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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 179: Shemale Boxing Technique! The Ruthless Of The Ruthless! [Second Update, Please Subscrib

As soon as Bentham came in, Ye Fu noticed.

There are two abilities in him, which can be exchanged.

They are the 3rd-level product “Paramecia · Clone-Clone Fruit” and the 3rd-level product “Shemale Fist”.

Bentham opened one eye wide and the other narrowed. There are also decorations of two swan wings on the back.

He said to Ye Fu: “Boss said, you can trade abilities here, can it make me – stronger?”

Having said that, Bentham doesn’t seem to be very obsessed with becoming stronger.

Ye Fu handed him a level 3 catalog: “You can take a look, see if there is anything you are interested in!”

Bentham was dubious, picked up the product catalog, and read it carefully.

“Ripple Qigong… Rasengan?”

Bentham made a puzzled sound while looking over.

These abilities are things that the sea has never heard of, but judging from the description, they are quite powerful.

Ke Locke Dar has already made the deal very clear, so there is no need for Ye Fu to talk to them again. Quietly waiting for Bentham’s own decision.

After a while, Bentham gritted his teeth and made a decision: “Well, I want to use the ability of Clone-Clone Fruit to trade Ripple Qigong!”

Ye Fu is not surprised by this. In his opinion, Ripple Qigong is indeed an ability that is very suitable for Bentham.

Gain powerful strength through breathing, make your body stronger, and resist aging!

This fits well with Bentham’s own competence.

His fruit ability, Clone-Clone Fruit, is an auxiliary type of fruit, specially used for transforming and sneaking into a class of abilities. No fighting ability.

Therefore, all of Bentham’s abilities are cultivated by himself. Essentially a martial artist. Ripple Qigong is more suitable for a martial artist like him.

“Okay, then it’s decided.” Ye Fu said.

He certainly had no problem with Bentham’s approach.

Bentham quickly said to him: “Wait a minute! I want to ask, is it true that Ripple Qigong can make people resist aging?”

Ye Fu laughed: “Of course it is true!”

“In other worlds, I once saw a beautiful woman. Because she practiced Ripple Qigong, she was in her fifties and still looked like she was in her early twenties.”

“It can be said to have the skill of retaining the face.”

Of course Ye Fu is talking about Lisa Lisa.

Hearing Ye Fu’s words, Bentham’s eyes lit up: “That’s the decision! Exchange ‘Ripple Qigong’!”

Looking at his appearance, Ye Fu probably chose Ripple Qigong not to increase his combat power, but to keep himself young!

He also sighed in his heart, this guy has a unique aesthetic for making himself like this.

It is also necessary to have a good appearance. In fact, enough thought has been put into the appearance.

Ye Fu spent 400 transaction points to exchange for a level 3 product, Ripple Qigong. Then, as soon as he raised his hand, a commodity light ball appeared in his hand, and he threw it lightly towards Bentham, and it sank directly into the opponent’s body in the blink of an eye.

After the light sphere quickly merged into Bentham’s body.

Bentham sensed something quickly.

He closed his eyes, carefully flipping through the extra memories in his mind.

After a while, his breathing rhythm became special. There is even a subtle sense of rhythm between breaths.

“Very good!” Bentham opened his eyes and said a little excitedly, very satisfied with Ripple Qigong.

Ye Fu nodded, as long as he is satisfied.

Next, it’s time for him to get paid.

As soon as Ye Fu raised his hand, Bentham’s body glowed with stars. The starlight quickly condensed into a ball of light, flew into Ye Fu’s hands, and then slowly dissipated.

at the same time.

The system’s notification sound also sounded.

“Ding! Level 3 product ‘Paramecia·Clone-Clone Fruit’ has been included successfully…”

“Ding! This transaction is over, get: 1000 transaction points!”

“Ding! Successfully complete a transaction and earn the difference in trading points: 600!”

Yet another fruit power at hand, this time Paramecia’s Clone-Clone Fruit.

It’s not very powerful, but it has a special effect just like the ability of white eyes.

For example, in terms of sneaking, camouflage, etc., it can be regarded as a small magic skill.

Some people will need this ability very much.

The most important thing is to let Ye Fu make a small profit while expanding his commodity library. This is the most important.

Seeing Bentham getting up to leave, Ye Fu hurriedly asked, “You can still exchange a third-level product, don’t you want to exchange?”

0…ask for flowers……

“Huh?” Bentham froze for a moment.

“I only have the ability of Clone-Clone Fruit?” He said to Ye Fu.

Ye Fu kindly reminded: “The ‘Shemale Fist’ you cultivated is also a level 3 commodity, which can be exchanged!”

Speaking of which, Daz Bowness, who is the most powerful in name, although he claims to be a killer, in fact, all the abilities of his body are output by fruits.

There is absolutely nothing in itself that can be turned into a commodity.

On the contrary, Bentham, who looks a little weird and not very powerful, has an extra chance to exchange high-level goods through his hard work.

Perhaps this is also a gift of fate.

Hearing Ye Fu’s words, Bentham was a little excited: “Then I have to exchange another ability!”


The process of exchanging Clone-Clone Fruit just now has proved that his ability will not disappear, and the newly acquired ability is very powerful. Of course, Bentham will not miss this good opportunity


He looked at the product catalog excitedly, and found that the Clone-Clone Fruit he had exchanged just now was already on the catalog. He also felt very miraculous about the Ye Fu trading system in his heart.

After a short decision, Bentham said: “This time I want to exchange…low-level Sage Body!”

Ye Fu nodded in understanding. It seems that Bentham’s strengthening route has already been determined by himself: it is to continuously improve the strength of his body and moves. Blast everything with a Common attack!

This approach seems clumsy. After all, in the world of Pirates, all kinds of fantastic abilities are flying all over the sky.

However, Ye Fu knew that this genre had the potential to succeed.

The proof is Marine hero, Garp!

Garp doesn’t have any special abilities at all, relying on his physical skills and Haki, he has made a name for himself.

After exchanging the low-level Sage Body products with Bentham’s Shemale Fist, Ye Fu also watched the introduction of this wonderful ability seriously.

This ability requires three prerequisites: learning ballet and karate. Also, you have to use the knife in your “that” place.

The first two are okay, but if you can do the latter, you are really a werewolf among ruthless people.

[PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please, pretty guys! Soil].


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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