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Start in Night City — Chapter 68

“There was no other way. In the end, Qianhua, as a former soldier, had to do dirty work for the Tiger Claw Gang to pay off her debts.”

“After she finally paid off her debts after several years of hard work, the Tiger Claw Gang refused to let her go because Qianhua was an extremely useful tool.”

“After coercion and inducement failed, the Tiger Claw Gang even tried to use her daughter, Liangzi, to blackmail her.”

“Qianhua couldn’t bear it anymore, so she decided to betray the Tiger Claw Gang, so she came here, hoping that I would help them take out the trackers implanted in their bodies by the Tiger Claw Gang.”

After patiently listening to Victor’s words, Su Xiao couldn’t help but hold her forehead and sigh.

“That’s why the Tiger Claw Gang came to our door. You… Hey, Lao Wei, let me tell you what you are good at.”

There is an unwritten rule when it comes to living in Night City.

That is, everyone only sweeps the snow in front of their door and doesn’t care about the frost on other people’s tiles.

But Lao Wei seems to be an exception.


I myself am an exception to this.

That’s okay.

Victor smiled.

Slowly take off the cutting glove and put it back in place.

Reinstall the exoskeleton robotic arm suitable for operating on humans.

That leisurely and contented look didn’t look like he was frightened at all after provoking the Tiger Claw Gang.

“Watson District is not Westbrook. They don’t dare to go too far. I’m more worried about Qianhua and Ryoko than my own safety. I don’t know where they are now.”

“So many days have passed, and the Tiger Claw Gang just came here now. Maybe they have left Night City a long time ago.”

Victor nodded: “I hope so.”

The Tiger Claw Gang is a Yakuza gang from Japan and one of the largest criminal groups in Night City.

Gang members, who are predominantly Asian, aim to maintain control of their territory and occasionally annex other gangs and their businesses.

Members of the Tiger Claw Gang can identify each other by their glowing tattoos, speeding motorcycles, tachi and ribs.

The headquarters of the Tiger Claw Gang is in Tokyo, Japan, and the one in Night City is just a branch.

But even as a division, the Tiger Claws dominate Night City’s premier nightlife district.

Bars, restaurants, Mewtwo Experience Club, custom venues and casinos…

The Tiger Claws have more scenes than any other gang.

The Tiger Claw Gang also has connections with various corporate executives, who often go to their venues to have fun or vent their emotions.

Their connection to Arasaka is particularly close.

Arasaka Corporation has been known to leave the dirty work to the gangs, paying them with high-end equipment and military-style weaponry.

What outsiders don’t know is that the Tiger Claw Gang is actually not a monolith. Like the parent company and its subsidiaries, they are divided into several groups within the “Tiger Claw Gang” as a whole.

The Tiger Claw gang who went to Victor’s clinic to cause trouble were the members of the Dharma Group.

The team leader is called Shoho Jotaro.

Walking on the street outside, pedestrians passing by saw them and subconsciously avoided them.

In the past, the members of the Fa-rectification team would have felt very happy.

But they had just escaped from Victor’s clinic like lost dogs, which made them very angry.

“Why didn’t you take action just now? If word spreads, we will be afraid of even a prosthetic doctor, so how can our Dharma-rectification team still hang out in the Tiger Claw Gang?”

Hearing the doubts from his subordinates, the leading masked man shouted back unceremoniously.

“Are you all fucking blind? That prosthetic doctor is not easy to mess with! Didn’t you see that the table and the wall are filled with boxing trophies?”


Those guys are not good people. “

The masked man recalled the scene in the clinic.

In the past, ordinary citizens would tremble in fear as soon as the Tiger Claw Gang took action.

As for Su Xiao and others, they all looked calm and composed, obviously not afraid of them at all.

“Let’s go back and report the situation to Mr. Jotaro first. We’ll see what Mr. Jotaro says before we make a decision… Wait, there’s a call coming.”

The masked man frowned.

Because the call was from a stranger he didn’t recognize.

PS1: Yesterday I received 119 monthly votes, 40788 rewards, and 43 blades.

Rounding off, we owe 5,000 words.

Current progress (8000/63000).

There is another update in the evening.

Chapter 67: Madam, you don’t want anything to happen to your daughter (4K)

The masked man hesitated.

Finally he answered the call.

“Which bastard is that? If you fart, just let it go.”

The person on the other side was also very straightforward and straight to the point: “The women and children that your Tiger Claw Gang are looking for are in my place.”

The masked man was stunned, and his tone became cold: “Who are you?”

“Listen, it doesn’t matter who I am. I’m just a nobody. I have no intention of offending the Tiger Claw Gang, and I don’t want to be an enemy of Master Jotaro.”

The masked man heard the flattery and flattery in the other person’s tone.

