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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 302: Grimmjow's Return Blade! [The First Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

Saw Ye Fu take the initiative to trade with Grimmjow.

Kurosaki Ichigo was completely dumbfounded.

He hurriedly shouted: “Hello! Hello!”

“Boss Ye Fu, how can you do this?”

“He is my enemy! Are you trading with my enemy in front of me?”

Kurosaki Ichigo couldn’t have imagined that Ye Fu could do such a showy operation.

Ye Fu said to him: “Don’t worry, with me here, you won’t lose.”

“Besides, didn’t I do something similar to this before? I remember trading with Madarame Ikkaku at the time, it wasn’t that long ago, you’ve already forgotten?

After hearing Ye Fu’s words, Kurosaki Ichigo was also silent.


It seems that Ye Fu has always been like this.

He did the same thing when he was at Soul Society.

Make a deal with your opponent in front of yourself, and after the transfer is over, make a deal with yourself in front of your opponent.

Anyway, it’s eating both ends.

However, the Shinigami of the Soul Society later became their companions.

So, Kurosaki Ichigo almost ignored the whole thing!

Now it seems that this is Ye Fu’s nature!

However, with Kurosaki Ichigo’s strength, there is no way to stop Ye Fu from doing things.

He can only watch from the sidelines!

However, another thing also made him feel relieved.

That’s what Ye Fu said, with him around, I don’t have to worry about losing.

Kurosaki Ichigo knows that although Ye Fu likes to mess around, he’s not bad.

I am also on my side, I don’t know how many times I have helped myself.

Since he made such a promise, and with the extremely strong strength of the opponent, Kurosaki Ichigo is not worried!

What’s more, he himself has talked about the transaction several times!

Thinking of this, Kurosaki Ichigo also felt relieved.

Ye Fu continued to look at Grimmjow.

“How? This is the only chance. Next time you want to make a deal, even if you beg me, I won’t necessarily make a deal with you.”

After Ye Fu finished speaking, Grimmjow immediately said: “I will make a deal!”

He saw everything just now.

After the trade of Kurosaki Ichigo, his strength became stronger and his injuries became weaker.

When Ye Fu said he wanted to trade with himself. Kurosaki Ichigo obviously didn’t think about it, and he was extremely shocked! And he wanted to stop him from making a deal.

Seeing this, Grimmjow knew one thing right away.

If you don’t trade with the other party, you are a big fool!

He immediately agreed.

In the eyes of Ye Fu at this time, Grimmjow also has a lot of ability to trade.

Because before that, he had never negotiated a deal with the Arrancars.

Therefore, many skills shared by Arrancar have never been traded by Ye Fu.

This time, it happened to be traded all at once.

Ye Fu directly handed the other party a third-level product catalogue.

After Grimmjow saw a large number of otherworld abilities that he had never seen before, he was so shocked that his eyes widened.

He never expected that there are so many powerful abilities!

Moreover, they are all abilities that do not belong to this world at all.

No wonder, Kurosaki Ichigo, their strength has increased so much!

Even in the state of not returning to the blade, it is so difficult to fight.

After a brief shock, Grimmjow hastened to look at these abilities quickly.

These abilities must be quickly found to get the one that suits you best, and cause damage to the enemy.

Among them, the abilities of the Shinigami are not in his eyes.

After all, for him. His own strength is much stronger than Shinigami’s. Not a grade.

After a moment of hesitation. Grimmjow chose the ability to roll eyes!

“My strength is already strong enough. My physical fitness is also extremely strong.”

“These eyes help me see through the enemy’s movements. Very useful!”

Grimmjow said.

Ye Fu was not surprised at all.

He found that since coming to the world of Shinigami, the ability to roll eyes is very favored. Anyone who is a melee type likes this ability.

And they all think of ways to redeem this ability.

Also, easy!

Ye Fu spent 400 transaction points to exchange for a level 3 product, and rolled his eyes. Then, as soon as he raised his hand, a commodity light ball appeared in his hand, and he threw it lightly towards Grimmjow, and it fell directly into Grimmjow’s body in the blink of an eye.

After the light ball quickly merged into Grimmjow’s body.

Grimmjow soon felt something, the body changed!

He closed his eyes briefly, the strength of his body made him very adaptable, and he opened his eyes after a short period of adaptation.

At this moment, Grimmjow’s eyes have completely turned into White!

“That’s the white eye… ok! ok!”

Grimmjow was pleasantly surprised!

He looked at Kurosaki Ichigo: “You have also traded similar eyes! No wonder you saw through my attacks several times when I was fighting with you just now. It turns out that you used this kind of eyes to cheat!”

‘~ But it’s okay! Now I have eyes like this too. Don’t think you can defeat me!”

Kurosaki Ichigo just looked at him without speaking.

What Grimmjow doesn’t know is that Kurosaki Ichigo and Ye Fu aren’t trading one or two abilities, but many.

Besides Urahara Kisuke, it was Kurosaki Ichigo and Ye Fu who were traded the most.

There is no doubt that he has gained the most benefits.

Kurosaki Ichigo is not panicking at all!

The other party wants to deal with him by trading one or two abilities?

not that simple!

At this time, Ye Fu also started to collect his own compensation.

As soon as Ye Fu raised his hand, Grimmjow glowed with stars. The starlight condensed into a ball of light, and after it was completely formed, it floated in the direction of Ye Fu, and finally landed in Ye Fu’s hands.

The light ball slowly dissipated.

at the same time.

The system’s notification sound also sounded.

“Ding (of it)! Level 3 product ‘Leopard King’ has been included…”

“Ding! This transaction is over, get: 1000 transaction points!”

“Ding! Successfully complete a transaction and earn the difference in trading points: 600!”

Grimmjow’s returning blade, named Leopard King.

This ability will transform his body from a human form into a leopard form. Additional armor will appear on the body, and the hands will become claws, and a tail will appear on the back.

Even the roaring sound is quite powerful!

This kind of ability, in terms of destructive power, is definitely a four-level commodity.

It’s just that this destructive power largely depends on Grimmjow’s own strength, not the increase in strength brought about by this transformed form.

If it was replaced by a weaker person, with this ability, it would be level three.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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