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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 123: Staying In The Hyuga Clan, The Spokesperson Selected By Ye Fu! [Fifth Update, Please Su

“Okay, I can arrange an address for you.

For such a small matter, Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally agreed directly.

Just a little thing.

“Third Hokage, if possible, I would like to stay in the Hyuga family, can I ask Third Hokage ape to do me a small favor.

Ye Fu said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“The Hyuga family?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t help frowning because of Ye Fu’s words. For a while, he couldn’t help thinking about why Ye Fu wanted to live in the Hyuga clan.

He didn’t believe that the other party was carrying out the kind of theft that the people in Cloud Shinobi Village used to do for the sake of making a fool of themselves.

After all, for Ye Fu, the other party can give others Hashirama cells at will, and also has everything on the catalog, so he doesn’t think the other party will use the act of stealing like Cloud Shinobi Village Come and get blindfolded.

the other party’s purpose.

It should be a blind eye.


The other party probably wants to get supercilious from the hands of the Hyuga clan through trading.

After thinking about what he saw in the product catalog, he felt that the possibility of the other party getting a blank stare was not very low.

If the people of the Hyuga family knew that such a deal would give them great strength, they would be eager to make a deal with Ye Fu.

“Okay, I’ll let Anbu’s people take care of me.”

After Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while, he gave Ye Fu an answer directly.


Ye Fu also walked out.

In front, there is Anbu’s person in front, and the other party will lead him to the Hyuga clan.

In Hokage.

Inside Third Hokage’s office.

“Father, are you not afraid of what he might think of the Hyuga clan?” 597

Sarutobi Asuma thought for a while and asked.

“Based on his character, he must have thought about the white eyes.”

Said Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Then why don’t we take down the other side directly? Let the other party live in the Hyuga clan, isn’t it like a sheep going to the tiger’s mouth.

Sarutobi Asuma is somewhat puzzled by his father’s behavior.

“Don’t worry, his character will not engage in plundering. He will only use the method of trading to get what he values. If it is the Hyuga clan’s own wish, then we have nothing to do.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly.

He can stop the other party from moving in, but what’s the use of stopping it? Doesn’t the other party have legs, so it seems that he can’t go to the place of the Hyuga clan? With the strength of the other party, Hyuga Hiashi will only choose to treat him politely after knowing it treat.

Then, with Ye Fu’s lure, it will be a matter of time before Hyuga Hiashi falls.


It’s useless for him to stop the opponent’s behavior like this, and it will also annoy Ye Fu. If this is the case, he will offend the opponent. place to trade.


Isn’t Konoha Village a big loss.

It is simply the behavior of the enemy.

To this.

Sarutobi Asuma was also silent.

What my father said seems to be right, even if you stop it, you can’t stop it. It’s better to arrange for the other party to live in it. At least, let the other party feel the kindness of their Konoha Village.

“Can’t you just take him down?”

Sarutobi Asuma thought (bbdc) said after taking a test.

“Under his aura, Jiraiya also fell into the lower division. He has at least Kage-level strength.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly.

Doesn’t he want to take down the opponent directly, and take the mysterious power of the opponent into his own hands?

This is not because the strength of the opponent is too strong, so it is not so easy to win the opponent, so he gave up the plan to directly attack the opponent.

To know.

After Hatake Kakashi learned that Nine Tails Chakra had been traded from Uzumaki Naruto to Nine Tails Chakra, he himself was extremely angry, and he wanted all the Anbu members of Konoha to encircle and suppress Ye Fu.

The purpose is to prevent the other party from leaving Konoha with Nine Tails Chakra and go to other countries for transactions, causing Nine Tails Chakra to fall into the hands of other countries.


In the end he dismissed the plan.

Because of the recent Chūnin exam, they discovered the traces of Orochimaru. During this period, it is really not peaceful. If they rashly attack Ye Fu like this, the only result will be…both sides suffer.

Even, it may be benefited by enemies in the dark.


He chose to endure.

