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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 299: Arrancar Strikes! [Second Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

On Matsumoto Rangiku’s side, he quickly began to experiment with his newly acquired ability.

After a while, a smile appeared. Obviously, he is also very satisfied with this newly acquired ability.

Ye Fu started collecting her own pay.

As soon as Ye Fu raised his hand, Matsumoto Rangiku’s body glowed with stars. The starlight condensed into a ball of light, and after it was fully formed, it floated in the direction of Ye Fu [finally landed on the minister of Ye Fu~.

The light ball slowly dissipated.

at the same time.

The system’s notification sound also sounded – get up.

“Ding! Level 3 product ‘Haineko’ has been successfully included…”

“Ding! This transaction is over, get: 1000 transaction points!”

“Ding! Successfully complete a transaction and earn the difference in trading points: 600!”

Gained a brand new ability, and made a small profit of 600 trading points.

Matsumoto Rangiku and others, along with others, left here.

They come to reality because everyone knows it.

After a short time there will be big problems.

Those Arrancars have acquired stronger abilities.

They will not be so content to stay in their own barren place.

He will definitely come to this world and find trouble for others!

Therefore, some of them Shinigami also use the excuse that they have no place to live.

They all lived in the homes of Kurosaki Ichigo and others.

One is that when something happens, they can respond quickly and protect these people.

Moreover, once something goes wrong, they can also fight side by side.

At this time, these people have basically traded with Ye Fu.

The strength of the body is actually much stronger than the original timeline.

It’s not an ordinary situation, it can be compared!

Ye Fu also knows, but tonight at most. Enemies on the opposite side will appear here.

So he was not in a hurry and just waited for the other party to come.


Under a moon.

A group of Arrancar figures also appear here!

The leader is a guy with an extremely arrogant face.

Grimmjow, 6th Espada!

This guy, was very displeased with Ulquiorra’s escape.

At this time, I am also ready to kill all the guys with Reiatsu that appear here!

As for Ye Fu, this Aizen expressly prohibits and is not allowed to provoke people.

Grimmjow couldn’t believe it!

He prepares, will Ye Fu, he descends!

Several companions appeared in front of him.

“No one should have noticed, I felt a lot of powerful Reiatsu on the way here!”

One said: “Ulquiorra’s report, it’s just wrong!”

Grimmjow was also very upset when he heard this.

He said, “Everyone, let’s start the investigation.”

After everyone started the investigation, they all felt that there were several powerful Reiatsu in the darkness nearby.

Grimmjow said unhappily: “I guessed right, a lot of people have been added now.”

“The other party called for reinforcements from the Soul Society. Ulquiorra shouldn’t have talked nonsense back then and killed him in the first place, so there’s no need to bother now!”

“That’s why I said, that guy is really naive!”

“Let’s get ready!”

“There is no need to release water, and there is no need to distinguish opponents.”

“As long as there is a little bit of Reiatsu guy, don’t let go, kill them all

Grimmjow and others, the action begins!

Just as they act.

Everyone feels this massive Reiatsu attack!

“It’s Arrancar!”

All the Shinigami have discovered this.

The first ones to meet were Hitsugaya Tōshirō and Matsumoto Rangiku!

The opponents they encountered were very powerful!

Hitsugaya Tōshirō took the lead and joined forces with his opponent.

The opposite said very coldly: “Arrancar No. 11, my name is Xiaolong.”

Hitsugaya Tōshirō also introduces himself.

“Captain of the Ten Division, Hitsugaya Tōshirō.”

Xiaolong looked at each other: “The captain of the 10th squad…that’s really great, so I can be considered a very lucky one.”

Hitsugaya Tōshirō retorted: “No… I think you are the most unlucky one!”

The Arrancars this time are basically Arrancars after 10!

Their strength is not the strongest among all people.

But it can already pose a great threat to Shinigami.

Fortunately, these Shinigami have traded with Ye Fu before, at least they have traded with third-level commodities, which has enhanced their abilities to a certain extent.

Otherwise, they are really dangerous!

at this time!

The enemy Madarame Ikkaku faces is a guy of extremely tall stature.

That person is like a humanoid beast, every punch and every kick is very heavy!

It is also very difficult for Madarame Ikkaku, a purely physical combatant.

…asking for flowers…

Even at the beginning of the battle, he had suffered some minor injuries all over his body.

Some miserable look.

“Hahaha! What’s wrong with you? Does this even count as a Shinigami!”

The guy on the opposite side laughed wildly!

Madarame Ikkaku’s attack couldn’t even break through his defense.

Arrancar’s skin is a kind of defense in itself.

Known as “steel skin”, it is an invulnerable armor.

Unless the power is really strong enough, it is very difficult to break through their defenses.

Madarame Ikkaku also inherited Zaraki Kenpachi’s fighting style. He is a crazy fighting beast and fights back and forth with the opponent. Although he has suffered a lot of injuries, the opponent is bleeding even more!

Even Arrancar felt that the other party was really a lunatic.

He also said out of breath.

“For a militant fool like you, I think you should fully understand what it means to be invincible in any way!”

“So that the next time you meet Arrancar, you won’t be in a playful mood.”

“Wake up, Volcanic Beast!”

Arrancar, Zanpakutō liberated!

At this moment, this Arrancar is like a huge beast.

His body skyrocketed, the blade in his hand disappeared, and his two arms turned into two extremely huge arms, even as big as his entire body!

Stand opposite Madarame Ikkaku, as if!

He also reported his name.

“Arrancar 13, Edolad!”

After freeing his sword, his attack was extremely terrifying, and he would seriously injure the opponent with a single stare!

The monster power of the Volcanic Beast makes the opponent defenseless!

Madarame Ikkaku was already covered in blood, but he still didn’t give up.

And finally, bend out his own Bankai!

“Bankai! Ryūmon Hōzukimaru!”

A huge weapon appeared on his body, and he fought with the opponent.

Finally and finally defeated the enemy.

However, he himself suffered a lot of damage. It was a little unbearable to fall to the ground.

The figure of Ye Fu appeared beside him.

“Madarame Ikkaku…you finally, Bankai.”

Ye Fu said calmly.

【PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please, pretty boys! Beg】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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