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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 055

Chapter 55: Steve’s Decision, Trading Armed Color Domineering!

[The second change, ask for the first order!!! 】

“The products that I suit you here are, breathing method, armed color domineering, seeing and smelling color domineering, overlord color domineering, Nian Li crystal, as well as Chakra seeds, Chakra refining method, a hook of jade writing wheel eyes, ripple qigong, the green of the knight, silver chariots, red magicians, and a single kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, these are the ones you can trade.”

Ye Fu looked deeply at Steve and said slowly. These are some of the goods.

All are products below level 4 and 4. Now he.

Although there are still some insistences on improving their strength first, they are not as anxious as before. This reason.

Maybe it’s because he exchanged the “Platinum Star”. After you have the ability to pause time.

His own desire for the improvement of strength has been slightly reduced, that is, he is not as impatient as before.

Therefore, this time, he directly said the commodities that Steve could trade.

“Can you elaborate?”

Steve said.

The other party just said the name of the ability, how could he know what kind of ability these abilities were, so he had the need to understand these abilities from Ye Fu’s mouth.

“Of course, that’s what you should do as a businessman.”

Ye Fu smiled and said.

“Breathing method is a kind of…”

“Armed color domineering, is a kind of…”

“Seeing and smelling domineering, it is…”


Ye Fu slowly spoke, and also introduced all the abilities of these commodities in detail, but Steve Rogers, who was sitting across from him, listened quite seriously.

Time passed under Ye Fu’s slow explanation.

Finally, after Ye Fu finished talking about the ability of the last item, he could be regarded as stopping.

“Steve, as a businessman, I shouldn’t call the shots for you, but I remind you not to stare at the magic of ability, but to see that the ability of that commodity is suitable for you is the best.”

Ye Fu said slowly.

Before, he would not list all the products like this and let the customers choose. But now.

He is no longer as fast-paced as before, and naturally changed his trading methods. Later.

He is also ready to trade with trading partners in various worlds in this way.

“It seems that I have to prepare a product catalog, which should be detailed about the ability of each product, just like a restaurant menu.”

Ye Fu’s heart also secretly pondered. People.

After eating a full meal, you will want to eat well. And the leaf floats.

After not being anxious, I began to want to make the transactions between myself and customers more beautiful, not like a pond beach vendor.

“Thank you Mr. Ye for the reminder.”

Steve said politely.

He also did not expect that the transaction mentioned by the other party turned out to be such a transaction.

Just the magic of the goods that Ye Fu said from his mouth was really eye-opening for him.

There were some doubts in his heart, but, considering Ye Fu’s performance before, he chose to believe the other party, at least, the other party showed his etiquette from beginning to end, and did not act excessively.


From these goods, he also saw how a suspected other party made everyone in this tavern faint with the ability to be overlord and domineering!

After introducing this ability through the other party, he had a big guess that Ye Fu used this ability to make everyone in the hall faint in an instant.

“Mr. Ye, forget it, it sounds a little awkward, you still call me Boss Ye, after all, I’m just a businessman.”

Ye Fu smiled and said.

“Okay, Boss Ye.”

Steve said.

“You can slowly think about what commodity you want to choose, of course, whether to make a deal or not, this decision is in your hands, not mine.”

Ye Fu picked up the wine glass, poured himself a glass, and said with a smile at Steve. He has shown enough goodwill.

He believed that Steve Rogers would greatly relax his vigilance under his words. And.

Tempted by so many commodities, he didn’t believe Steve would be unimpressed.At least, in his opinion.

“Level 4 commodities, super soldier serum, can make a thin person like Steve become a burly man, and the physical fitness has reached the limit of human beings, if its own physical fitness has reached a very terrifying state, then the use of super soldier serum will inevitably get a lot of improvement.”

“This product, there should be many people in all worlds who want this product.”

Ye Fu thought secretly.

The reason why he said the goods below level 4 and level 4 to Steve Rogers was mainly because the level of the other party’s own super soldier serum was at the level of level 4.

It is precisely because of this that he lists so many goods. Of course.

In fact, he wanted to list goods between level 1 and level 3 for Steve Rogers to choose. But he abandoned the practice.

Of course, this was not his conscience discovery, so he told the other party about the goods with a level 4. Rather, because.

The goods currently in his hands between level 13 are too few, and the scope of ability is really limited. He can list it.

But it is difficult to say whether the other party will be moved.

Because, the goods in level 13, suitable for Steve Rogers, are few, and can be said to be almost none.

It’s like a person walking into a store and can’t find 0.5 to find a suitable product for him, will he still want to buy something in this store? That, of course, is impossible.

So, if he did.

That would undoubtedly keep Steve Rogers out. The right item could not be found.

Steve Rogers may not be trading with him, and he is either directly missing such a customer and earning one less trading point.

This is for Ye Fu.

That’s really the feeling, missing out on a hundred million. And at this time.

Steve thought for a long time before finally giving an answer.

“I decided, I want to arm this product of color domineering.”

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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