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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 021

Ten minutes later.

On the board of the sea restaurant Bharati, the remnants of the Klick Pirates all fell in a pool of blood and were killed.

In addition to the pirates of the remaining party of the Klick Pirates, those who came to eat at the Sea Restaurant, as well as the original chefs of the Sea Restaurant, were also woken up by the harsh shout when Ye Fu kept killing halfway, or even halfway.

The scene in front of them can be said to have deeply stimulated their eyeballs and hearts.

After some female guests saw such a murderous scene, they fainted again.

Of course, some male customers are also included.


Some people who did not pass out, their hearts were also full of fear and fear in Ye Fu’s heart.

They were afraid that Ye Fu would turn around and kill them.


It’s just that they’re scared.

Ye Fu didn’t do such a thing, he just killed all the pirates on the sea restaurant Barati, originally because after killing Klick and Akin, his emotions were a little complicated, and then he ate some food.

After calming down.

Another killing.

His mood did not have the excitement of the initial heartbeat beating in an instant.

And now.

With a very calm and stable attitude, he harvested the lives of these pirates.


Already when he was more than halfway killed.

These pirates began to run away non-stop.

No boat?

Grab it!

There are not boats with some guests around.

As long as they can quickly get away from Ye Fu, the god of death, they are willing to do anything.

There are even some pirates who are afraid that they can’t do it, and they directly jump into the sea to grab a wooden board and swim and run.


Ye Fu only killed seventy percent of these Klick pirates, and ran away about thirty percent.

He didn’t have the heart to chase these people.

The mood to eat was disturbed.

Right now.

He didn’t have much appetite to continue eating.

Fortunately, after eating a few dishes, it can be regarded as a cushion for the stomach.

“Looks like I still have to clean up before I go.”

Ye Fu casually threw the dinner knife in his hand on the ground, his clothes and pants stained with blood, he also shook his head slightly, he was originally going to eat and leave, but he was disturbed.

This time, the body is so filthy.

If you just go to the next world.

If the next world appeared directly in front of some people, wouldn’t it be easy to be mistaken for a murderer, after all, the blood and smell that were so obvious and thick on his body, his eyes were not blind, and those who could smell his nose would not ignore him.

“Sorry, boss, it’s a little dirty, do you have a bathroom here?” I want to clean it. ”

Ye Fu looked at Boss Zhepu, after all, the movement of him killing this group of pirates was so big, the other party’s ears were not deaf, and he could definitely hear it, so after knowing the movement, of course, he came out of the kitchen.

“Of course there is, I’ll have someone prepare it for you.”

Jepp said.

Then, the wooden stick on his right foot kicked Yamaji directly on the head.

“Stinky boy, don’t hurry up and prepare for the guests.”

For Yamaji, his tone was obviously not so good.

Discerning people can see that Zhepu’s attitude towards Ye Fu and his attitude towards Sanji are completely different things.


Everyone present said it was understandable.

After all, such a murderer, the attitude is not good, who knows that the other party’s next target is you.

“Shhh! Dead old man! ”

After Sanji shouted in pain twice, he also said to Ye Fu: “Sir, please over here.” ”

He wouldn’t be stupid at a time like this.

The sea restaurant is just the place to eat.

Of course, there will be no washing service.


Some people, some special treatment is also okay, after all, they are not the courage to say ‘NO’ to a murderer who has killed so many people.

People’s toughness is to pick the object.


This way.

Ye Fu just went up.

This way.

Luffy and Solon and the others were ready to row the boat to chase Nami.

After all, what Nami took away was their pirate ship, in addition, there were all the treasures on board, if they did not recover it, they could be said to have returned to the pre-liberation period, and they would directly become poor.


They want to leave.

But some people wouldn’t let them go.

“Boy, I’m asking you to work for a year to repay the cost of damaging my room, and you haven’t been working for a day, so you want to leave?” Have you asked me!! ”

Jeppe looked at Luffy with unkind eyes and said coldly.


Luffy, who was about to leave to chase Nami, was arrested by Zhepu and owed money back, with his armed domineering and domineering at the level of [entry], if he really wants to fight with Zhepu, then Zhepu will definitely lose.


He really had a loss to stand this matter, and it was also in this way that he was willingly arrested by Jepp instead of choosing to resist directly.

Ye Fu, who was washing upstairs, did not know.

Because he solved the reason for Klick himself, Luffy didn’t have any chance to perform.

Naturally, there was no Jepp who canceled the miscellaneous because Luffy defeated Klick.


Luffy now.

He needs to continue working at the sea restaurant Bharati until the debt is paid.


Ten minutes later.

