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Start in Night City — Chapter 67

Victor crossed his arms on his chest: “Yes, this is happening. What’s wrong?”

“That woman is from the Tiger Claw Gang. She has escaped now. Do you understand?”

“I don’t understand.” Victor didn’t take the huge Tiger Claw Gang across from him seriously at all. “She is a customer, and I am a prosthetic doctor. If a customer comes to your door, there is no way I will not provide services.”

The masked man yelled: “Baga! She is a woman from the Tiger Claw Gang!”

This loud roar seemed to be a signal.

The boys behind him walked towards Victor.

As if to teach Victor a lesson.

But Victor was not afraid at all.

When he was young, he almost became a legend.

How could he be easily fooled by the gangsters from the Tiger Claw Gang?

The members of the Tiger Claw Gang have not yet reached Victor.

A young man intervened among them.

“Get lost! You have nothing to do here…”

The clamoring Tiger Claw Gang has not yet finished speaking.

I saw a flash of cold light.

The Tiger Claw gang member instinctively fell back and fell to the ground.

Look down.

There was a cut in the motorcycle suit on the chest.

Even the skin on his chest was marked with a thin red line, and blood was oozing out.

“If you go any further, the next knife will be aimed at your neck.”

Su Xiao waved the Murasame in her hand, shaking off the blood, and sheathed the knife.

V also stepped forward.

Stand side by side with Lidya Su.

The masked man glanced at the weapon in V’s hand and immediately recognized it. It was the “Xianxiang” technical submachine gun.

That thing is not like “Kenshin” in that it can be fired continuously after charging.

Coupled with Su Xiao’s previous sword light that was so fast that they could hardly see it…

If a conflict really breaks out, it’s unclear how many of the Tiger Claw gang will get out alive.

The masked man’s forehead and back were suddenly frightened with a lot of coldness.


He quickly stopped the younger brothers who had not yet seen the situation.

Victor will not let others rush to the front while he hides behind.

He removed the exoskeleton arm from his right arm.

This exoskeleton arm is not made for combat, nor is it suitable for combat.

It is specifically used for surgery.

Victor placed the exoskeleton arm on the table.

He took out two boxing gloves from the drawer and put them on.

The surface of the gloves is not as flat as other gloves.

Instead, it is filled with tiny toothed chains.

When activated, the toothed chain spins rapidly, making a harsh buzzing sound.

The heads of the Tiger Claw Gang, including the masked man, were numb when they heard this.

There seemed to be a scene in front of their eyes, where their bodies’ flesh and blood were stirred up by the cutting gloves until their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Victor chuckled, with a kind and kind expression on his face.

“How do I know she is a woman from the Tiger Claw Gang? She was dressed like an ordinary person when she came here, and she didn’t show off like you.”

I saw all three of them getting into fighting stances.

This is completely different from the past.

If it were placed anywhere else, just seeing them out in action would make those civilians piss themselves off and kneel down and kowtow.

Not like these three “tricksters”.

The Tiger Claw Gang, who was accustomed to being treated as a master, suddenly kicked the iron plate.

He suddenly looked confused and at a loss as to what to do.

His subordinates all looked at the masked man.

The masked man was also hesitant and hesitant.

The atmosphere became tense.

There was a smell of gunpowder in the air.

The air was oppressive to the extreme.

It seems that as long as there is a spark, the gun will go off.

At this time, things took a new turn.

Lucy ran down the stairs outside. As soon as she saw the Tiger Claw Gang, she waved her hand coldly.

A golden single molecular line shot out from his hand.

With a flick of her right hand, she cut the iron railing at the door of the clinic in two.

The cuts are smooth.

If it were cut into a human body, it would probably be the same as this iron railing.

Seeing this scene, Victor and the masked man’s eyelids twitched at the same time.

What makes Victor sad is that the iron fence has been cut off, and it will cost money to repair it.

The masked man was surprised that Lucy actually used a single molecular wire as a weapon.

The single molecular line can be understood as the meteor hammer among the strange weapons.

Cultivation is extremely difficult.