His attitude couldn’t help but soften a little: “Then what do you want? The gratitude of the Tiger Claw Gang? Lord Jotaro’s personal friendship?”

“It would be great to be able to establish friendship with big figures like the Tiger Claw Gang and Shoho Jotaro, but it would be even better if we could get some more practical benefits, such as euros.”

“Okay, no problem. I agreed on behalf of Mr. Jotaro, 10,000 euros.”

“Ten thousand? No, that’s not enough. This information is worth at least one hundred thousand.”

“One hundred thousand? Are you looking for death?!”

The other party sneered, but didn’t answer.

Apparently the masked man would compromise.

“One hundred thousand euros is too much. The most I can promise you is thirty thousand. Even if Mr. Jotaro finds out, he will never agree to use one hundred thousand euros to buy a piece of information.”

The masked man thought that the other party would be messy.

Unexpectedly, I agreed very readily.

“Okay, thirty thousand is thirty thousand. You transfer the money to this account first.”

The masked man’s communication implant soon received a text message.

is a bank account number.

“You want me to send money when you ask me to? What if I transfer the money and you run away?”

“I don’t dare to deceive the famous Tiger Claw Gang. I still want to continue to work in Night City. Just rest assured. As long as the money arrives, I will definitely give you all the information I know.”

The masked man gritted his teeth.

Finally, I transferred 10,000 euros.

“We are talking about 30,000, not 10,000.”

“When you tell me everything, I will give you the remaining 20,000. Our Tiger Claw Gang is the number one Yakuza in Japan, and it has also expanded its power to Night City. You can trust Tiger The credibility of the Claw Gang.”

Now the pressure comes to the other side.

The masked man felt uneasy.

If the other party cuts off communication at this time.

The 10,000 euros just transferred were wasted.

This is a gamble.

Fortunately, the masked man made the right bet.

“The woman you are looking for, her full name is Kakyoin Chika, she was a female soldier who retired from the New American Army. Is the information I told you correct?”

“She is an old acquaintance of me. A few days ago, she suddenly brought her daughter to me and asked me to get them two tickets to Europe, as well as legal documents that will prevent them from being deported as illegal immigrants after arriving in Europe.”

Ever since Qianhua defected from the Tiger Claw Gang, the top brass of the Tiger Claw Gang were worried that Qianhua would leave Night City.

Now the strange man’s words really fulfilled the worries of the senior officials.

“Well, what then?”

“Then I used the excuse that it would take a lot of time to complete these procedures and left them in an apartment building in the Kabuki District of Watson District. I will send you the address.”


The masked man opened the text message he just received.

Above is a map and a photo of the apartment building.

“Okay, I’ve received the news. I’ll transfer the remaining 20,000 euros to you right now. The Tiger Claw Gang will pay its debts! But don’t go see that woman for the time being. Find a place to hide for a few days. Do you understand?”

“You don’t need to tell me, I will do the same.”

After ending the call with the smuggler and actually paying 20,000 euros, the masked man called Jotaro Shoho without stopping.

“Lord Jotaro, we have found him. He is in an old apartment building in the Kabuki District.”

“Did that prosthetic doctor recruit you?”

“No, it was actually a smuggler who contacted us. It seems that Qianhua plans to take her daughter and escape to Europe.”

“Europe? Since she is going to Europe, how can she not send her off properly? I will ask Nantong Zhengshuang to take people there, and be sure to leave Qianhua and her daughter behind.”

The masked man was overjoyed when he heard this: “Is Nantong Sang actually going to take action?”

Nantong Zhengshuang is the strongest ace and top combat power of the Zhengfa group.

Known as the “Dragon of Dharma”.

Its strength has even spread to far away

Japan’s Tiger Claw Gang Headquarters.

It is said that the minister had planned to use money and power to recruit Nantong Zhengshuang.

But Nantong Zhengshuang boldly rejected the invitation from the head of the department.

Therefore, he was praised by the head of the department himself – “Nantong Junzhen is the Katakura Keizuna of the Reiwa era.”

“One more thing, Lord Jotaro.”

The masked man paused, considering his words.

“The prosthetic doctor not only helped Qianhua and Ryoko take out the trackers, but he also showed great uncooperation when we came to their door.”

“What should I do? Do you want to teach him a lesson?”

The philosophy of the Tiger Claw Gang is the most traditional Japanese Yakuza philosophy.

Disrespect or offense to any junior member will immediately trigger violent retaliation from the entire gang.

Although the top leaders of the Tiger Claw Gang also understand that in the long run, business is preferable to war, and violence under the guise of principles and honor can go further than naked violence. Fighting is not the only way.

But the problem is that many members of the Tiger Claw Gang (mainly middle and lower class) are extremely vicious people.

They worship violence.


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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