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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 287: Visored, Let's Trade! [Second Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

Looking at the anxious back of Kurosaki Ichigo, Hirako Shinji also said quickly: “Don’t go!”

“Kurosaki Ichigo! I’m not done yet!”

Kurosaki Ichigo waved his hand: “Stop listening!”

“Who cares what your content is? I don’t know what organization you are talking about the Masked Army, but I have no interest in joining you!”

With that said, Kurosaki Ichigo left directly.

Hirako Shinji was left standing there alone, speechless.

At this time, the figure of Ye Fu appeared in front of Hirako Shinji.

“Hirako Shinji, do you want to trade?”

“I was very interested in your legion at the time.

Ye Fu said!

Hirako Shinji this guy turns out to be a Shinigami. And he’s the captain of the Fifth Division.

Before being framed by Aizen and the others, he was slandered as a bad guy who is incompatible with the dead Godhood.

Can only go to the real world. And made a Visored.

Hirako Shinji looked at Ye Fu at this moment: “Why is there another troublesome guy? And I don’t seem to have known you before.”

He can see it too. Ye Fu’s strength is extraordinary, and the strangest thing about this person is that he had never seen it when he was a Shinigami.

Ye Fu smiled and said: “Kurosaki Ichigo, we are very familiar.

“If you can make a deal with me. I can help you convince him!”

After hearing Ye Fu’s words, Hirako Shinji looked at him suspiciously: “How do you feel that you look more suspicious when you say such a thing?”

Indeed, to a stranger, speaking like this has a bit of ulterior motives.

Ye Fu laughed and said, “You hate Aizen very much!”

Hirako Shinji’s pupils suddenly shrank!

“Who are you? How do you know this!”

He distanced himself and was about to take out the Zanpakutō for battle!

But the next second something that shocked him happened.

The figure of Ye Fu actually followed him like a shadow, and pressed his hand.

Keep him from freeing his own Zanpakutō!

Hirako Shinji’s cold sweat fell instantly.

The man in front of me is so strong!

He has no ability to fight back at all.

Who is he?

Ye Fu said calmly: “I have no other intentions. I just want to tell you a good thing”~

“That fellow Aizen has completely broken with the Lost Soul Realm, you know that?”

“I was there at the time.”

“I have seen his strength. With your current strength, and your companions. Even Hollow is no match for him.”

“Want to become stronger for revenge?”

“I have a lot of. Very powerful abilities. Can make you stronger.”

“You can have a try.”

“Maybe relying on me. It’s a better choice than Kurosaki Ichigo.”

His words are over.

Hirako Shinji was stunned.

The other party not only fully understands those things that he once had.

And know about Aizen too!

Although the heart is unwilling, and do not want to admit.

Hirako Shinji knew for sure that he could not take effective revenge on Aizen with his power.

Although Aizen didn’t directly show the danger back then, he knew it very well.

That’s why I want to recruit Kurosaki Ichigo.

He can see through the potential of the opponent, and thinks that Kurosaki Ichigo is really hopeful and can deal with the existence of Aizen.

However, I heard Ye Fu say so at this time.

It seems that strengthening one’s own strength may be more promising?

Thinking this way, he looked at Ye Fu suspiciously.

Ye Fu said cheerfully: “It’s okay, if you don’t believe my words, you can try my products first.

“When you feel those powers, you will understand what is truly powerful.”

After hearing Ye Fu’s words, Hirako Shinji couldn’t help but seriously consider this possibility.

After thinking for a while, he also said happily.

“All right!”

“Then let me give it a try first, and tell me in advance that if I’m not satisfied with this ability, I won’t make a deal with you.”

Ye Fu smiled and said nothing.

He has never seen anyone who can refuse to trade with himself after experiencing the magical abilities of other worlds.

People like that don’t exist.

He directly threw a third-level product catalog to the other party.

After Hirako Shinji looked at the items in the catalogue.

The whole person was surprised again!

The items in the catalog are completely different from what I expected.

It is not those common abilities at all.

On the contrary, there are many things that I have never even heard of!

Hirako Shinji was dumbfounded.

At this point he had to consider a possibility.

That is, everything Ye Fu said before should be true!

Crucially, he really sees what the other Shinigami are capable of here.

The ability to have several captains!

Even terrific characters like Urahara Kisuke and Byakuya Kuchiki have made deals with each other.

And Kurosaki Ichigo, whom he wanted to woo just now, also made a deal with Ye Fu!

Seeing such a situation, Hirako Shinji has no doubts in his heart.

What doubts there are, so many abilities are here!

He looked at the magical abilities in various worlds and finally chose one of them.

~The ability I want to choose is the blind eye!”

he said!

Ye Fu was not surprised.

There are definitely a lot of people in the Shinigami world who use this ability.

He condensed a commodity light ball directly from his hand, and let the light ball enter Hirako Shinji’s body.

Hirako Shinji closed his eyes, felt the changes in his eyes for a while, and opened them immediately!

At this moment, in his field of vision, everything becomes completely different!

Hirako Shinji extremely excited and novel feelings of this magical ability.

I am also very excited.

This kind of ability also greatly improved his own fighting style.

His own (had) Zanpakutō ability, is the ability to create an upside-down world.

Belonging to the ability of an illusion type, it can reverse the opponent’s front and back, left and right, up and down, and all these perceptions.

Once the enemy is recruited. This ability will become extremely terrifying.

Because in that world, all actions are opposite, even if you want to overcome it in your heart, it is not so easy to overcome, especially in a tense battle, it is even more difficult to do this.

Hirako Shinji himself will actually be recruited, but he should have practiced himself. So this kind of stuff doesn’t really matter that much to him.

And with the white eyes. This kind of ability will have less influence on him, and it is even easier to see through the enemy’s movements.

Hirako Shinji was extremely excited at this time.

He said directly to Ye Fu: “I’ve decided, make a deal!”

【PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Come on, pretty guys!】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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