If you are good at beating the enemy, you may not be good enough at beating yourself.

The same is true for single molecular lines.

Because it is difficult to control, few people use it.

In contrast, melee weapons such as tactical daggers, katana swords, mantis knives, baseball bats, and war hammers are more widely used.

But at the same time, it also explains something from the side.

If someone uses a monomolecular line as a weapon, they must be a master.

The masked man’s heart suddenly sank.

Although they had numerical superiority, they were surrounded from the front and rear.

Plus this prosthetic doctor’s helper doesn’t look like someone to be trifled with.

If a fight breaks out, the consequences are unpredictable.

Although the Tiger Claw Gang is brutal and domineering, they still have the brains they should have.

A man who understands current affairs is a hero, so the masked man decided to give in first.

This is not a shame.

It would be shameful for a dead body to be thrown into a trash can.

After returning, bring more people over, and then come back to find a place.

The masked man had retreated in his heart, but on the surface he still said sternly: “You are lucky. If you see our Tiger Claw Gang on the road in the future, please be careful.”

This was just a scene.

But Lidya Su didn’t even give him any face.

“In other words, you are afraid of us now, so you can only run away in despair, and your harsh words are just to save some face?”

The masked man’s face froze and he stared at Lidya Su fiercely.

“I’ll keep an eye on you, kid. Be careful when you walk in the future, and don’t be left alone.”

“In other words, you Tiger Claw Gang are all cowards. You only dare to swarm us when there are many people.”

The masked man almost choked to death.

For a moment, he almost lost control of himself.

But in the end he endured it.

“let’s go!”

“Just left like this? That kid provoked the Tiger Claw Gang, didn’t you teach him a lesson? Just let him go like this, where does our Tiger Claw Gang’s face go?”

There was a younger brother who still couldn’t see the situation clearly, pointed at Lidya Su and started shouting arrogantly.

However, before Lidya Su could take action to educate him.

The masked man slapped the boy hard on the face.

“Do you listen to me or do you listen to me? Do you think you are the boss?”

Under the fierce gaze of the masked man, the little brother who was slapped lowered his head and obeyed.

The other boys didn’t dare to say anything and followed the masked man out of the underground clinic.

Lucy glanced at the look Su Xiao gave, then stepped aside, letting them leave with their tails between their legs in despair.

When there were only a few of them left in the underground clinic, Su Xiao asked.

“Lao Wei, who are they looking for?”

Victor hesitated for a while, and finally

Tell the truth.

“Actually, it’s nothing. When I helped them perform that minor operation, I guessed that this would happen sooner or later.”

“what happened?”

“Just a few days ago, a customer came to visit and asked me to take out her and her daughter’s trackers.”

“A few days ago? Wait, could it be…”

After being reminded by Lao Wei, Su Xiao also remembered it at this time.

Aren’t the mother and daughter that Victor was talking about the same mother and daughter that Jack brought him to the clinic to see Lao Wei for the first time a week ago, and then met him on the stairs outside when leaving the clinic?

“Lao Wei, don’t you know they are members of the Tiger Claw Gang?”

“No, of course I know,” Victor sighed, “I know that woman, she is my friend, a friend I have known a long, long time ago.”

“Her name is Qianhua. She and her husband once served in the New American Army and were affiliated with the Japanese Motorized Infantry Regiment. After retiring, her husband suffered from severe PTSD.”

“You all know how veterans are treated. When I need you, I will call you here and draw a few cakes. If I don’t need you anymore, I will kick you away.”

“If you dare to cause trouble, you will reenact in minutes the scene in which MacArthur treated veterans of World War I.”

“In order to treat her husband, Qianhua not only spent all her savings, but also borrowed money from everywhere.”

“But even so, his husband’s illness just kept coming back and forth and he could not be cured.”

“In the end, her husband committed suicide by shooting himself in order not to burden his mother and daughter.”

“Although Qianhua’s husband is dead, the heavy debt incurred for treating him rests entirely on Qianhua’s shoulders.”

“Not to mention she has a daughter to raise.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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