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Start in Night City — Chapter 66

V felt very satisfied.

As a prosthetic doctor, he also has a sense of accomplishment.

“Of course, this is the Qilusi Prosthetic Eye Type 3, a high-end product among high-end products.”

“This advanced Qilusi prosthetic eye system is specially designed for the most demanding users.”

“It leverages breakthroughs in neural connectivity technology to provide unprecedented support for visual capabilities while integrating the most powerful scanning algorithms on the market.”

“In human terms, you can see farther and clearer, and it comes with a ten-year warranty.”

After Su Xiao and Jack left a few days ago.

That afternoon he took V with him and went to Victor’s clinic again.

V wants to upgrade his prosthetic eye.

It is best to replace it with the latest model of Qilusi.

This old Wei actually has channels to get it.

After all, the company “Qiluji Optical” is known for its high-quality eyeball implants and scanners, and is a leader in the field of optical design and manufacturing.

I wish that people all over the world would buy their prosthetic eyes.

That day, after Lao Wei performed a fundus examination on V, he asked V to rest more and look far away in the past few days. It was best not to accept commissions, and it was best not to use computers or mobile phones.

Waiting for news from him.

Then this morning, V received a call from Lao Wei, saying that he had helped V obtain the best product from Qilu Division.

So V called Su Xiao, and Su Xiao called Lucy, and the three of them came to Victor’s clinic.

“How much, I’ll transfer it to you.”

“No, Su has already paid.”

As soon as Lao Wei finished speaking, he saw Lidya Su winking at him desperately.

Lao Wei, who knew he had made a mistake, coughed: “Can I take back what I just said? If not, V, just pretend you didn’t hear it.”

There was no way V could pretend not to hear.

She stared straight at Lidya Su: “How much? I’ll transfer the money to you.”

“Need not.”

V bit his lip.

He simply stopped asking and planned to forcibly transfer 100,000 to Lidya Su.

But was reminded that the other party refused to accept it.

V stayed where he was.

Unexpectedly, what I thought of, the other party also thought of.

“It doesn’t matter, this little money is nothing. You are a member of my team, as you should be.”

“But in this case…”

“No buts.”

V bit his lower lip again.

“I will pay you back later.”



“You’re welcome.”

Victor on the stool shook his head.

Today’s young people…

He looked at the other girl brought by Su Xiao.

“Little girl, it’s your turn.”

From the beginning, Lucy stands far away.

I don’t know if it’s because of the gloomy environment in Lao Wei’s clinic, or because of her natural scruples about prosthetic doctors…

Or maybe it’s the fear of others operating on you…

Throughout, she displayed a slight sense of alienation.

Hearing Lidya Su’s words, Lucy folded her hands on her chest and shook her head.

Her short white hair swayed with her movements.

“I don’t have to. I have no intention of wearing a prosthetic body.”

Su Xiao looked at her and said, “Then let Lao Wei check it for you.”


Lucy unconsciously put her hands behind her head.

An unspeakable expression appeared on his face.

Victor seemed to see her dilemma and said patiently.

“Child, you know that the prosthetic body implanted in the body is just like the flowers and plants placed on the balcony. It also needs careful care, right?”

“You also don’t want to lose track of yourself while carrying out a key mission, right?”

Lucy lowered her head.

No words were spoken.

After a long while, he finally nodded slowly.

“I see.”

Lucy sat on the operating chair with an expression of resignation, as if Louis XVI was on the guillotine.

And connect the personal cable to the device.

Victor looked at the display and quickly frowned.

“‘Return to Desolation’, ‘Fertility and Prostitution’, ‘Military Science’…little girl, you are full of knockoffs. “

Su Xiao rushed to Victor’s side and saw that almost half of the human body image representing Lucy on the display screen was marked in red.

The red mark means that the user’s implant is a counterfeit product without official authorization.

“What’s going on? Lucy, you…”

Lucy turned her head away in embarrassment, letting her hair cover her face.

She was raised in the Arasaka facility.

Apart from hacking techniques, Arasaka did not teach her any knowledge or experience about surviving outside.

She was only a half-teen when she escaped from the Arasaka facility.

Even on the body

Not a single euro.

In order to avoid Arasaka’s pursuit, he had to live in exile in many countries and regions.

Escape requires money.

Life also requires money.

And Lucy has no money.

For this reason, she could only sell her Arasaka implant.

Otherwise, she might not be able to survive even in the beginning.

Seeing that Lucy didn’t want to communicate, Lidya Su and Victor didn’t say anything else.

During the rest of the inspection process, there was silence.

The air was silent and oppressive.

As soon as the examination was over, Lucy quickly unplugged the personal connection line, lowered her head and ran out quickly without saying hello to anyone.

“Aren’t you going to chase her?”

Seeing that Lidya Su stood still and didn’t move, Victor couldn’t help but remind him kindly.

Su Xiao frowned and thought: “Lao Wei, how much would it cost to replace all the counterfeit goods on her body with genuine ones.”

“If you don’t pursue all the top models, but the next-level models are also available, the money you give is almost enough. The only problem is that many prosthetics cannot be obtained through formal channels.”

“Not even you?”

Victor smiled.

“I’m just a prosthetic doctor, not a middleman with great powers. I can try my best to find a way to get a small part of it, but for the rest, you can only find a middleman.”

He thought for a while and added: “And he must be a top middleman.”

“That’s okay.”

Su Xiao decided to contact Regina, Wakako and the priest later.

They are all well-known middlemen in Watson District, Westbrook and Heywood respectively.

If you want to say who is most likely to get top quality goods.

It can only be them.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps suddenly coming from the stairs.

The three people in the clinic all looked over.

Lucy, who I thought had just run out, came back.

However, what I saw was a guy wearing a motorcycle suit and dressed up in colorful clothes.

PS: Today is also an 8,000-word update.

Current progress (8000/58000).


Chapter 66: Words are full of benevolence and righteousness, but heart is business (4K)

The few people who came in, after entering the clinic, lined up in a row and blocked the exit tightly.

In their hands, they either held samurai swords or spiked baseball bats.

On the back of the motorcycle suit, there are also the words “Unparalleled in the World” written on it.

In the entire Night City, there is only one gang that organizes itself into this style:

——Tiger Claw Gang.

The leader of the Tiger Claw Gang has a hairstyle with side bangs and a cyan Prajna mask on his face.

Very bluffing.

He stood a step forward, glanced at Su Xiao and the others, and said in an awkward and weird accent: “You… who is the prosthetic doctor in this shop?”

“What is wrong with me?”

Victor stood up and glanced at them, “Don’t you Tiger Claw gang have your own prosthetic doctor? Are you going to come all the way to Watson District?”

A Tiger Claw Gang behind the masked man shouted: “What nonsense, just answer whatever I ask you.”

The masked man stretched out his hand to stop the younger brother.

“A few days ago, a woman and a little girl came to your place and asked you to get something out.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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