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Start in Night City — Chapter 63

“Then do it faster, faster.”

Before dawn.

The road leading to the municipal center was already very congested.

The people driving the cars are all part-time workers from the company.

Among the major giant companies in Night City, except for the “biotechnology” company, they are given six days of paid vacation a year…

Other super companies are open all year round.

And the working hours every week are super long.

I have to go to work before dawn.

You can only go home from get off work and rest after twelve o’clock in the evening.

Jack originally wanted to go directly from the Civic Center to Watson District, which was the closest.

As we all know, the shortest line segment between two points.

But look at the traffic jam on this road.

I don’t know how long the queue was in front of me.

Simply turn the steering wheel.

Watson District is bordered by both the Civic Center and Westbrook.

Since the Civic Center side is too congested, we might as well go around there.

Anyway, the fuel cost in the New Year City in 2077 will be cheaper than 55 years ago, so it won’t cost much more to go around.


It is the most economically prosperous area in Night City, and the wealth created by other urban areas will be consumed here.

The North Oak District, where there are many celebrities talking and laughing, and no white people coming and going, is also in this city.

But North Oak is not something you can just go to if you want to.

If you were not a wealthy person living there, or if you were invited, there was a high chance that you would be shot as an intruder just by showing up in North Oak.

——That’s why the last time Su Xiao and the others took action, they took a Delama taxi instead of using their own homeless-style SUV.

There used to be some homeless people who sneaked into North Oak to pick up trash.

You can often find a lot of good things in the trash can.

After tasting the sweetness, they were reluctant to leave.

Will build a nest under a nearby viaduct.

The smart ones among them know how to stop when they are good and won’t stay too long.

Others are not so lucky.

They think the trash cans here are like gold mountains, filled with all kinds of good stuff, but other homeless people in the city are too stupid to notice this.

Therefore, they were reluctant to leave.

The result is that these homeless people who remain will soon evaporate and disappear without a trace.

Huge billboards on the streets of Japan, as well as holographic advertising projections everywhere, quickly recede from the window.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Su Xiao asked curiously: “Why do you have to go to Lao Wei’s place so early? He doesn’t open during the day and only opens the shop at night?”

“No, I just… Hehe, to be honest, I couldn’t sleep and wanted to secretly get a bottle of wine, but my mother threw me out. No, I had nowhere to go, so I had to come to you.” Jack. One hand was holding the steering wheel, and the other hand touched the back of his head in embarrassment.


“Su, what’s that expression on your face? OK, OK, I know it’s a bit unkind. I’ll treat you to Little Chinatown later to eat some hard food to compensate you. Is that okay? I know there is a restaurant with a particularly authentic taste. The boss is very stubborn and refuses to localize it. I will take you to try it later.”

“That’s pretty much it.”

The two entered Watson District and sat down at a breakfast shop in Little Chinatown.

Soon, steaming hot ramen, soup dumplings, dumplings, and wontons were served.

Lidya Su picked up a soup dumpling and took a bite.

The taste is indeed not much different from the previous life.

“You haven’t said yet, why did you go to Lao Wei Na? You just introduced me to me?”

“No, this is just one of the reasons.” Jack scratched the side of his head with the other end of his chopsticks, “Didn’t I save a lot of money before? So I plan to replace the old prosthetic body on my body. .”

“You also know that although prosthetics are no longer a new thing in 2077, prosthetics are also divided into three, six, and nine grades, just like smartphones a few decades ago, they are also divided into hundreds of yuan phones, thousand yuan phones, Flagship phones and so on.”

Su Xiao finished the buns in three mouthfuls: “Then what kind of prosthetic body are you going to change?”

Jack took one wonton in one mouthful and said, “I want to change my whole body, but that would make me a cybermaniac, so I’d better take my time – of course, Sean Westan.”

“That is a military-grade prosthetic body, right? The Lao Wei you are talking about is just a prosthetic doctor. He also has the ability to get it for you?”

“Lao Wei is very capable. His channels are no less than middlemen. I can’t say for sure about the top-notch Sianwistan, but the basic models should not be a problem for him.”

The two of them ate and drank at the breakfast shop.

Went around again and wandered around for a while.

When it got dark, I drove to Victor’s clinic.

Drive to the intersection of Bradbury Street and Bran Street and park within the parking line.

Jack led the way, and the two walked into an alley.

In the alley, a man dressed as a homeless man kept mumbling: “Your memory does not belong to you, or in other words, it does not only belong to you!”

