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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 129: HyūGa Hinata, Are You Willing To Be My Ninja Spokesperson? [The First Update, Please Su

heard the words.

Hyuga Hiashi was silent.

a long time.

“Who is the person chosen by Your Excellency Ye Fu~?”

Hyuga Hiashi asked.

He thought that when the other party revealed his purpose, he would feel a little angry in his heart. This kind of behavior undoubtedly regarded him as a pawn from the Hyuga clan, but after listening to it, he found that he couldn’t get angry.

Because, he remembered that after Jiraiya traded the Hashirama cell from Ye Fu, he got the calendar area of ​​Wood Style.

Therefore, the spokesperson selected by Ye Fu, in a sense, can be said to be working for Ye Fu. Since he is a part-time job, he must have a “salary”. This is why he found that he has no anger from The reason for the explosion in his heart.

Although he became the opponent’s pawn.

There must be some unhappiness in his heart.

This more or less did not put them in the eyes of the Hyuga clan.

But when he thought about it carefully, he realized that this didn’t seem to be a bad thing, but a good thing that came to him. So, after calmly thinking about it, could he still get angry?


“Your daughter, Hyūga Hinata.”

Ye Fu also gave the answer to the other party.


Hyuga Hiashi frowned slightly, as a father, he naturally knew the character of his eldest daughter.

He originally thought that the other party would choose another member of the Hyuga clan, or he, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, but the other party gave him such an answer that even he felt very surprised.

“That’s right, it’s your eldest daughter.

“I want him to be my spokesperson.

Ye Fu looked at each other seriously and said.

“Your Excellency Ye Fu’s answer really surprised me.

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Ye Fu seriously and said.

He didn’t lie, Ye Fu’s answer really surprised him.

“What if I refuse His Excellency Ye Fu’s invitation instead of my daughter?”

Hyuga Hiashi asked.

“Then I won’t mind, the big deal is to change the spokesperson.”

Ye Fu said to Hyuga Hiashi indifferently.

At least, he will not give the other party any chance to manipulate him at will. If he wants to use this as a bargaining chip in the negotiation with him, then Hyuga Hiashi really thinks too much and is too beautiful.

Just a spokesperson.

He chose Hyūga Hinata only because of his identity and character.

If he is really willing to spend a little more time choosing a spokesperson, and spend a little more time cultivating a spokesperson, then he can find anyone to be his spokesperson.

After all, in terms of abilities, he has a lot here, and he can casually give his spokesperson a few abilities, which is enough for the other party to use.

To this.

“I, Hyuga Hiashi, represent the Hyuga family in making transactions with Lord Ye Fu, and I do not object to the fact that my little daughter Hinata is the spokesperson for Lord Ye Fu.”

Hyuga Hiashi said.

Immediately, he also gave an order to arrange for Hyūga Hinata to be picked up.

this time.

The contact with Ye Fu is both danger and opportunity.

After he thought for a long time, he made his own choice. The opportunity is rare. As for hating the Third Hokage, it’s okay to hate it. Anyway, about the Third Hokage, these are more or less in his heart. Some complained about each other.

At first.

The other party was directly cooperating with other members of the clan and forcing the palace directly, which led to the fact that his younger brother Hyuga Hizashi went to die instead of him.

And because of this.

Over the years, the conflict between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen has eased a lot, but it really only eased a little bit.

“Head Hiashi, what deal are you going to make with me?”

“Come on, this is a level 3 product catalog. The things you are wearing now, whether it’s White Eyes, Revolving Heaven, or Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, or One Hundred and Twenty Eight Palms, are actually all right for me. Anyway, the highest product on your body is just that high-level product.”

Ye Fu said with a smile.

Immediately, he also noticed the puzzlement on the other party’s face, and slowly explained to the other party the classification of commodities and the trading rules here.


After listening.

Hyuga Hiashi expressed some dissatisfaction.

Why can Hashirama cells be arranged in the ranks of 4-level commodities, but the price of the white eyes of my Hyuga family is only the value of B-level commodities.

“No way, your ability to roll your eyes is really limited.”,

Ye Fu looked at each other and said.

If it is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, or Ōtsutsuki’s peach-style white eyes passed down by Boruto, at least they can be ranked in the ranks of the fourth-level commodity value. After all, the ability of the other party’s white eyes is not just the current Hyuga family. Blindfold’s ability effect.

·Ask for flowers……

The power of the white eyes is not bad at all.

Because, that is the force field of the Ōtsutsuki family id.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya’s white eyes can even stand still, and the coercion alone can directly knock people out.

Not to mention the ability of Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki.

After all, the opponent even displayed an ability similar to that of “Hollow.

It can be seen from this.

The supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan are quite valuable.


It is the Tenseigan that evolved from the white eye, and the power of the Tenseigan is even more powerful.


That’s why he said that the ability of the Hyuga clan to roll their eyes is limited. This is not empty talk, but a true heartfelt statement.


Let Baiyan complete an evolution, and evolve to the level of Tenseigan. It is estimated that it is not only a level 4, but it is even possible to reach level 5, or even level 6.

And now the white eyes, after planting the cage seal bird curse seal in the branch house, there will even be a visual blind spot behind.

That’s it.

Level 3 commodity value, Ye Fu thinks it is more qualified.

And the time is passing by little by little.

When the two of them were chatting about the same time.

The person sent out by the Hyuga clan came back, and at the same time, the other party returned with a person by his side.

“Your Excellency Ye Fu, this is Xiaoan Hyūga Hinata”

Hyuga Hiashi said.

“I know, I’m not blind.

Ye Fu waved his hand and said.

This still needs to be introduced by the other party? Just looking at this one makes him blush, and even looks so shy. If he can’t recognize the other party, then his eyes are just for display.

Afterwards, he also set his eyes on Hyūga Hinata, and said slowly.

“Hyūga Hinata, would you like to be my Ninja spokesperson?”

[PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please, everyone!]

[PS: The status has been bad for the past two days, please forgive me, the author can only try to restore the previous update as soon as possible. “I’m really sorry! And】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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