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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 067

Chapter 67: Earn half a trading point with tears and blood! Isayashiki Yaoya was touched by the flickering!

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After Butterfly Shinobu heard this, his face turned red in an instant. If there is a special effect, I am afraid that it is already smoking now.


Eight of the other nine pillars around also began to eat melons. All right!

I didn’t expect that your butterfly ninja usually hides quite deeply, if it weren’t for the other party’s mouth, I’m afraid we wouldn’t know. To this.

Butterfly Shinobu just wants to say, misunderstanding, you misunderstood, really misunderstood! But.

Now this is the case.

Even if she really opened her mouth to explain, it was estimated that it would only get darker and darker. So, she simply shut up.

“That’s great, thank you Boss Ye for your generosity.”

Isayashiki Yaoya said with some excitement above his tone.

He was pondering just now, not thinking about the question of whether to buy or not, but thinking, after buying six “ripple qigong” goods, which six of the nine pillars should he let learn “ripple qigong”?

No matter how he thought about it, he felt extremely entangled. So…

He has been silent and tangled. But.

Ye Fu was so generous, giving them such a big discount, and even directly allowing them to purchase “Ripple Qigong” at the original price, which really moved him.

Now he has 9200 trading points on hand.

Therefore, the other party gives himself the original price, the price of 1000 trading points, to buy a piece of “ripple qigong”. He has a trading point on hand.

It is already enough for all nine pillars to be equipped with “ripple qigong”. How could this make him unhappy.

“Then trouble Boss Ye, I want to buy 9 pieces of Ripple Qigong and use them on Jiuzhu’s body.”

Isayashiki said.

“No problem.”

Ye Fu said with a smile. Price?

Please, is he like the kind of person who would let himself lose money?

Just like some clothing stores when doing business, there are always some routines, such as clearance sale, all original price, or even half price sale, but this so-called original price and half price are set by the merchant.

The real purchase price must be lower than the original price, no, even half the price, for businessmen, the so-called clearance sale, closed inventory, super discount… And so on and a series of activities.

That is, a pretense. As a matter of fact.

After carrying out these activities, they can still make a lot of profits by selling the goods in their hands. However, during the event, these profits were greatly reduced.

The same is true for Ye Fu.

000 trading points?

He did sell 1 piece of corrugated qigong for 1,000 trading points to Yaoya Shiki. Is this the original price?

Of course. Affirmative original price. The standard price of a Tier 3 item. But.

As a level 5 middleman, he can enjoy a 5% discount on the purchase price, and the level 3 goods that can only be purchased at 1000 trading points can be bought for him, and for him, it only takes 500 to buy.

So, it seems how generous he is. In fact.

He can still make half of the proceeds with tears when he sells goods. Moreover, Isayashiki Yaoya is here to thank him immensely for his generosity and generosity. I don’t know.

Ye Fu earned tears and blood. Subsequently.

“System, buy 9 pieces of ripple qigong.”

Ye Fu secretly said in his heart. 4500 trading points were instantly crossed out by the system.

The next moment.

Above his palm, 9 commodity balls of light also appeared, and his small hands shook, and 9 commodity balls of light also left from his palm and flew towards the direction of the nine pillars.

“Don’t resist, don’t dodge, this is a manifestation of ability, absorb him, you can learn.”

“Ripple Qigong.”

After Ye Fu noticed that some people meant to dodge, he also opened his mouth to remind him. Of course.

Even dodging is useless.

After all, after the target of the commodity light ball is locked, no matter how you run, it will fall on the target. He reminded.

Just so that he didn’t want Jiuzhu to waste his time. Soon.

One by one, the balls of commercial light also fell on these people. The commodity photosphere is absorbed.


They have learned “ripple qigong”, of course, only at the beginner level.

If you want to make ripple qigong drive better, and exert better effects and power, then you need to train ripple qigong more, so that your proficiency in ripple qigong can be improved.

“This, suddenly the memory of “ripple qigong” popped up in my mind, I seem to have learned it! ”

“Is this Ripple Qigong? Dealing with ghosts can have a miraculous effect, it is really quite gorgeous! ”

“The real effect has not been tested, who knows if it is true or not! Let’s test it out first! ”

“Well, when I killed the ghost of the lower string yesterday, I used Ripple Qigong, and I can prove that Ripple Qigong is more effective than the Nikkawa Dao in dealing with ghosts!”

“I can prove this, I saw it with my own eyes at that time.”


Jiu Zhu’s mouth also began to talk about it.

For acquiring such an ability and learning such a magical thing in an instant, Jiu Zhu’s mouth expressed amazement and shock. Of course.

Some people also question whether the effect of ripple qigong can really be as effective as remembered. As for this skeptical person.

Of course, it’s a pillar of wind. But. He questioned.

Butterfly Shinobu was a word, hammering his questioning to death.

And Tomioka’s words made this “question” directly spark on the spot. Subsequently.

Everyone also did not question “ripple qigong” again.

After all, although Tomioka Yoshiyuki is the most silent one in the nine pillars, it can even be said to be withdrawn, but they still know Tomioka Yoshiyuki a little, for example, although the other party is silent, he will not lie his tongue.

Therefore, this “honest man” in the nine pillars came out to make a guarantee. Then naturally they will not continue to question.

“Yaoya Shiki, the nine pillars of the commodity have already been obtained, then I will accept the fee of 9,000 trading points. Ye Fu glanced at Jiuzhu and the others, and then, he touched the little head of You Bean beside him and said. I”

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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