Switch Mode

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 029

[Uchiha bloodline]: It can allow people to have the bloodline of the Uchiha family, and those who obtain this bloodline can open the chakra eye on their own, and have the conditions for evolution.

After Ye Fu completed the deal with Uchiha Sasuke, he took a look at the introduction of ‘Uchiha Bloodline’.

This thing.

It can be said that it directly turns an ordinary person without bloodline into a person with Uchiha’s bloodline.

Moreover, the greatest value of this ‘Uchiha Bloodline’ product is that after obtaining, it has the possibility of opening the eyes of the chakra, of course, it may not be able to open the eyes for a lifetime, which is inevitable.

Even if it was the former Uchiha family, there were many people with Uchiha’s bloodline, but the people who opened the chakra eye were only a relatively small number of people.

Some people can’t open their eyes for a lifetime.

And some people, at a young age, have already opened their eyes, and even, directly evolved from Ergou Jade to the level of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

Yes, it’s you, the man called Uchiha Obito.

So say….

The thing of writing wheels to open the eyes is purely whether the stimulation is big enough, and the stimulation is to the point, then the eyes are opened.

The opening of the eyes of the Uchiha family is basically like this.

And also.

It’s another of his products.

[A hook of jade writing wheel eyes]: It can allow people to directly have a hook of jade writing wheel eyes, which cannot be evolved.

Unlike ‘Uchiha Bloodline’, ‘A Jade Writing Wheel Eye’ does not have the evolutionary ability of ‘Uchiha Bloodline’.

Other words.

If you buy ‘a hook of jade writing wheel eyes’, even if you are killed by your parents, your lover is knifed, and the whole family ascends to heaven, it is impossible for the ‘one hook jade writing wheel eye’ to evolve to ‘two hook jade’ or ‘three hook jade’… ‘kaleidoscope’ and so on.

It can only be ‘a hook of jade writing wheel eyes’, and from beginning to end, it can only be ‘a hook of jade writing wheel eyes’.

If you want to evolve.

That is only possible by purchasing a more advanced Sharingan from him.


Without the ‘Uchiha Bloodline’, no matter what level of Sharingan is purchased directly, it will only remain at that level, and there will never be any changes.

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan?”

“Are you misunderstood, my Sharingan is just a three-hook jade.”

Kiki Kakashi frowned and explained.

In his opinion, this should be a problem with Ye Fu’s own intelligence, so the other party said this ‘wrong’ thing.


“No, I’m not wrong, this Sharingan eye of yours is indeed a kaleidoscope Sharingan, as early as a very early time, your Sharingan evolved to a kaleidoscope, but you don’t know, just like Erzhuzi, his Sharingan opened a jade as early as the night of the extinction of the Uchiha clan, otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to ask for what you don’t have as a trade.”

Ye Fu chuckled and said.

He doesn’t need to hide this yet, after all, the ‘fish’ has already taken the bait, even if Kakashi Kiki doesn’t trade with him, another ‘big fish’ named Naruto Uzumaki will still swim over and bite the hook.

“I, I have already opened the Sharingan ?!!!”

Uchiha Sasuke didn’t expect that he was eating melon quietly, and as a result, this melon was directly eaten on his body.


He was dumbfounded.

“Nonsense, the conditions for the opening and evolution of the writing wheel eye are huge changes in emotional fluctuations, your parents and the whole clan have been killed clean, you say this emotional fluctuation is not much?”

Ye Fu glanced at Sasuke Uchiha and said.

“However, your entire clan is wiped out, and you only let you open a hook of jade angrily, and in the history of the Uchiha clan, it is estimated that you are also the first one.”

He looked at Sasuke Uchiha and sighed while shaking his head.

Lo and behold, that Jiyou stabbed his beloved goddess to death, and as a result, he opened from Ergou Yu to a kaleidoscope.

Look at you again.

There really is no harm without contrast.

Compared with.

Uchiha Sasuke’s eye-opening process, the result is just an operation of a jade writing wheel eye, which has really become a joke.


Ye Fu’s words also silenced Sasuke Uchiha.

He didn’t know he had opened his eyes.


At first, Ye Fu said that he had opened his eyes, and he was still very excited, but now after Ye Fu said this, he only felt that his face was flustered, and he was embarrassed that he could use his foot to pick out a Konoha village.

“Sasuke, try it, if you have already opened your eyes, just move Chakra to your eyes, just move a little Chakra, so that you can open the Sharingan.”

