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Start in Night City — Chapter 9

However, the specific causes of this disease have not yet been accurately verified.

Some people say that cyberpsychosis is a disease caused by social inequality;

Others say that this is the price to pay for a pathological obsession with technology;

Others feel that it is completely made up and that in fact the disease does not exist at all.

Well, that last thought is indeed very American and very red-necked.

Su Xiao asked doubtfully: “Is there a cyberpsychopath nearby? Then you don’t call us the Terrorist Mobile Team?”

The Terrorist Mobile Team is an elite special operations unit that specializes in dealing with cyberpsychosis.

It would be okay if it was far away in a bad land.

This town is right on the border, just as far as the eye can see from Night City.

There’s a cyber psychosis hanging out outside town.

Why didn’t the Sheriff call the Terrorist Mobile Team instead of asking homeless people passing through town for help?

Su Xiao’s question made the sheriff laugh.

“How refreshing. As the town’s sheriff, I can’t just think that there are too many people in the town and think that a few more people should die to reduce carbon emissions and resource consumption, right?”

“You may not understand the rules here, kid. This is the border, not Night City. The Terrorist Mobile Team will not come.”

“Even if everyone in this town is dead, there will be no feeling for the people in the city.”

Su Xiao ignored the Sheriff’s weirdness: “Is that why you need someone to deal with this cyberpsychosis for you?”

Cyberpsychosis also varies depending on the situation.

The weakest cyberpsychopaths are those with cheap prosthetics.

They don’t have the money to go to a regular hospital and buy and install regular prosthetics.

You can only let a barefoot doctor who is not qualified to practice medicine implant three-no products into your body.

Cyberpsychotics like this are just ordinary civilians.

The threat level is minimal.

The most difficult ones to deal with are ex-soldiers, ex-agents, and ex-mercenaries, lunatics who pile a large number of military-grade prosthetics on themselves.

Once a person has a seizure, especially in a downtown area, it will basically cause heavy casualties.

He also doesn’t know what kind of cyberpsychosis the Sheriff wants him to deal with.

Lidya Su thought for a moment.

An idea soon came to mind.

He thought he could go and see the situation first.

If it is easy to solve, then complete the commission smoothly.

After all, a thousand euros earned in vain should not be wasted.

But if what we have to deal with is a former soldier/agent/mercenary, the most troublesome guy…

Then “Ni Gelu Dayo”.

“I can go over and take a look, but I can’t guarantee that it will be solved.”

“Well, I didn’t have high expectations either.”

Su Xiao stretched out two fingers: “But if I solve this trouble, you have to give me two thousand euros.”

The Sheriff couldn’t sit still.

“Two thousand? Are you dreaming?”

“Two thousand, not a penny less, or you can try to do your own thing.”

The Sheriff glared at Lidya Su.

However, after a stalemate for a while, he compromised.

“Okay, two thousand is two thousand.”

What the Sheriff thought about was that cyberpsychosis was not easy to deal with.

Even if the homeless man in front of him could really kill that cyberpsycho, would he be able to escape unharmed?

At that time, even if he doesn’t give him any money, what can he do to a scarred stray dog?

The sheriff sent a person to lead Su Xiao.

That person happened to be the town citizen who brought Su Xiao to see the sheriff.

The townspeople sat in Su Xiao’s car and gave Su Xiao directions.

It didn’t take long to reach the destination.

This is a wilderness, with endless bare hills.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a lone shack.

The townspeople who led the way were very timid.

He didn’t even dare to get out of the car.

After he pointed out to Su Xiao that the shack was the location of the cyberpsychosis, he didn’t dare to get close to it no matter what.

It was as if he was afraid that when Su Xiao was killed, blood would splash on him.

Lidya Su was simply speechless.

He first observed carefully from a distance.

But I can’t see what’s going on inside.

I don’t know what the shack looks like, whether there are lights or not.

If you go in hastily, you are kidding with your own life.

Su Xiao drove the car to different locations and kept observing from a distance.

Soon, he had an idea.

However, before getting out of the car, he glanced at the townspeople sitting in the passenger seat.

Then he took out the car key.

The faces of the townspeople suddenly turned pale.

He originally thought that after Lidya Su got off the car, he would drive away quickly.