“Do you really believe that those who sold you the mechanical eyes can resist the desire to peek? We are surrounded by probes, even inside the body!”

“Your joys and sorrows, your worries, and your life are just a show in their eyes!”

“You are just pawns, helping them do dark things without knowing it!”

Such performance art naturally attracts passersby to stop and watch, take photos, and upload them to social software.

“It’s just another madman,” Jack shook his head, “Ignore him, go inside, that’s it.”

Su Xiao glanced at the man covering the garbage bag and ignored him.

Follow Jack into a shop on the roadside.

As soon as you enter the door, the first thing you see is the shelves filled with things.

Dragon-shaped bronze wares, skulls, lucky cats, Japanese lanterns, and many other magical objects that Su Xiao couldn’t understand.

The store seemed a little dark, but not that dark.

Candles can be seen everywhere, keeping the store from being dark while creating a mysterious atmosphere.

“Misty, my lady, you look even more beautiful than you did yesterday.”

Jack walked into the store and headed straight inside.

The woman in the store was originally facing a Buddha statue, and seemed to be performing some kind of ritual similar to meditation or induction.

Hearing Jack’s voice, he turned around and looked at the three people who came in.

PS1: This chapter is an additional chapter.

Current progress (4000/52000).

Keep up the good work tomorrow.

Chapter 64: Take off the warm baby from your back (4K)

Misty patted Jack’s arm.

“You didn’t come to the store yesterday, how do you know I’m prettier than yesterday?”

Jack, a tall and muscular man, instantly turned into a lover when he saw Misty. He giggled cheerfully and said, “I just know.”

The young couple chatted for a while, and Jack finally thought of his brother Su Xiao.

He coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

“Let me introduce you. This is Su. He is my partner. He lives through life and death, the kind of iron buddy.”

“This is my girlfriend, Misty, who is also a fortune teller. By the way, if you need it, you can ask her to tell you fortune telling. For my sake, can I give you a 20% discount?”

When he said those last words, Jack turned to Misty and asked for her opinion.

“Since I am your partner, let me give you a 50% discount,” Misty walked to the counter, took out a deck of tarot cards, and stared at Lidya Su, “How about it? Do you want to try it now?”

Jack put his hand on Lidya Su’s shoulder: “It’s okay. If you want to try it, then give it a try. It doesn’t matter if we go to see Lao Wei later.”

Since Jack said so, Su Xiao had no objection and asked Misty to tell her a divination and make a prediction.

Misty took out a deck of tarot cards, took out individual cards, and placed them on the counter.

“The world in reverse. You are at the beginning of the journey. It will be completely different from what you imagined, and it will be longer.”

“Sun reversed. You will encounter some obstacles, but they will be temporary. As long as you trust your judgment and don’t deviate from your chosen path.”

“Strength. Tenacious will, self-control and courage will eventually be rewarded…”

“But it doesn’t have to be at your end point, just like this reverse magician. Maybe the process itself is more important? And it will also help you overcome your fear?”

Misty put the tarot cards back into the deck one by one.

Lidya Su and Jack looked at each other in confusion.

There were only four tarot cards in total.

Three of them are reversed.

What kind of luck is this?

Perhaps seeing the expressions on their faces, Misty smiled.

“Reverse does not mean bad things, it generally means the opposite, the end, the conditions are not met or the degree is not enough.”

“In Tarot cards, whether they are upright or reversed, good and bad meanings will always exist. Therefore, it does not mean that reversed cards are necessarily bad.”

Jack scratched his head: “Then I’ll take Su to see Lao Wei first. Misty, let’s talk later.”

“see you later.”

Maybe it was because, after a lot of effort, someone finally came to the door and paid for fortune telling.

Making Misty’s tone sound very light.

The two of them went out of the back door of Misty’s psychic room. Jack hesitated to speak: “Um, Sue…”

Because his girlfriend is doing this, Jack knows a little bit about tarot cards.

Although Misty said that just now, Jack still feels that reverse position is better than upright position.

Compared to Jack, Lidya Su looked calm and calm.

What is this.

In his home country, there is a saying:

Money jumps out of the left eye – you must believe in the wisdom of your ancestors!

Right eye twitching disaster – feudal superstition is not advisable!

Victor’s clinic is located in the basement behind the tantric hall.

Compared with the psychic room with candles everywhere, Victor’s clinic looks much gloomier and darker.

It fits the vibe of a horror movie very well.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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not work with dark mode