At least, if he wants to attack Ye Fu, he is going to delay until after the Chūnin exam is completely over. If there is no trace of Orochimaru, he should have left. If there is a trace, it is estimated that the other party will do it during the Chūnin exam.

So, now he can only bear with Ye Fu temporarily.


The opponent has Nine Tails Chakra, Hashirama cells and many other things on him, he will never let the opponent leave Konoha.

“Since you have obtained Hashirama cells and awakened Wood Style, then you should practice hard and try to make your strength break through to Kage-level Konoha’s future depends on you”

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at his son deeply, and said pointedly.

“I see.”

Sarutobi Asuma also understood what his father said, and nodded obediently.

The position of Hokage.

My father wanted him to take the position of Hokage after his breakthrough in strength.

So, Tuan told him so.


The position of the Hokage position is not that Sarutobi Hiruzen refused to come down after taking the Hokage position again after the death of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

It’s just that none of the people he selected was up to par, and some of them didn’t care about Hokage’s position at all.

The first person he wanted to let him sit on the Hokage position was Jiraiya, but Jiraiya himself didn’t care about the Hokage position at all, and shied away again and again.


It’s over.

while others.

Hatake Kakashi?

Impossible, the other party is really too young, and secondly, the other party’s father committed suicide and died. There are more or less reasons for his laissez-faire. Anbu’s information, how could it be possible that after the incident of Hatake Sakumo broke out, I don’t know what the conflict between the people around me and Hatake Sakumo is.

If Anbu’s information is really so hip, at least one tenth of the population of Konoha Village must be undercover agents of several other major countries.

For that incident, he wanted to beat Hatake Sakumo, but he couldn’t get it, and the other party committed suicide directly.

This also made him secretly regret.

If Hatake Sakumo hadn’t died, the third ninja war wouldn’t have been so miserable, and he didn’t have to choose to step down because he wanted to take responsibility.


Things have happened.

At least, from his point of view, Hatake Sakumo’s death was indeed his part.


Even if Hatake Kakashi has no psychological problems and his strength has reached the Kage-level, it is impossible for him to elect the other party to the position of Hokage.

And then there’s his son.

He naturally wanted to elect his son to the position.

But I can’t stand it.

Konoha is not his only Konoha.

With his son’s strength, there are not many people with such strength in Konoha Village.

If he lets his son succeed Hokage, how many people will not be convinced? And how many people will choose themselves or someone they value to be on this premise under the premise of electing Fifth Hokage? Location.

At that time, he may come down by himself, but the person who ascended to this position is not the person around him. For him, that is definitely not a good thing, so the position of Hokage has been delayed again and again.

As for Hokage position must have Kage-level?

This is pure nonsense.

I don’t even look at how old Sarutobi Hiruzen was at the beginning, that is, Elite Jōnin, who was close to Kage-level strength, and sat on the position of Hokage. It was not because of the forces behind it, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Shimura clan, and Uzumaki Mito Can represent the Senju clan to help him, as for the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Kagami lobbied for him to get support, and the Hyuga clan, promised the benefits of being in the top position, so that the other party knew that they had no hope of getting to that position, so they chose help him.

And there are people from the Ino–Shika–Chō clan.

This allowed him to take the position of Third Hokage when his strength was insufficient.


Climbing to the position of Hokage, the strength does not necessarily require the Kage-level, but the support of the forces behind it.

And now.

The family in Konoha Village also has a group of commoner ninjas, how can they watch him let his son take the position of Hokage? It is impossible, so he can only choose to firmly hold on to the position of Hokage up.

At least, in his opinion, before the person he chose appeared, he at least had no thought of abdicating.

the other side.

Under the leadership of Anbu, Ye Fu came to the side of the Hyuga clan.

“Hyuga clan?”

“The spokesperson’s affairs should also be arranged.”

Standing at the gate of the Hyuga clan, Ye Fu has a lot of thoughts in his mind. He has never forgotten about his spokesperson in the Hokage world, and he has already figured out the candidate for the spokesperson.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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