Ye Fu also used a large number of daily necessities he had bought before crossing to take out the system space, carefully cleaned his whole body, and after washing for a long time, he felt that he had washed the ‘smell’ on his body.



Jepp is directing his staff to dispose of the pirate’s carcass.

As for the treatment method.

Thrown directly into the sea, of course.

This is the easiest way to deal with it.

If the body is left on the ship, after a long time, the corpse of this pirate will absolutely stink, and it can be said that there is no other way but to throw it into the sea.

“Mr. Jep, your cooking skills are superb, I am very happy to taste the food you made, the only regret is that I can’t taste all of it, but thank you Mr. Jepp for your hospitality.”

After Ye Fu came down, he also approached Zhepu.

“It is my honor to have you as a distinguished guest, Mr. Ye, you see if you need me to prepare again, I think no one should disturb you to eat this time.”

Jepp said.

“No need, I’m leaving, next time.”

Ye Fu shook his head and said.

Killed so many pirates at once, and although the employees of the sea restaurant threw the corpses down and cleaned all the blood stains on the deck, the strong smell of blood was not so easy to wash away.

With such a taste, even if it is very light, he does not have the mood to want to eat.

“That’s a shame.”

Jepp also said with a slight disappointment.

As a chef, failing to get a full meal to the end of a guest’s meal was a real failure.

But no way.

Who called the remnants of the Klick Pirate Group, there was a ruthless person who dared to directly set off Ye Fu’s dining table, didn’t he see that in front of Ye Fu, his violent temper converged nine times? It’s not because Ye Fu is strong.

Also, with his eyes, he could naturally see that Ye Fu was different.

When he traded with Hawkeye, he was not deaf and did not hear.

Why should such a person offend the other party if he has nothing to do?

He is not stupid.

“Boss Jep, there will be a period later.”

Ye Fu said with a smile.

Then he also waved his hand, a light door instantly appeared beside him, he also stepped into the light gate, as he walked into the light gate, the light gate also gradually disappeared.

“What a mysterious person.”

Jepp also smiled and shook his head, and then he looked at a certain employee wearing a straw hat cleaning the deck, and a loud roar sounded: “Straw hat little ghost, move me quickly, if you dare to be lazy, the old man will kick you to death.” ”



Hokage World.

The Land of Waves.

“Everybody lie down!!!”

Kakashi, who was on a mission and stepped on the seventh class of the Land of Waves, suddenly shouted, and after a large knife fell with Kiki Kakashi’s words, it also suddenly flew out and spun towards the seventh class and the others.

But the reason why Kakashi’s reminder was very fast, they all crouched down as fast as they could, and dodged the attack.


Right at this moment.

A gate of light suddenly appeared on the path where the decapitation knife swirled by.

Ye Fu, who had just left the pirate world and came to the Hokage world, also walked out of the light gate, and as a result, he sensed this attack almost instantly.

“What the hell? Just come and give a meet-and-greet? ”

Ye Fu looked at the decapitation knife flying towards him, and his heart was full of question marks.

“Danger, get out of the way.”

After Qimu Kakashi saw Ye Fu’s appearance, he also subconsciously shouted, which was purely an instinctive reaction.

“What a thing, get out!”

Ye Fu quickly threw out a punch, and on his fist, the armed color was covered with domineering.


The moment his fist touched, a sharp and piercing sound sounded, and then the decapitation knife was punched out by Ye Fu.

“This welcome ceremony really makes people feel a little fire.”

Ye Fu’s gaze swept coldly over Qimu Kakashi’s group, and then, he turned to someone hiding in a tree, and his domineering aura detected an aura and hid there.

If that’s right, the big knife just now was thrown by this man.


He’s even more fiery.

Fortunately, when he was in the pirate world, he exchanged the armed color domineering and the seeing color domineering, and the seeing and smelling domineering caught the attack in the first time, and fought back with the armed color domineering.

If not.

I am afraid that if I just arrived in this Hokage world for a second or two, I would trigger the protection mechanism of the system and be forced to leave this world directly, and then I would enter a one-month cooldown period, and only after the one-month cooldown period was over, he could come back.

That’s exactly what happened.

He was even more fiery.

One month.

You have to know how many customers there are in the world of Hokage.

If this was because of this kind of thing, he couldn’t enter the Hokage World for a month, then his original plan would have been directly disrupted.


Now he just wants to cut the person who gave himself such a ‘beautiful’ ‘welcome ceremony’.


[PS: Ten more explosive changes every day! ] Throw flowers and continue to explode, if you want to explode, throw flowers, don’t be soft, smash the author with flowers! Appreciate!!! 】

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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