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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Kakashi of the Dead Banner!

[Fifth, ask for subscription!!! 】

One day later.

Ye Fu also came to this so-called Konoha Village.

This is the first time he has come to such a place, and it can be said that it is very strange.

He handed in his fake ID and then passed the inspection smoothly and entered Konoha Village. First time.

He just went to find Kiki Kakashi.

After all, there were too few people he knew in Konoha Village. To say knowing.

A Tsunade wanders outside, escapes debts, and just doesn’t come back.

Then, there was the seventh squad of Kakashi, Kiki, whom I met last time. And go to Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, or Sakura Haruno?

Come on.

What is there to find for a few little brats. It’s better to go directly to Kiki Kakashi. Thereupon.

He used the positioning function of the system to lock the location of Kiki Kakashi, and after entering Konoha Village, he also followed the location marked by the positioning all the way towards Kiki Kakashi.

The position of the other party has not changed in any way. It’s been a few minutes.

It’s all still in place.

This shows that the other party is not running around, which is also a good thing, at least, if the other party is running around, he is estimated to spend more time.


He came to where the positioning function was located. Here, there is a queue.

Ye Fu only glanced at it, there were many books in the store, so this place was a bookstore. And in the crowd of the ranks.

Ye Fu did not see Kakashi’s familiar face.

This made his brows frown, the positioning of the system is right, it is this position, so, he positioned it in detail, in his line of sight, an indicator appeared directly, and directly locked a person who seemed to have a slightly handsome face.

“This is Kiki Kakashi?”

“The system should not be wrong, then, the other party used the transformation technique”


Ye Fu also glanced at Qimu Kakashi a few more times, and in the end, he felt that Qimu Kakashi should have used the transformation technique and changed into a different appearance before coming in to buy books.


And why did the other party become like this?

This couldn’t help but make Ye Fu glance at this bookstore more. Thereupon.

He saw the front of the queue in front, at the door of the bookstore, there was a horizontal bar, just now he just glanced at it casually, and didn’t care about this at all, now take a closer look, good guy, it turns out to be this reason.

Intimate Paradise, new book on sale!!! This…

Ye Fu was silent after seeing it.

Kiki Kakashi is really a stuffy person, and when he buys books, he actually transforms into such a look to buy books. This is a little H book.

If this is exposed, Kiki Kakashi must not die directly. Suddenly.

An idea also popped up in Ye Fu’s mind. The corners of his mouth also hung a playful smile. Subsequently.

He took a deep look at Kiki Kakashi, this glance made Kiki Kakashi shiver, he always felt that something bad was going to happen next!

Just now.

When Ye Fu appeared, he had already noticed the other party for the first time. However, he is now lining up here to buy books.

So, he didn’t want to expose himself.

If this is known by the other party, and they line up here to buy books, wouldn’t it… Is it a shame? Not to mention.

This team, he has been waiting for half an hour. It’s almost up to him.

Get out of here.

Then when he comes back, he will have to queue up again. The main point.

He saw that the number of books in front of him was really limited, and he was now in line here, according to the quantity, he should still be able to buy it, but if he left and lined up again.

So, this time Jiraiya-sama’s new book… It was completely out of touch with him. It is also for these considerations.

He chose not to speak.

I’m going to wait until I’ve bought Jiraiya-sama’s new work before thinking about it.

To know.

He left his disciple Uchiha Sasuke behind for Jiraiya-sama’s new work, otherwise, he is still helping Uchiha Sasuke train ah, but for Jiraiya-sama’s new work, who is Uchiha Sasuke? He Kakashi didn’t know the man.

But. He hasn’t noticed yet.

Then came when disaster struck him. The next moment.

A voice suddenly sounded.

“Hey, this is not Konoha’s elite Kakashi Kakashi, how did you use the transformation technique to become such a look, and still buy books here.”

Ye Fu suddenly walked in the direction of Kiki Kakashi, and said loudly. Such a loud sound, everyone present heard it.

Konoha’s elite Shinobi? Kiki Kakashi?

Everyone heard those words.


In an instant, everyone brushed their gaze into the past. How many elite Shinobi does Konoha have? Not much.

That’s all. However.

Ye Fu shouted, which also instantly attracted the attention of passers-by present, especially if he was still buying books here. Even if it’s not a passerby queuing.

After seeing the new books sold in this bookstore, they were silent. The elite of their village are on the endowment.

Unexpectedly, buy such books in such a place? This…

They just think that this is a big witch.

In an instant, everyone entered the state of eating melons, and their eyes locked on the “Kiki Kakashi” who was suspected to be Konoha’s elite Shinobi, ready to watch a good show.

And Kiki Kakashi saw Ye Fu ready to shout out. He felt.

Things seem to be starting to get worse. Outcome…….

As soon as the other party opened his mouth and shouted out, he only felt that the sky was falling. This, this is to kill him in public.

Why use Transfiguration to buy books? Isn’t it because he doesn’t want to keep it. This is good.

As soon as Ye Fu spoke, he directly exposed his identity, and this time, he really wanted to die. He only has one idea now.

Please directly kill him with a heavenly thunder, as for sending a guy like Ye Fu to let him die on the spot? It’s so infuriating. One if he is guilty.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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