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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 069

Chapter 69: Nine Pillars:

“Ghost Mai Tsuji is not miserable, this operation is stunned to look at us stupid!”

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“So it is.”

Ye Fu suddenly realized.

It turned out that he was looking for this kind of thing. But.

If you hate it, it’s about location.

He could indeed know where the Twelve Ghost Moon was. After all.

The positioning function of the system is not covered.

All-round map, directly mark its location, even, can be so detailed that you can move a centimeter can mark you in detail, if you only provide the location, for Ye Fu, it is not a matter at all.


If the other party wants it, how can he say it, he will have to get the remaining 200 trading points in the hands of Yaoya Shiki. It’s just a reward.


Let him willingly use Yaoya Shiki and others as a navigation map, and the other party thinks too beautifully. Subsequently.

He also located the location of the Twelve Ghost Moon in his mind.

This thing, just need to report the name, and then think about the other party, can show the location of its target. The operation can be said to be very simple.

For Ye Fu.

It was very simple for him to search the location of the Twelve Ghost Moon. Moment.

“The location of the Twelve Ghost Moon, I’m afraid it’s unlikely, I can only give you the location of seven of the ghosts, including the position of your Excellency Isayashiki, you already know.”

Ye Fu thought for a moment and said to Shiki Yaoya.

“The remaining four ghosts? Is it because the strength is too strong, so you can’t determine their location? ”

Isayashiki Yaoya couldn’t help but think a little confused.

Behind him.

The eyes of the nine pillars were also sharp, if it was really as the Lord said, then how strong must the strength of these ghosts be? But.

It’s almost impossible.

The specific location of the Tong Mo of the second winding Ye Fu was given to them, in the twelve ghost moons, could it be that the Tong Mo of the second winding was actually very crotch-pulling?


Ye Fu’s mouth popped out such a sentence.

“Well, the boss has already let them take the bento.”

Ye Fu said helplessly.

He tried to locate it just now, and found that there were four ghosts directly prompting here in the positioning function of the system, the four words “dead”.


There is only one possibility for these four downstrings.

The crumb boss directly let them get the bento and get out. That’s all that’s left.

Other than that, it’s winding.

“Got a bento?”

Isayashiki Yaoya and Kuju and the others all had obvious doubtful expressions on their faces. Some of them couldn’t understand Ye Fu’s words.

What is a bento?

They don’t understand good or bad at all.

“This means that Ghost Mai Tsuji personally sent these lower string ghosts to die, so now all I can determine in my hand is the specific location of a lower string ghost and a upper string ghost.”

Ye Fu said.

Nine Pillars: “??? ”

Isayashiki Yaoya: “??? ”

For a while, they listened stupidly on the spot. Boy.

What is this operation?

Why have they never seen it?

Before the fight, he didn’t worry about dealing with their group of old opponents of the ghost-killing team, but on the contrary, he first cut the strength of his side, this operation, really let Yaoya Shiki and others look confused, they can’t understand it at all.

“Boss Chips, this is all normal operation, after all, the next string was killed so easily, so lay off the staff and directly let these lower string waste collar bento get out, this is normal.”

Ye Fu also saw the puzzled thoughts in the hearts of Yaoya Shiki and others, and he also explained it a little. Hearsay.

Isayashiki Yaoya and others only felt that it was outrageous!!!

They never imagined that Ghost Mai Tsuji would show such an operation, which really made them numb. It’s like Qin Shihuang Mo wire, win numb!

This message. That’s really good news.

This one.

Directly let them reduce the four targets that need to be solved, and let them free up four people in terms of manpower to deal with the ghosts who have been wound.

“Boss Ye, what price do you need to pay.”

Isayashiki said.

He knew that it was impossible to let Ye Fu help unconditionally, even if the other party reluctantly agreed, then the other party was somewhat reluctant to help.

And not like that.

It’s better for him to just open his mouth and break it.

“What is this, we are all friends, what is the cost, but then again, I have a Grade 1 product here, a jade writing wheel eye, this product, can make people gain super insight, so, I don’t know if Your Excellency Sanshiyashiki is interested?”



“I used to sell 150 trading points, but this time I will sell you 200 trading points.”

Ye Fu looked at Shiki Yaoya with a smile and said.


Isayashiki Yaoya nodded and said.

The other party’s price increase, he was not angry, but felt normal. That 50 trading points.

It seems that he spent 50 more trading points, but what these 50 trading points bring is what he wants.

At present, the specific location of one winding ghost and six winding ghosts is the information he really wants, and paying some trading points is not important to him at all.

How many years he has cultivated a ghost-killing team by the Yamashiki clan. Non-stop ghost fighting.

Among them, the money consumed is not one or two points, that is consuming a huge amount of money. But.

That’s it.

For the Isayashiki family, that money is just a drop in the bucket, which is nothing.

Therefore, the exchange of medicinal materials bought with money for trading point currency is nothing more than some money for him, and it is spent when it is spent, and there is no need to care so much.

“This is a Grade 1 product” Ichigou Tamashiki Sharingan “I don’t know who you are going to use it on, if it is used on your own body, although I don’t know, but maybe you can use this product to restore your eyes to light.” ”

Ye Fu took out the commodity light ball and said slowly to Shiki Yaoya. Whether the light can be restored specifically, he is not sure.


The product given by the system, the effect is positive.

Therefore, the role of a jade writing wheel eye is to make the eyes have super insight, if it is used on the guest, but the result is not effective at all, then it is not smashing the signboard of the system.

That’s why.

That’s why he had such a conjecture.

“Please trouble Boss Ye to use this item on Xingxi’s body.”

After hearing this, Yaoya Shiki’s blind eyes also widened, and he quickly said.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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