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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Tsunade [Justified]:

“I have no money!”

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“… Tsunade, do you want to awaken Mu Duan? ”

These words. Tsunade was stunned.

Suddenly, her gaze towards Ye Fu also took on a different meaning.

“What do you mean by that?”

Tsunade looked at Ye Fu and said.

If it’s just an ordinary person who says this to her, she will scoff even more, but the other party is not a so-called ordinary person, the other party’s strength is even above her, she will not be stupid, such a person will say something unobjectionable.


She also began to speculate about what the other party meant by saying this. It was after the other party found him.

Want her to study her grandfather’s cells? Think of it this way.


Tsunade’s face just turned bad.

Looking at Ye Fu’s eyes, there were also some changes.

“If you want me to study my grandfather’s cells to obtain Mu Duan, I can tell you directly that this is impossible.”

Tsunade didn’t wait for Ye Fu to speak, she directly said such a sentence. To this.

Ye Fu was speechless.

Do you want to think of him so evil? He’s a great man.

To know.

Many people have had killing intent on him, and even wanted to kill him, but he left his hand and did not kill the other party. Of course.

The main reason for this is that the other party still has interests, and if the other party cannot bring him any benefits and provokes him, then he can only send the other party to God.

Ye Fu’s tolerance for Uchiha with soil.

It is more about the other party will bring more benefits to themselves in the future, so they do not directly solve the other party. This does not.

Now the other party still has a pair of eternal kaleidoscopic chakra eyes on each other. He went to Konoha this time.

Isn’t it that he wants to trade the Indra Chakra on Uchiha Sasuke, and then trade with Uchiha Obito, and trade the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan from the other party’s body.

That’s the way it is in the adult world. One second ago.

Maybe it’s shouting and killing. But.

Next second.

It may be because of interests, and the handshake with a smile on both sides makes peace. So.

In his heart, interests also occupy a lot of weight.

“Tsunade, don’t speculate about me in this way, I’m a good person, I said it all, I’m just a businessman, I’m here to make a deal with you.”

“The deal I am talking about is because I have perfectly transplanted intercolumnar cells in my hand, and I want to use this to awaken Mu Duan, so, Tsunade, do you have this interest in making a deal with me?”

Ye Fu looked at Tsunade seriously and said. Hearsay.

“The intercolumnar cell you got from there!!!”

Tsunade said coldly.

The intercolumnar cells, so clearly named, she would be a fool if she didn’t know what it was. That’s why she’s even more angry.


Someone is still studying her grandfather’s cells, and it seems that the research has been successful. The mighty shore in front of her was also up and down, and it was obvious that she was not lightly angry.

“Don’t stare at me, first of all, this has nothing to do with me, and it’s not for me to study, I just traded from other people’s hands, not to mention, there are many people who study intercolumn cells in the ninja world.”

“What’s the use of you being angry, the god of the ninja world, the wooden dun between the thousand hand pillars, who doesn’t want to reproduce it, and master it.”

“The human heart has always been like this, don’t you know?”

Ye Fu said to Tsunade. These words.

It also silenced Tsunade.

The other party is indeed right. The world is bustling, all for the good!

Even Konoha Village itself conducted an experiment to recreate Mudu after the Second Shinobi War, but such an experiment clearly failed.

And why did she leave Konoha Village?


Her brother has a part relationship, and her lover Kato is cut off and also has a part relationship.

However, a larger part is almost all because of the actions of Konoha’s high-ranking officials.

Especially after Mu Dun’s experiment was known to her. She was almost completely dead in the heart of Konoha Village. Such a village.

Her home.

It has completely become so that she does not recognize herself. So…

She chose to leave Konoha.

“Tsunade, so, again, are you interested in trading with me?”

“Under the premise that you are a member of the Thousand Hands clan, you should know that after you awaken Mu Duan, the power you will exert will be very strong, at least, you will not go to plant flowers after awakening Mu Duan…”

Ye Fu looked at Tsunade and said his words again. Mu Dun is very strong.


That also depends on whose hands Namu Dun is in.

In the hands of the Thousand Hand Pillars, the power of that Mu Dun was extremely powerful, and a big Buddha passed, and the four countries did not dare to move. But.

In Yamato’s hands.

I can only say that the house is well built.

As for the Boruto period, the wind festival was in the hands of Meng Huang… Forget it, don’t insult Mu Dun if you step on the horse, okay? It’s really a generation that is not as good as a generation, and in the end, Mu Duan, who is enough to level the four countries, is so miserable that he goes to plant flowers.


Tsunade himself is the physique of the Senju clan, and in his sight, Tsunade is an immortal body, but it is only a rank 3 commodity.

This is obviously a bit low. In his opinion.

The immortal body between the thousand hand pillars must reach the level of level 5.

Otherwise, how could there be so many Chakras exhibiting such a powerful wooden dun.

“You’re just trading this with me?”

Tsunade looked at Ye Fu suspiciously. She didn’t expect that.

The other party turned out to be holding the intercolumn cells and trading with her.

“Of course, otherwise why am I looking for you 3.1, I have nothing to do to find you when I am full.”

Ye Fu said loudly.

To this. Tsunade was silent.

What the other party said seems to be quite right. But.

“You want me to make a deal with you with my money?”

“If that’s the case, then you may be disappointed, I have no money.”

Tsunade looked at Ye Fu and said.

Especially when it comes to saying that he “has no money”, he looks even more righteous, as if he is proud of it. This made Ye Fu speechless after watching it.

“I’ve never had money, I’m not interested in money.”

Therefore, Ye Fu also said such a pretend sentence, this forced words, Tsunade listened to it and was silent, this forced is really good.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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