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Super God Knight Evolution — Chapter 76 Black Hole Vision

“How could this happen…”

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang staggered to their feet, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

They had the upper hand just now, but how come three teammates were eliminated in the blink of an eye?

“Have you never played World of Warcraft?”

An Lan carried the dragon sword on his shoulder and smiled, “If the tank is killed by the boss due to operating errors, or if the hatred is lost, it will inevitably lead to the destruction of the team.”

Ge Xiaolun held the void sword and bit his lips, finally understanding how important the responsibility he shouldered was.

In the past, when Lena said that he was the last hope of the earth and the barrier of the team, he did not have such a direct feeling.

At this moment, just “losing hatred” once made him truly realize what the responsibility of a tank is.

[The hare is fully loaded…]

[The tank is fully loaded…]

[The hare tank, super best match! ]

An Lan switched his form again, and the blue and white eye shields turned into red and blue, and then waved to Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun.

“Do you want to fight head-on? It seems that you have no other choice.”

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang looked at each other, and they charged at the same time, swinging their weapons to attack An Lan.

But in this way, the situation returned to the beginning. The two tanks with thick skin and flesh but poor flexibility and skills could never touch An Lan.

Although the Hare Tank is not as fast as the Pirate Train with electromagnetic acceleration, it has better flexibility in a small range.

An Lan showed off his skills in a flash, using the Dragon Sword or his fists and feet, and he was still able to deal with the two at the same time.

After a few moves, Qiangwei, who had been observing and commanding from the edge, knew that she could not just watch.

Although Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun are both divine bodies, they have only developed a small part of their abilities at present. Apart from being able to withstand beatings, they have no particularly outstanding advantages.

If they continue like this, they will be scraped down by An Lan sooner or later.

And An Lan’s attack may not be scraping, and the dangerous form has the ability to hurt the divine body.

Damn it, let’s fight!

Rose rushed forward, using the ability of micro-worm transport, constantly wandering around the three people, OB on the edge.

The difficulty of analyzing the divine body is too great. Whether it is An Lan or Liu Chuang, Rose can’t easily analyze it, so her micro-worm transport can only be used on herself.

However, Rose herself has no particularly powerful weapons or means, so she can only play a slight interference role.

At this point, everyone has understood that the Xiongbinglian has been defeated, and it is almost impossible for the Xiongbinglian with only three people left to turn the tables.

But now it is a simulated actual combat, surrender is absolutely not allowed, and running away is not allowed. Do you really run away and surrender when you see that the situation is not good on the battlefield?

You have to persist, even if it’s just for one more second.

“Smash Hit!”

The swift and maneuverable An Lan seized the opportunity, avoided Liu Chuang’s attack, pulled the lever of the dragon sword, and slashed a light blade at Rose who was OB on the edge.

Micro-worm transport!

At the critical moment, Rose barely moved her position and avoided this “sword energy”.

An Lan frowned slightly. Although Rose was not a threat to him, it was too mobile and it was annoying to be harassed all the time.

It needed to be dealt with first.

Thinking of this, An Lan switched his form again.

[Turtle full bottle loading…]

[Watch full bottle loading…]

[Turtle watch, super best match! ]

The blue and red eye shields also switched to green and silver.

“Create the world!”

As An Lan switched his form, Liu Chuang raised his axe and roared, leaping into the air and slashing down at An Lan.

Although Liu Chuang was not well educated, he had heard of the legend of Pangu creating the world with an axe, so he roared to show his strength.

Turtle full bottle activated…

An Lan used the ability of the turtle full bottle, raised his right hand and generated a green energy turtle shell in front of him.


The God-killing Axe slammed into the turtle shell, and after a moment of stalemate, it shattered the turtle shell. The energy that made up the turtle shell exploded, and both the attacker Liu Chuang and the attacked An Lan were forced to retreat a few steps.

“Brain Chop!”

Ge Xiaolun also imitated Liu Chuang’s appearance, roared and raised his sword to chop at An Lan, and at the same time used the ability of the Galaxy Power to resist the void.

An Lan frowned again. If it was not necessary, he really didn’t want to take Ge Xiaolun’s brain chop head-on.

The previous brain chop was dodged, but now he was using the turtle watch form with poor mobility, and his body lost balance again.

The possibility of dodging by moving was not high.

In desperation, An Lan could only turn around and block with his sword.


The moment the two long swords collided with each other, the strange and inexplicable anti-void force turned into a spiritual fluctuation, hitting An Lan’s spirit like a wave.

An Lan only felt that his eyes went black, as if he was completely in darkness. In the endless void, a very tall figure slowly rose in front of An Lan, holding two swords and staring at An Lan.

Looking down from above, he seemed like a true god who could judge everything.

Angry, the blood that was sleeping in An Lan’s body and worshipping only me was boiling with anger.

[Danger level volatility increased…]

[Danger level volatility increased…]

[Danger level volatility increased, current level 4.9]

In an instant, An Lan’s danger level soared from 4.2 to 4.9, and his mental momentum also rose steadily.

Ge Xiaolun, who was fighting with An Lan, also had a black screen in front of his eyes, as if he was transferred to the dazzling galaxy.

Real galaxy!

In the past, Qilin always said that when she looked at An Lan, she could vaguely see the dazzling galaxy in his eyes. Ge Xiaolun just thought that it was the eyes of a lover.

Now Ge Xiaolun realized that Qilin was not lying, and there might really be galaxies in An Lan’s eyes.

In the center of the endless galaxy, there is a star that is many times brighter than the sun.

The energy contained in this star in its heyday was almost completely absorbed by unknown matter in an instant, and it continued to collapse and compress into a white dwarf and a neutron star.

Finally, it completely collapsed into a black hole with infinite mass and infinitely small volume, releasing a gravitational field to the surroundings, swallowing up everything in that galaxy.

Everything returned to the origin and turned into nothingness, including Ge Xiaolun who was in the galaxy.

In reality, Ge Xiaolun, who was in a stalemate with An Lan, seemed to have suddenly lost control of his power and was chopped by An Lan and flew backwards.

The Void Sword fell to the ground, and Ge Xiaolun, who was lying on the ground, was panting and complained in shock: “Fuck.

What the hell is this? I’m scared to death.”

The entire starry sky was swallowed by the black hole. There was no light and heat, no planets, no gravitational fields, no energy, no time and space, and finally even the black hole itself disappeared.

Such a strange vision really scared Ge Xiaolun.


Super God Knight Evolution

Super God Knight Evolution

Status: Completed Author:


Carrying the build and evol dual knight system to travel through the Super Seminary.

Which gene has greater potential, the blood family bloodline or the galaxy force? Who is stronger, the evol black hole form with a danger level of 7.5 or Hua Ye loaded with a black hole engine? "

Keywords: Super Seminary, Heroic Company, Black Armor, The Coming of the Heavens

[No Immortal Cultivation, No Random Travel]

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