It’s not that he missed Mao Suxiao’s car, but that he was just too scared.

I’m worried that if I stay here, I’ll be killed by cyberpsychosis.

Su Xiao didn’t care what the townspeople thought.

There was no way he was going to throw his car keys to a stranger who didn’t even say a few words to him.

After getting off the car, he carefully looked at the environment.

Notice that the shed has only one exit, which is the front door.

Except for the main entrance, even the windows were sealed tightly.

So, he thought about it and placed several anti-infantry anti-personnel mines on the ground outside the main entrance.

Make sure that as long as the enemy comes out from the main entrance, no matter which direction he comes from, the mine will be triggered.

After doing all this, Su Xiao should have fired to alert the cyberpsychosis in the house.

But he suddenly felt like his hair was standing on end.

Without thinking, his body instinctively jumped forward.

And almost the second he was dodging, a blade with a cold light struck from behind.

Chapter 7 The so-called benevolence is the technique of dividing a person into two

Su Xiao rolled forward, but it was not over yet.

He blocked Murasame’s sword and scabbard behind him.


He only heard a heavy sound of gold and iron clashing, and immediately felt an overwhelming and unstoppable force coming from the sword.

The whole person flew out uncontrollably, like a kite with its string broken.

However, Lidya Su did not fall to the ground.

Instead, when he is about to land, he beautifully completes the action of receiving the body.

He landed on the cracked ground in a posture similar to kneeling on one knee.

Only then did Su Xiao see clearly the true face of the guy who attacked him from behind.

The broad body, nearly two meters tall, was wearing a dirty dark green windbreaker. The windbreaker and trousers were torn everywhere, and dried blood and stains could be seen.

But men don’t seem to care about their hygiene.

There are many cracks on the face left after being modified.

There is also a prosthetic eye installed on his forehead.

At this moment, the prosthetic eye was spinning continuously.

The man has a ferocious face, and when he grins, he reveals sharp teeth like a wolf.

What’s even more noticeable are his arms.

Two sharp blades extended from his arms.

This kind of arm knife installed in the arm is also called the mantis knife because it looks like a mantis.

Not only does it have the same sharpness as a katana, but it also has advantages that a katana does not have.

That’s concealment.

Think about it.

When you wear a long-sleeved shirt, wear a coat over it.

Cover up the modified arms.

Who knew that right in your arms, you could unfold two mantis knives at any time and cut people open like sashimi?

A drop of cold sweat seeped out from Lidya Su’s forehead and slowly flowed across his face.

A cyberpsycho equipped with military-grade combat prosthetics is simply the most troublesome situation.

To make matters worse, the cyberpsycho was not in the shed but outside.

This turned an ambush into an encounter.

Although the situation was very unfavorable, Su Xiao quickly regained her composure.

He drew his revolver and pointed it at the man.

In one breath, all the bullets in the bullet chamber were poured out.

But the man’s steps were like some ghost videos. He used evasive movements that were absolutely impossible for humans to do. He dodged all the bullets while moving around.

Then, the man waved his hands and pulled out two sword lights.

He stepped hard on the ground, and with a blurry dark green shadow, he rushed towards

Come over.

“The opponent’s speed is too fast, and it is impossible to reload before being approached.”

The moment this idea popped into his mind, Su Xiao dropped the revolver with empty bullets and faced him as well.

when–! ! !

The katana sword and the mantis sword collided in mid-air!

Sparks fly!


Start in Night City

Start in Night City

Status: Completed Author:


"You are thinking about replacing human arms with mechanical prostheses to gain greater strength. But is it possible to achieve the same effect by using an external mechanical device without chopping off the hand?"
"20 potential points have been consumed to obtain the improved blueprint - Power Arm Armor"

"If you think about the power gauntlets, there is room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannic steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to make stronger equipment. "
"100 potential points have been consumed to obtain the advanced blueprint - Exoskeleton Armor"

"It has been detected that you already have Sword Mastery LV10, Strength LV10, Dodge LV10, Block LV10, Meditation LV10"
"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind are unified."
"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetics are, they can't compete with inner peace."
"You are trying to figure out the infinite swordsmanship."

Adam Chonghammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What the hell kind of monster are you?!"


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