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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 170: The Long Overdue Straw Hat Crew! To The Town Of Rogge! [The First Update, Please Subscr

The banquet lasted for several days before it stopped.

It’s not that they are too wasteful.


For them, this means a new life. These people also want to vent all their emotions such as pain, aggrieved, and fear at the beginning.

After a few days.

Ye Fu is also preparing to leave with Nami.


He not only wanted to take Nami away, he also wanted to take Nuo Qigao away with her, after all, she was already considered her woman, and he would not treat his woman badly.


Nuo Qigao himself was unwilling to leave.

After all, this orange grove was left by her mother, and it is the best memory between her and Nami. Of course, she would not just sit and watch the orange grove go to waste like this, so she had no choice and “Nine” Seventy” Ye Fu left together.

Ye Fu himself is not reluctant.

Since you don’t want to leave.

Of course, he left some things for Nuo Qi to defend himself and protect himself.

A super soldier serum is a must.

Then, of course, Chakra Seeds, Chakra Extraction, and Nine Tails Chakra.

There are four things in total.

Two tier 3 items, one tier 4 item, and then one tier 5 item.

Ye Fu spent 6800 transaction points.


Also armed Nuo Qigao.

He taught the other party for several days, let the other party learn how to use Nine Tails Chakra a little bit, the rest only needs the other party to practice for a long time to extract his own Chakra, but with the help of Nine Tails Chakra, promise Qigao must be able to quickly extract a large amount of Chakra in a short period of time.

And such power.

It was enough for Nuo Qigao to protect herself.

Although the mastery of power is not enough.


A mere East Blue.

Not many are truly powerful.

And a truly powerful person would not rush over to make trouble so casually.


Even if some pirates with a bounty of tens of millions came to Cocoyasi Village to make trouble, they would definitely not be able to beat Nuo Qigao.


His efforts have been rewarded.

Nuo Qigao is very proactive.

And now.

Ye Fu flew directly over this sea area with Nami directly.

After all, he has the ability of mind power.

Flying by yourself and flying with another person is simply more than enough to kill.


He just flew out not long ago.

He saw the bottom, and the boat headed in the direction of Cocoyasi Village.

Ye Fu glanced at it.


It turned out to be the Straw Hat Boys.

“I settled everything, people were kidnapped by me, did these guys arrive?”

Ye Fu had a strange look on his face, that is, he didn’t know what to do if these people lost a navigator. You must know that the Grand Line is very dangerous. “The most important thing is not that you need a navigator.

Otherwise, the devil knows, and you don’t know where you are floating.


It has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, he has already stripped Luffy of everything.

As for chasing after Cocoyasi Village, let’s go after Cocoyasi Village, anyway, Nami has already been abducted by him.

And then there’s Luffy’s boat.

That is the Forward Meli, which is still staying near Cocoyasi Village at the moment. Of course, Nami has no intention of taking it away. Ye Fu is flying directly into the sky, and needs a woolen boat. In the end, Luffy and others can still get this thing back .


Money is not necessarily.

After all, Nami is greedy for money, and it is estimated that he has already received the money from his hidden treasure Curry.

Town of Rogge.

With systematic navigation, Ye Fu naturally brought Nami and came here in a straight line.

It took about half a day to fly at full speed.

Ye Fu finally arrived here.


His mental power is strong, and mental power is linked to mental power, so the half-day consumption of mental power is nothing more than a slight consumption to him, nothing at all.

“Logia’s Smoke fruit, I don’t know what level of product it is.”

Ye Fu’s heart is full of anticipation.

At Nuoqigao, he spent more than 6,000 to 7,000 trading points on the other party, so no matter what he said, he had to earn back the cost during the next time in Pirate World OK…

“This is the town of Rogge, can I go shopping?”

Nami’s eyes lit up, and he asked Ye Fu.

Women like to go shopping.

Naturally, Nami is no exception. After the burden of the Dragon Pirates is released, she also wants to buy and buy now.

“Then let’s go shopping.”

Ye Fu agreed.

Anyway, the time is still long, so there is no rush.


He went shopping with Nami.

Women like to go shopping, and no matter how long they go shopping, they will not feel tired.

At least.

This is the case when shopping.

At this time, Ye Fu also turned into a bag boy.

To this.

Of course, Ye Fu directly threw all the things Nami bought into the system space.

Just take it out when you need it.

Shopping is also a full afternoon of shopping.


After buying a lot of clothes and pants, Nami finally stopped.

Of course, he was the one who slept.

As for Nami’s money?

The other party directly distributed it to the people in Cocoyasi Village.

To this.

Ye Fu didn’t stop it either, after all, this is the treasure that Nami has collected over the years, and what the other party wants to do with it is the other party’s business.

“Since you have bought enough, let’s go.” 5.7

“It’s time to see the person in charge here.”

Ye Fu said.

Nami also has no objection, after all, Ye Fu has already gone shopping with her.

The two also came to the Marine Base here in Rogge Town.

Take a look at the Marine at the door.

Ye Fu also decisively used his mind power, leading Nami to jump over the so-called wall, and went straight to Smoker’s office.

one close.

It was a strong smell of smoke.

This taste.

Needless to say.

It is true that Smoker’s office did not leave.

Only this smoker’s office has such a strong smell of smoke.

[PS: The previous chapter was banned, the author revises it, it is estimated that it will be released tomorrow, hey, I am so tired!].


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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