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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 080

Chapter 80: Oh, this is not a winding ghost, how did it become so pulled!

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Ye Fu couldn’t help but be speechless.

Good guys, if you remember them now, if they know that after you solve the second winding child’s mill, and then notify them to come and clean up the post-war garbage, they will have to “thank” you fiercely.

Originally. It is to assist in the battle.

As a result, he turned out to be a cleaner.

Anyone who sees this situation will be very speechless. But.

That’s actually a good thing.

After all, this time the action is to encircle and suppress the ghost of the upper string, and moreover, it is still the powerful ghost of the second winding. So.

If one is not careful, there will be casualties. And butterflies endure such behavior.

Although let their job change from combat auxiliaries to a cleaner. But it also allowed them to reduce casualties.

At least.

Don’t worry about being involved in the fight and causing your own death. Ultimately.

Even if they knew that this kind of thing happened, at most, they would just slander that their work had changed, but they would feel that they were glad that they just needed to clean up the battlefield.

It can be said that he picked up a small life.

…… Subsequently.

Ye Fu and Butterfly Shinobu, as well as Ganlu Temple Honey Li, came out of this Ten Thousand Worlds Bliss Sect, and found the mark left by the ghost killing team almost five or six hundred meters nearby.

They followed the mark and found the members of the ghost killing team who were already waiting here. One meets.

Didn’t wait for the members of these ghost killing teams to speak. Butterfly Shinobu took the lead and said.

“The battle is over.”

“Shangqian No. 2 Tong Mo has also been killed by us, you can go directly to the Ten Thousand Worlds Bliss Sect to clean up the aftermath.” As soon as she said this. ”

The dozens of members of the ghost killing team opposite her were stunned on the spot. What the hell!

We waited here for most of the day.

As a result, as soon as you came over, you directly told us that the battle was over. Treadmill.

In just a little time, what happened. That’s the winding ghost of the second winding!

What’s going on?

Doesn’t it mean that the ghosts on the string don’t want it, and the column has to kneel when it encounters? The pillar that died in the hands of the other party is even more an amazing number, for hundreds of years, the ghost killing team has never solved the string ghost.


Why suddenly, the winding ghost is so rubbish. This moment.

The so-called winding ghosts actually brought them a different view. That is.

Oh, it’s not a winding ghost, I haven’t seen you for so long, how did you become such rubbish. Of course.

They just think about it.

As combatants, they certainly know the power of ghosts, and the ghosts who are wound are the best among ghosts. It can only be said.

The world is changing too fast.

The strength of the column must be getting stronger and stronger, so the winding ghost in front of the column, the mouth around the mouth can not escape the fate of being killed.

“Lord Worm Pillar, Lord Love Pillar, let’s go over and clean up the aftermath immediately.”

They also hurriedly answered.

At the same time, they were also relieved in their hearts, at least, they didn’t have to fight hard. They are also people.

It naturally takes a lot of courage to dare to be a combatant of the ghost killing team, but this does not mean that they are not afraid of anything and do not care about their own lives.

Therefore, being able to work as a cleaner to clean up the aftermath is actually a good feeling. Then.

Some of the members of this group of ghost killing teams also went to the place of the Ten Thousand Worlds Bliss Sect one after another, ready to go to the aftermath.

Some people wrote down the results of this battle, and through the crows, they wanted to send this information back to the headquarters of the ghost killing team to inform the lord and others of the good news.


“It’s all over, let’s find a town nearby, and then find a hotel to rest.”

After Butterfly Shinobu watched those people pass in the direction of the Ten Thousand Worlds Bliss Sect, she also proposed out loud.

In her opinion.

My mission this time is over. She didn’t think of it herself.

The battle ended so quickly.

The winding ghost, in her hands, became so weak.


Of course, Ye Fu had no opinion.

Similarly, Ganlu Temple honey glass will not have it.

After a day of running wildly, she also wanted to take a good rest. On the road.

“Endure, you are really powerful today, I just helped you plunder the formation, I didn’t expect you to be able to kill Tong Mo so quickly.”

Ganlu Temple Miri also took the initiative to provoke and said.

When fighting, her attack is more for Butterfly Shinobu to create an opportunity to attack, and Butterfly Shinobu did not let go of the opportunity she created, in an instant, it was to hit Tong Mo hard, and quickly solved the other party.

The end of this battle really made her unable to react.

“I was also surprised.”

Butterfly Shinobu said.

To say that it is not surprising is fake, she herself was also very surprised that she solved Tong Mo so easily… It felt like the ghost suddenly pulled his crotch.

The ghost who used to wind up, but he didn’t pull his crotch so much.

“During this time, I have improved you a lot, and I also have the ability to restrain the other party’s “ripple qigong”, plus these ghosts themselves like to rely on their own rapid regeneration and recovery ability, so generally after seeing the attack, they basically do not hide

“The ripple energy directly made them hit the trick all of a sudden, and when they reacted, they were already seriously injured, so they couldn’t return to the sky at all.”

“That’s why you can solve each other so easily.”

“If the other party knew that “Ripple Qigong” could restrain them, it would take some means. ”

Ye Fu also smiled and explained the main reason why he so easily solved the second Tong Mo of the upper string. It’s nothing more than that the other party is too careless.

And the consequence of such carelessness is that after the other party reacts, they have already entered a state of heavy damage, and in this state, they face the ability to restrain them, and defeat is only a matter of speed and slowness.

There is no chance of a turnover.

When Ye Fu said this, Butterfly Shinobu and the others also understood. It didn’t take long.

The three of them also arrived in a small town. After finding a hotel.

After pulling out some money, they moved in with the owner’s gracious welcome, and after they washed first, the innkeepers also prepared delicious meals for them.

After a full meal. The time is almost up.

There are two rooms, one is the room of Yefu and Butterfly Shinobu 4.8, and the other is the room of Ganluji Miri. Ye Fu and Butterfly Shinobu said hello to Ganlu Temple Honey Li and went in.


It’s game time between them. It didn’t take long.

There were some strange noises in the room.

And in the Ganlu Temple next door, Miri is a person who practices breathing, and her physical fitness has improved by an unknown amount early, not to mention, her hearing, which is quite good, so she heard a sound in the first time, when there was movement next door. Thereupon.

She leaned against the wall, her ears resting on the wall, and listened carefully. And after hearing the strange sound next door.


Her face turned rosy.

She’s still a big girl, this, this, this… It’s so exciting.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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