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Super God Knight Evolution — Chapter 41 Silver Warrior in the Team

“Don’t bother me, goddess sister~”

Liu Chuang immediately panicked, gathered around Reina and muttered: “Oh, sister goddess, big sister goddess, the most beautiful goddess on the earth, the goddess with long legs.

Give me, Old Liu, a set too. Everyone has one but I don’t. This doesn’t make sense. I am also that and that…that and that.

Yes, Nuoxing God of War. “

Reina was bothered tirelessly, but she still waved her hand and gave Liu Chuang’s equipment to him. By the way, she also made up for Du Qiangwei’s equipment that she had just missed.

“Hey hey hey.”

Liu Chuang, who was satisfied with getting the equipment, suddenly smiled and happily went to Ge Xiaolun and others.

However, the personal reputation is not very good. Both Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin feel a little alienated from Liu Chuang. Only the taciturn Cheng Yaowen and the cute Rui Mengmeng are willing to play with Liu Chuang.

A group of people gathered together in twos and threes and finally came to the conclusion that everyone’s armor was not as good-looking as An Lan’s.

The first set of Lion vacuum cleaners, the second set of Flying Eagle Gatling, and the last set of CROSS-Z are really good-looking.

Everyone’s armors are purely sci-fi style. In addition to the sci-fi style, An Lan’s armor also has a touch of fantasy, just like the armor that came out of comics and animations.


Reina let everyone get used to it for a few minutes, then waved her hand and commanded: “Starting from tomorrow, you will conduct a month-long training camp.

During this month, I will guide you on how to use your equipment and super abilities to train you into a team of super warriors that can be put into the battlefield.

In addition to physical training, you also need to learn some theoretical knowledge, common sense about the universe, and understand the classic battles of major civilizations in the universe…

Your enemies are powerful beyond your imagination. They come from outer space, and their technological level far exceeds that of the earth. With the conventional technology of the earth, they are no match for them.

You will be like the protagonists in those superhero movies, traveling through important battlefields through life and death, assassinating the enemy’s top brass and destroying their tactical centers.

You are the last hope of the earth! “

After hearing Reina’s serious words, everyone who was laughing and joking immediately straightened their backs and stood in awe.

To be honest, everyone was mentally prepared when they saw the fight between An Lan and Leina just now, but when they heard with their own ears that they needed to fight aliens, they were still a little nervous.

After getting nervous, everyone thought of a more critical issue.

Ge Xiaolun raised his hand!

“Ge Xiaolun, what’s your question?” Reina gestured to Ge Xiaolun to ask.

Ge Xiaolun glanced at An Lan who was standing next to Qilin, paused and asked: “Sister Goddess, what about Brother Lan?

I think Brother Lan’s armor style is different from ours. I just said that he is an auditor. Is his mission different from ours? “


Regarding this question, Reina really didn’t know how to answer it. After thinking for a long time, she said vaguely: “The store manager’s situation is a bit special.

Although he looks like an Earthling, he is not actually an Earthling. Of course, this is also the case for you. emmm, the more I talk about it, the more confusing it becomes.

He is an alien just like this goddess. The purpose of my coming to Earth is to provide humanitarian aid and to play for a year. I don’t know his purpose for coming to Earth.

But it is said that he is a native of the earth… Oh, store manager, explain it to them yourself! “

The more Reina talked, the more confused she became. Not only were Ge Xiaolun and others confused, but eventually even Reina herself couldn’t understand.

We can only simply throw the question to An Lan and let him explain himself.

Ge Xiaolun and others looked at An Lan.

“Have you seen Super Sentai?” An Lan asked with a smile.

“Then you must have seen it!”

Xin Zhao slapped his thigh and replied excitedly: “Super Sentai, Ultraman, and Armor Warrior, those are all my favorites.

When I was a kid, I stole my dad’s money to buy CDs of Super Sentai and Ultraman, Specium Rays, Barking Teeth Red, and I’m so handsome now.

By the way, Brother Lan, your armor style is quite similar to that of the Armored Warrior. “

Xin Zhao was talking and gesticulating. For Xin Zhao, who wanted to be a hero, Ultraman and Super Sentai were all childhood memories.

“Hey, Mr. Xin, have you also seen that “Beasts”?” Ge Xiaolun discovered another common hobby between him and Xin Zhao.

When the two gay friends were about to have an in-depth exchange, they were interrupted by Reina waving her hand.

“Okay, okay, you two can wait until you get back to the dormitory to talk, store manager. What does Super Sentai mean?”

An Lan smiled and said: “You can think of me as the silver warrior in the team.”


Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin, two loyal special photography fans, understand each other instantly.

“What does Silver Warrior mean?”

Liu Chuangzhanger was confused. He was not of the same generation as Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin.

Qilin, Du Qiangwei, Reina and other people who had never watched Super Sentai didn’t quite understand the meaning of An Lan’s words, so they looked at Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin curiously.

Damn beasts, what do you understand?

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin could only explain to everyone that under normal circumstances, each team has at least 6 warriors, among which red, blue, yellow, green, pink, red, blue, pink, green, and white are all common colors.

These 5 warriors will appear from the beginning. The 5 people form a team. During the huge war, the five people will drive a combined robot together.

The Silver Warriors are usually special warriors added in the middle of the plot. They are stronger than those five people. One person can drive a huge fused robot.

In many cases, silver warriors often play hostile roles when they first appear, but they will definitely join the protagonist camp in the end.

With this explanation, everyone suddenly realized it.

With An Lan’s strength and this incompatible fantasy-style armor, isn’t that the standard configuration of silver warriors?

“Then, I won’t disturb you from training next.


An Lan smiled and greeted everyone, turned and walked towards the dormitory, leaving this vibrant place.

Everyone could only watch An Lan leave with envy. Silver warriors are so cool, with high freedom and good fighting skills, and they don’t need to train.

After greeting the dormitory aunt and chatting about opening an Internet cafe and a disco, An Lan came to the door of his dormitory.

Before opening the door, he heard a loud TV sound coming from inside.

An Lan took out the key and opened the door, and saw Angel Yan wearing a pure white lace nightgown and a pillow, lying on the sofa and watching TV series with relish.

An Lan moved to the Super Seminary, and Angel Yan naturally followed him. Her goal was clear from the beginning, which was to observe and understand An Lan.

If conditions permit, it would be even better to do something else and make An Lan fall in love with her.

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Super God Knight Evolution

Super God Knight Evolution

Status: Completed Author:


Carrying the build and evol dual knight system to travel through the Super Seminary.

Which gene has greater potential, the blood family bloodline or the galaxy force? Who is stronger, the evol black hole form with a danger level of 7.5 or Hua Ye loaded with a black hole engine? "

Keywords: Super Seminary, Heroic Company, Black Armor, The Coming of the Heavens

[No Immortal Cultivation, No Random Travel]

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