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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 166: Ye Fu: I Can't Beat Arlong? Are You Insulting Me? [The First Update, Please Subscr

“Let’s talk about it when the time comes, let’s settle the matter here first.”

Ye Fu shook his head lightly, temporarily putting his plans behind him.

“I have already injured someone, do you want to do it yourself, or let me do it for you.”

Ye Fu asked Nami.


Hearing this, Nami also couldn’t answer for a while.


Although she has been wandering in East Blue for many years and has been a professional thief for many years, she is only stealing treasure. If it is to kill, she has never done it. If she is asked to directly kill this group of Marines, this makes her There was a slight retreat in my heart.

“I see.”

Ye Fu naturally saw that Nami didn’t have the courage at the moment.

Therefore, he can only give these guys a ride by himself.

Da da da!!!

He stepped lightly and walked towards Colonel Mouse and the others.

“No, don’t come here!!!”

“I am Marine, if you kill me, you will be wanted by Marine!”

“Kill 03 Colonel Marine, Marine will definitely hunt you down, let me go, I can pretend that nothing happened, these treasures [are also yours…

Colonel Mouse screamed in fear, while moving his body, moving back regardless of the pain, wanting to stay away from Ye Fu, not only him, but other Marines as well.


Just a face to face.

None of them knew what happened, and as a result, they were knocked into the air and fell to the ground, and all of them were injured.

How the other party did it, they are still at a loss.


One thing is for sure.

Ye Fu approached step by step, and the other party was definitely going to attack them.


To escape, you must distance yourself.

Otherwise, they will definitely die in the hands of Ye Fu.


“Canteen Spicy Sauce!!!”

Ye Fu summoned his own substitute, and the figure of Baijin Star appeared instantly, but unfortunately, only the substitute envoy who also has a substitute can see the substitute, of course, maybe some worlds have certain abilities. A person with a special ability can definitely see a substitute.

But at least the group of weak chickens in front of them obviously couldn’t do it.

bang! bang bang!!! bang bang bang!!!

Under Ye Fu’s control, Baijin Star made a move, and those diamond-shattering fists landed directly on the heads of these Marines. In an instant, their heads were blown apart like watermelons.

When they were dying, they were still begging for mercy, and they seemed to hope that Ye Fu would let them go.


Just a bunch of scraps.

Now that Ye Fu has made a move, he naturally has no intention of letting these people go.

The garbage in the marine, kill it, kill this group of people, change to a spokesperson, this deal, he really made a lot of money.

As for innocent?

These people are not innocent at all.

The Dragon Pirates rule not only Cocoyasi Village, but a large area nearby, and Colonel Mouse has a deal with the Dragon Pirates, so the other party is not innocent at all. As far as the high-level Marine is concerned, someone has already sent Marine to deal with the matter here.

It’s just a dragon pirate group, how powerful it can be, and it can be easily dealt with by sending a major over here.

Not to mention the Marine soldiers under Colonel Mouse.

The Marine soldiers brought by Colonel Mouse are very aware of the deal between their boss and Arlong, but so many dragon pirates are still rampant, which is enough to show that these Marine soldiers must also be one of the bribers.


Killing this group of people, Ye Fu felt at ease.

After solving the offal in this group of Marine.

“I’ve already dealt with this marine garbage, get up and lead the way.”

Ye Fu walked up to Nami and said.

“Lead the way? Lead what way?”

Nami looked at the Marine soldiers whose heads had been blown off with some discomfort. Fortunately, she had already been at sea for a long time and had seen many dead people, so she was already used to it. up.

The reason why I feel uncomfortable is because Ye Fu’s methods are too cruel.

Just blow your head off.

It’s just bloody.

“My deal with you is to get rid of the Dragon Pirates. I don’t know the exact location of the Dragon Pirates. Of course I need you to lead the way.”

Ye Fu looked at Nami and said.

“Dragon Pirates…”

For a moment, Nami fell silent.

How terrifying the Dragon Pirates are, it can only be said that her childhood experience had a great influence on her, so, in her opinion, the Dragon Pirates are a group of vicious and powerful people, at least, she subconsciously I feel that Ye Fu is not good.

“Forget it, Arlong and the others are really strong, their mermaid strength is ten times stronger, you can’t beat them.

Nami shook her head and said.

Ye Fu: “???”

I have been seen like this?

He really didn’t expect that in Nami’s eyes, he turned out to be a weak chicken worse than a group of weak chickens?

What the other party said.

More or less insulting.

“Get up and lead the way, otherwise, I will kill you now.”

Ye Fu also ordered to Nami in a cold voice.

He knew that with Nami’s current state, if he should ask 980 to lead the way, the other party would be a bunch of blah blah blah blah.

Rather than this.

It’s not as good as his attitude.

As for the Dragon Pirates?

When they fight, she will know what kind of weaklings the Dragon Pirates are.


He didn’t need to waste his time arguing this with Nami.


Nami’s eyes widened, but after seeing the corpses of the Marines with the rest of her eyes, she immediately closed her mouth, this strange man, maybe if she really didn’t do what he said, then There is a real possibility that the other party will kill her.

“I’ll go with you.”

Nami said with some fear.

“Let me take him, Nami.”

At this time, Nuo Qigao also stood up and stood in front of Nami, saying.

“No, let me go.”

“Nami, I…”

“Less talk nonsense so much, since we all want to go, then just go together.”

Seeing that the two sisters seemed to waste a lot of his time on this kind of thing, Ye Fu suddenly felt dizzy, and directly ignored the opinions of the two, grabbed them with his thoughts, and prepared to let the two lead the way together .

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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