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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 220: Five Elders' Shock! [The First Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

Ye Fu and Nami Robin set off for the Four Emperors site.

Little did they know that there was already an uproar in the sea at this time!

Marine Headquarters!

The three Admirals, Kizaru, Qingzhi and Akainu, dragged their scarred bodies back to the Marine headquarters.

Of the three of them, none of them had ever been so embarrassed!

At this time, the embarrassing situation was discovered by all Marine members. Countless sailors were shocked beyond measure to see their bruised figures.

“what happened?”

“The three Admirals were all injured so badly! Could it be that they fought with which Four Emperors?”

“It’s impossible for a single Four Emperors to push them to this level? Could it be that a few big pirates joined forces?”

“Three Admirals are in such a mess… Something very serious must have happened!”

The rumors behind the scenes continued.

The three of them said “five three seven” as if they didn’t hear it, and walked directly into the marshal’s office.

At this moment in the Marshal’s office, Marshal Sengoku was sitting behind his desk, nervously waiting for the result of the battle.

Seeing the three people walk in, their eyes widened!

“Close the door for me immediately!” He immediately asked his subordinates to close the door! Then he said nervously to the three of them: “Is Ye Fu so difficult to deal with? It took the three of you so much to defeat him? “

Sengoku couldn’t believe his eyes.

The three Admirals are all covered in scars.

Blood stains all over his body, and even traces of vomiting blood.

This Ye Fu was able to push the three-day general into such a situation.

It’s really scary!

Hearing what the marshal said, Akainu gave a wry smile!

He said directly: “No!”

“We failed!”

He was such a decisive person, telling the truth.

The three of them are not Ye Fu’s opponents, he has reported the past.

Sengoku heard this, and immediately stood up in shock!

“What did you say? You failed? What do you mean?”

Sengoku asked almost growling.

Kizaru explained, “The three of us together are no match for Ye Fu.

“The fact that we can come back alive now is the result of him letting us live.”

“If he wants to kill us. Now we are dead.

Kizaru finished speaking.

Marshal Sengoku froze.

He is in place. Looking at the Admirals in front of him, he was speechless.

This is Marine Three Admiral!

The three strongest people in Marine represent the strongest combat power of Marine and even the entire World government!

The three of them are also the cornerstone for Marine to rule the world!

But after the battle with Ye Fu, this cornerstone, was broken!

Sengoku returned to his seat and was silent for a long time.

Known as “The Resourceful General”, he couldn’t even think of a way at this time.

what to do?

Seeing that Sengoku didn’t respond, Qingzhi thought for a while, and said slowly: “Give up, Marshal Sengoku. Admit that we are not his opponent.”

“The three of us have already made a move, but none of them have achieved results. Is there any force in this world that can defeat him?”

Sengoku was unwilling to admit what he said.

But deep in his heart, he also knew that there was nothing wrong with what Qing Zhi said.

It’s totally realistic!

The reality is, they really can’t do that!

He sighed.

“From now on, this matter must be classified as top secret!”

“No one is allowed to know about the fact that you fought against Ye Fu!”

“In addition, no one is allowed to publicize the previous killings of Buster Call and Celestial Dragons. Just pretend that these things never existed.

After finishing his words, he will go to recuperate in three days.

“You guys should keep a low profile these days. As long as you don’t show up in front of the Marine gate, they won’t remember it.

Sengoku said.

Low-key handling may be the best way, and it may be the only way.

He really couldn’t think of any other way to minimize the impact of this matter?

Dao, this may also be the best way.

They turned and left here.

They all agreed tacitly and did not say anything about the transaction.

Sengoku is already very angry now, if he tells that matter, he might have a heart attack.

While walking on the road, Kizaru thought of another thing.

It is estimated that the handling of this matter will not be as simple as Sengoku said!

The strength of Ye Fu will eventually be revealed to the people of the whole world.

After the three of them left.

Sengoku sat on the chair, not knowing what to do.

Ye Fu’s strength is too strong, completely beyond his expectations.

Even he never thought that there would be such a powerful person in the world.

Suddenly, a special phone bug on his desk rang.

“Doo Lulu! Dululu!”

Sengoku looked at the phone bug, frowning.

That phone bug is specially used to communicate with Five Elders.

Looks like the Five Elders are also waiting for the outcome of this matter!

Watching the phone bug rang several times, Sengoku knew that he couldn’t escape this matter, so he could only pick up the phone.

“Master Five Elders, I am Sengoku.” He said in a very low voice.

“How about Ye Fu’s matter!”

On the other end of the line came the haughty voice of Five Elders.

“If you dare to attack Celestial Dragons, you must make him pay the price!”

Five Elders still don’t know how powerful Ye Fu is at this time, and they are still fantasizing about solving this matter as before.

Sengoku sighed: “Sorry, Lord Five Elders. But things didn’t work out.”

Five Elders’ voice immediately became extremely harsh: “You bastards! What are you doing!”

“Send your strongest men at once! Let the three Admirals deal with him!”

Sengoku said helplessly: “I sent three Admirals. And it was the three of them who dealt with Ye Fu at the same time.”

Five Elders froze for a moment.

After a few seconds, he asked, “And then?”

Sengoku simply said: “Ye Fu won. Three Admirals almost died.”

“They said that they came back only because the other side saved their hands and didn’t take their lives.

There was a long silence among the Five Elders.

Sengoku seems to hear the sound of air-conditioning in 5.2.

“Isn’t this… not true?” Five Elders still didn’t give up, and finally asked.

Sengoku said directly: “I will send Kizaru to visit you soon. You will know when you see his condition.”

Hearing him say this, Five Elders also understood that everything Sengoku said was true!

This guy Ye Fu actually fought against three Admirals at the same time, and he even won a complete victory!

They froze for a moment, not knowing what to do!

The majesty of the Celestial Dragons must be preserved!

But how to maintain it?

There is no way!

In their hands, is there anyone more powerful who can surpass the combat power of the three-day general?

After a long time, Five Elders spoke.

“Sengoku, what do you think about this matter?”

【PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Come on, pretty guys!】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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