Kakashi Kiki looked at Sasuke Uchiha and saw the latter’s embarrassment, but in order to determine the accuracy of Ye Fu’s words, he tried to use his own experience to teach the other party how to open the Sharingan.

For the Uchiha family.

The opening of the chakra eye is the hardest.

It’s like finding a switch in a huge, dark room.

Finding this switch is incredibly difficult.

Some people can’t find this so-called ‘switch’ in their entire lives.


When the switch is found.

Then ‘opening the eyes’ is much simpler.

Because the stage of ‘opening the eyes’ has passed, the next stage is the second stage of ‘use’, and this ‘use’ is to use Chakra to open and close the chakra eye.


For people who do not have the bloodline of the Uchiha family, this ‘switch’ state, among the two options of ‘off’ and ‘on’, the ‘off’ option is directly eliminated.

All that remains is ‘on’ to choose from.


That’s not the point.

The point is that under the guidance of Kakashi Kiki, Sasuke Uchiha also did what the other party said.

Inject Chakra into your eyes….


Uchiha Sasuke closed and felt the flow of Chakra, and after injecting his own Chakra into his eyes, for a moment, his eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes also changed, and it was a jade chakra eye.

“Is this what it feels like to write a chakra?”

Uchiha Sasuke had a smile on his face, after opening the Sharingan, he only felt that the world in his sight had changed, and even the speed at which a fallen leaf fell was so clear and slow under the observation of his Sharingan.


It is the great insight of the Sharingan.

“Well, your jade writing wheel eye is really nothing to see, let’s play while playing.”

Ye Fu also waved his hand and said.

Sasuke: ……

That’s not how you treated me before.


Thinking that he realized that he had already opened the problem of writing wheel eyes because of the other party’s reminder, he felt that he would not worry about Ye Fu.

“How, Kiki Kakashi, do you want to trade? Use your kaleidoscope to write chakra eyes and chakra seeds and make a deal with me. ”

Ye Fu’s gaze fell on Kakashi Kiki, and Sasuke Uchiha’s performance had proven the truth in his words, so the next thing that should be discussed was the deal between them.

“Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes?”

“Mr. Ye, you seem to know a lot.”

Qimu Kakashi sighed with emotion, as if he was lamenting the three-hook jade writing wheel eye that he had always thought of, but he never expected it to be a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

This, but even his client does not know the secret.


Ye Fu was concerned about this matter… Quite understood.

This also made him feel that Ye Fu in his sight seemed to have a lot more ‘mysterious’ color.

“I know a lot, but that doesn’t prevent the deal between you and me.”

Ye Fu said.

“So what if I don’t trade with you?”

Kiki Kakashi said suddenly.

The voice fell.

Ye Fu smiled.

“Then I can only express regret, but there are so many people in the ninja world, there are many valuable things, and without you Kiki Kakashi, it does not mean that I don’t have guests, although the kaleidoscope chakra eye is precious, but compared with the legendary reincarnation eye, it is still much worse.”

Refuse to trade?

Will he Ye Fu care about this kind of thing?


It’s just one less deal.

His customers were never a limited person, Kakashi Kiki refused to trade, he could find someone else to trade, such as Nagato’s reincarnation eye in Yuhide Village, Uchiha’s pawn Uchiha Obito Kidun and right eye kaleidoscope chakra eye, or Hinata’s white eye.

Or, the ‘reincarnation eye’ of the Otsuki family on the moon now.

There is also the tailed orc pillar force.

Also, some have blood succession limits.

With Ye Fu’s answer.


The air seemed to be heavy.

Yefu and Kakashi looked at each other, and both expressed their attitudes.


The three of Uchiha Sasuke also remained silent and did not say a word.

The next moment.

“Just kidding.”

Kiki Kakashi was the first to speak up, breaking the heavy atmosphere.

“yes, this joke is funny enough.”

Ye Fu also smiled and said.

He did not pursue the other party’s previous words that seemed to have some ‘threat’.

“Just according to what Mr. Ye said, I used a kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye and Chakra seeds to trade the ‘Uchiha bloodline’ in Mr. Ye’s hands, I don’t know what Mr. Ye thinks?”

Kiki Kakashi said.

“Mr. Kakashi takes care of my business so much, how can I refuse, happy cooperation.”

A bright smile appeared on Ye Fu’s face and said.

Some unpleasant ‘things’ just now have been completely forgotten by him.

This is a small contradiction.

Is it important for him to make money?


[PS: Ten more explosive changes every day! ] Throw flowers and continue to explode, if you want to explode, throw flowers, don’t be soft, smash the author with flowers! Appreciate!!! 】

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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