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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 075

Chapter 75: Kill the Twelve Ghost Moon Plan! Get moving!

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The calm days did not last long.

Finally. This day.

Isayashiki Yaoya sent someone to look for him.

This is the time for the plan for the Twelve Ghost Moons to be implemented. One month of training.

For the nine pillars.

Perhaps they can’t cultivate “Ripple Qigong” to a very deep level, but for them, it is enough to cultivate to the level of proficiency at present, and their combat skills are enough to make up for the disadvantage that “Ripple Light Gong” is not yet proficient.

The action of completely killing the Twelve Ghost Moon is imperative.

It was not only Shiki Yaoya who was anxious, but also a group of people in the Nine Pillars who said that if the Twelve Ghost Moon existed for one more day, they all felt that someone would be killed by the ghosts of the Twelve Ghost Moon.

There is also a reason for their psychology. Part.

Mainly people who joined the ghost killing team, most of them can be said to have suffered from ghost persecution, for example, Butterfly Shinobu was attacked by ghosts in the home of two sisters when he was a child, and finally was rescued by the rock pillar, they begged the rock pillar again and again to let them join the ghost killing team in order to take revenge, but the rock pillar rejected them again and again, just wanted them to live a peaceful life.

However, hatred is not so easy to forget, and in the end, the two sisters of Butterfly Shinobu still joined the ghost killing team. And the wind column.

It was also a similar situation, his mother became a ghost and killed his siblings, so he embarked on the road of killing ghosts and eventually joined the ghost killing team, so he is also quite a hatred of ghosts, if there is no ugly existence like Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Miserable, his mother will not become a ghost, and his brothers and sisters will not die at the hands of his mother, so he hates ghosts very much.

Mizuki Tomioka Yoshiyuki also joined the ghost killing team for a similar reason. Other columns.

It’s more or less related to ghosts. Of course.

There are also some who accidentally joined the ghost killing team, pure accidents, for example, love pillar ganlu temple honey, just want to find a marriage partner, the result… Accidentally joined the ghost killing team.


Ghost Slayer Headquarters.

On the tatami, a map is laid flat on the ground.

The other nine pillars are sitting around this map, and next to him, there are two people sitting respectively, one is naturally a butterfly ninja, and the other is the Ganlu Temple honey glass who is a love pillar.

She didn’t know how, after a round of people sat down, as a result, only the position next to Ye Fu remained, and she sat down.

She glanced up at Ye Fu.

Suddenly, her face turned red.

Because, she sounded the events of that day, for her, a single dog who has been single for nineteen years, that scene was more or less exciting, although she had gone for such a long time, but for her, it was still deeply remembered.


The fundamental reason for this is the earth-shattering reason why Ye Fuchang is as handsome as the reader. The other handsome is simply her perfect ideal type.

And at this time.

Ye Fu pointed out the location of the only six upper windings and one lower string in the Twelve Ghost Moon at the moment through the positioning function of the system, and pointed out the location of this large map.

“······ That’s pretty much it, now they are not moving in these positions, now rush over, maybe the sun has not yet set, Ye Fu slowly looked at Jiuzhu and the others, and said. ”

“It’s daytime, they don’t move, they should be resting, waiting for the sun to go down, and when it is dark, they will move again, but, anyway, you only have time to hurry during the day.”

“If it is dark to act, they are very likely to move their position, and when the time comes, don’t go late and don’t see the ghost, blame it on my head.”

Ye Fu said to these people.

He said everything he should say, and as for what he meant, these people should know in their hearts. After all, these people are not stupid either.

“Mr. Ye Fu, we understand, now to the evening, it should be enough for us to rush to the hiding place of these ghosts, thank you very much for your help.”

Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro said loudly.

“I just gave a little information, as for how you are going to do it, it is your business.”

Ye Fu said slowly.

He himself didn’t want to interfere too much with the behavior of some organizations in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, unless the other party was his customer, then there would be some differences.


If he can not interfere, he more or less does not want to care, after all, he is not idle to that point, to intervene in everything, for him, it is too troublesome.

This time he was going to meddle.

It’s just because Butterfly Shinobu is his woman.

Otherwise, after he finishes trading in the Ghost Destruction World and rests for a while, he will move on to the next world to find customers. Subsequently.

Isayashiki Yaoya also discussed with Jiuzhu and the others.

The location of the remaining seven ghosts in the Twelve Ghost Moon has been clarified.

Therefore, after they assign the ghosts that should be solved, they are also about to start acting. Of course.

Over here.

Butterfly Shinobu’s target must be Tong Mo, who is the second in the string, this is her enemy, and she swears to kill the other party to avenge her sister.

The deliberation process was very brief.

Because, for them, it’s really a time to race against time. on the map.

Many of the locations pointed out, some are closer to say, but there are some farther away, then there are some troubles, if a lot of time is invested in this time for discussion, if you delay the time to rush, resulting in late at night has not yet arrived at the location of the ghost, then what if the ghost runs.

It’s the same.

Isayashiki Yaoya and quickly discussed with Jiuzhu and the others.

“The rock pillar, the wind column, and the water column target is one of the upper strings, Black Death Mou.”

“Love pillar, insect pillar, the goal is the second Tong Mo of the wind.”

“Yan Zhu, the target is the third Qiuza seat.”

“Snake pillar, the target is the fourth half-tengu of the winding.”

“Kasumi Pillar, the goal is the five jade pots of the upper wind.”

“Otoku, the target is Winding Roku Prostitute Taro 4.6, Fallahime.”

“One of the nightmares of the lower string, by Tanjiro Stovemon, my wife Zengyi, Izuhira Inosuke, Kurika Rakushi Kana, Immortal Kawa Miya hands.”

“Next, all the members of the ghost killing team will begin to divide into seven teams to assist you in this operation, and please kill the twelve ghost moons incomparably, this is my personal intercession of Shiki Yaoya, trouble.”

“Now, get moving.”

Isayashiki Yaoya used all his strength to Kuju and the others, and ordered loudly.

This action is very important, and this time and even related to how much of the other party’s arm is still left when dealing with Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Miserable, and how many manpower can they free up here to deal with Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Miserable.

Equally. This day. He had been waiting for a long time.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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