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Start in Night City — Chapter 7

One enemy after another fell to his gun.

Information about obtaining potential values ​​​​continues to flood the screen.

Even Lidya Su didn’t have time to check.

After he finished destroying the enemies on the left, the enemies outflanking him from the right had also entered the shooting range.


In fact, there is no need for the leader to give orders. After seeing his companions turn into corpses one by one, the enemy has long been filled with anger and hatred.

The bullets struck Su Xiao fiercely like a violent storm.

Fortunately, the sniper position Su Xiao was in was a foxhole.

He retreated into the pit in time and was not harmed.

The bullet hit the ground, splashing dirt and grass clippings.

These enemies have certain tactical qualities and are not rogues like Luandaohui.

They don’t fire at the same time in a ventive manner, but they know how to shoot in turns.

While some people opened fire, others watched eagerly.

When the bullets run out and the magazines are replaced, other people will shoot to fill the gap in firepower.

Shoot and get closer.

“Grenade ready!”

Half of them continued shooting, maintaining suppressive fire.

The other half took out grenades and pulled out the bolt.

But just before they threw the grenade, it was obviously their own security turret, but the muzzle of the gun was turned around.

Amid everyone’s shocked expressions, the heavy machine guns of the security turret spit out surging firepower.

When a kinetic sniper rifle hits a person, one shot will create a hole the size of a bowl.

The heavy machine gun mounted on the security turret is as powerful as a kinetic sniper rifle.

What’s even more frightening is that this thing fires continuously.

The torrent of metal ejected from the security turret can easily tear the human body into pieces without mercy.

Chapter 5 I didn’t expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would actually…

The battle is over and the smoke subsides.

Su Xiao sat on the edge of the foxhole and inspected her gains.

From the enemy’s raid on the camp to the complete destruction of the enemy.

In this raid, Su Xiao killed a total of thirty people.

Gain 3 potential points.

In addition, the skills “Sword Mastery”, “Shooting Mastery”, and “Dodge” have all been upgraded by one level due to their frequent use in battles.

After carefully searching all the corpses, several hundred euros were found.

Only then did he notice the marks on the enemy’s corpse.

He turned out to be from Snake State.

Every homeless person will wear a logo similar to a clothing trademark.

These symbols represent the family/tribe/state to which they belong.

Although conflicts and disagreements do exist among Wanderer families, tribes, and states.

But most of them are just superficial battles and will not escalate into a full-scale war.

There is only one possibility for this kind of thing to happen——

Something happened to Charlie and the others!

There were originally twelve wanderers left behind in the camp.

After this raid, most of them died and only four survived.

Unfortunately, those who survived did not include the maintenance worker who had always been at odds with Su Xiao.

Su Xiao returned to the camp in the eyes of the survivors with mixed emotions such as shock, gratitude, and joy.

Before he could bury his dead companions, he heard the wanderer standing on high alert shouting:

“Attention, another car is coming!”

Four guns were pointed at the off-road vehicle coming from the Bad Land.

Su Xiao pressed their guns.

“Wait, don’t shoot yet, there’s a white flag on it.”

Although Su Xiao has joined the Bakker family for less than a year, her recent achievements are obvious to all.

If it weren’t for Lidya Su, they would all have to deal with it here.

The off-road vehicle began to slow down when it was still far away from the camp.

Then stop slowly.

When the person got out of the car, everyone noticed that it was McCoy who went out with Charlie yesterday.

The alert look disappeared from everyone’s faces in an instant.

In this difficult time, it is undoubtedly a joy to be reunited with our companions.

Although I don’t know why, the car McCoy drove back was not the same one he drove away…

I don’t understand why, the direction he came from was the same direction as the people from Snake State.

Coincidence, or…

But at this moment, no one thought so much.

A homeless man punched McCoy on the shoulder.


It’s great to meet you. “

McCoy forced a forced smile: “Unfortunately, I can’t say that.”

The wanderer was stunned for a moment.

“Why not?”

“Wait a minute, where are McCoy, Charlie, and the others?”

“Charlie is gone.”

“What do you mean Charlie is gone?”

“McCoy, what happened?”

McCoy took out a cigarette and lit it.

Then he slowly told what happened before:

Yesterday, Charlie took away most of the Bakker family’s men and left the camp, intending to ambush the Snake State’s transport team.

Infighting among homeless people is a taboo.

Any family or tribe that does this kind of thing will be cut off from other wanderers.

The worst thing is to be directly regarded as the same existence as the Random Sword Club.

Wanderers have always been rejected by the city, and it is difficult to survive in the bad land.

If relations with other families/tribes deteriorate again, the consequences can be imagined.

But Charlie thought very simply.

As long as everyone in the transport team is killed, no one will know that it was them.

Robbery the Snake State’s transport team and use the stolen supplies to support the Bakker family for a while longer.

However, despite all the calculations, Charlie failed to think of one thing…

Snake State itself is a wanderer, and is one of the seven states of wanderers.

They also often rob the company’s transportation fleet.

How could they not be on every possible precaution when it was their turn to transport supplies?

However, Snake State did not expect that other wandering families would take action against them.

Originally, Snake State was wary of the Luan Dao Society, but unexpectedly the Bakker family would run into an ambush.

“It was a massacre.”

McCoy seemed to not want to think about that painful experience again, and his expression turned extremely ugly.

“What was loaded in the transport truck was not goods and supplies at all, but soldiers from the Snake State who were waiting for work. They were just waiting for the swordsmen to come to the door. As a result, we bumped into them and our heads were bloody.”

“Half of the brothers died in the gunfight, and the remaining half fled, and the other surrendered.”

A wanderer asked: “Where are the other people who escaped? Why didn’t you see them? Were you separated from them?”

“And where’s Charlie?”

McCoy spat on the ground.

“The bastard ran away without saying a word, like a coward.”

“As for those who escaped, they are not with us.”

“I… and some brothers were captured by the Snake State and have now joined the Snake State.”

Everyone was shocked.


Lidya Su’s eyes flickered.

In fact, judging from the previous abnormalities, he had already vaguely guessed it.

But who would have thought.

During Serita’s leadership, the once famous Bakker family fell into this state just two years after Serita’s death.

“Since you are already from the Snake State, why are you here?”

“McCoy, do you know how many of us they killed?”

“Of all the people in the camp, we are the only ones left now!”

Everyone was filled with indignation, staring at McCoy with anger and hatred.

If looks could kill, McCoy would have been riddled with holes and bloody flesh at this moment.

He can understand everyone’s mood.

So I didn’t take it seriously.

“Snake State sent me here to give you two choices based on your heroic resistance just now:”

“You can join the Snake Kingdom like me and other brothers;”

“Or you can take a gun, drive a car, leave forever, and never come back.”

Su Xiao pondered: “Do you want us to leave the family camp?”

McCoy nodded: “Yes.”

Another wanderer couldn’t help but said: “What about the Bakker family?”

McCoy sighed.

“Don’t you understand? From now on, there will be no Bakker family.”


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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