and one night.

Very full of energy.

I can’t fall asleep no matter what.

Just at this moment, a phone call came in.


The name displayed on the tactical eyepiece is Jack.

“Hey Sue, are you up? The sun is shining on your butt.”

“It’s about four o’clock in the morning, and the sun is shining brightly. It’s dim and bright outside, and the street lights haven’t even gone out yet.”

Jack chuckled: “Come down quickly, I’m already downstairs at your house.”

“Why are you waiting downstairs? Didn’t I give you exclusive permission as a resident? Why don’t you just come up?”

“Isn’t this about privacy? What if I catch you rubbing a tactical nuclear bomb in your hands and you want to kill me to silence me?” It can be seen that Jack is in a good mood, “Anyway, come down quickly, I I’ll take you to see Lao Wei.”

“Lao Wei?”

Lidya Su only felt that this name was familiar, but also a little strange.

I can’t remember it all at once.

It seems like I have heard it somewhere before.

“Fuck! I’ve told you several times before, the best prosthetic doctor in Watson District. I should have taken you there a long time ago, but I’ve been busy during this period, so I always forget.”

“Okay, okay, wait until I brush my teeth, wash my face, and then put on some clothes.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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