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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 335: Iron Man's Gratitude! [Second Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

For Tony at this time.

What Ye Fu said just now is not only without any problems.

On the contrary, it is still a move that a great benevolent person will make.

After all, after inventing things by oneself, share these inventions with others.

For him, there is actually not much loss.

In particular, Ye Fu himself was not his counterparty at all.

But a man from another world.

For Iron Man, it does not constitute any competitive relationship.

Use these things that have not yet been developed in the future to exchange your current life.

It’s a huge profit, right?

Tony readily agreed.

Ye Fu also didn’t have any nonsense, and directly took him into the sky.

Tony felt the high-altitude airflow blowing over his body, and his whole body was extremely excited.

He said happily, “Wow!”

“You actually know how to fly on “Twenty Twenty”.”

“If I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have used my steel tank for flying, you just took me to fly out!

He said with some resentment.

After all, he just fell down and hit him badly.

All the bones in my body are aching now.

Ye Fu shook his head.

“That can’t be done.”

“Just now you flew with that armor, although it is not perfect, but after all, you flew by yourself with your own strength.”

“It’s not the same thing as me taking you flying.”

“Don’t you want to soar high in the sky in your own armor?”

After Ye Fu finished speaking, Tony nodded again and again.


“Indeed it is!”

“Compared to the fact that I can fly with my own invention, it is more interesting!”

At this time, he looked at the earth below and began to fantasize in his heart.

One day I will create an armor that can perfectly fly.

Then fly high in the sky!

Soon, Ye Fu brought Tony to a nearby populated place.

His influence is very good, and he found a group of well-trained people here from a very far away place. It is preparing to set off to the yellow sand.

It seems that these people should be ready to save Tony.

Ye Fu knew that even if he didn’t show up, Tony would probably be fine.

After all, in the original development of things. He just fell into the yellow sand and passed out.

But soon a helicopter came over his head. and rescued it.

Ye Fu’s coming over only accelerated the process.

But Tony didn’t know that.

It is impossible for him to know his future destiny.

At this time, he also thought that Ye Fu was his savior.

No matter what Ye Fu asks, Tony can consider agreeing to it.

Anyway, although he is a playboy, he is also a businessman.

But after all, he is a person who knows how to repay his kindness.

Ye Fu landed far away from the gathering place.

Put Tony in the yellow sand!

Tony’s eyes were not as good as his. I don’t know that it is not far away, but it is actually a small town. At this moment, I was taken aback.

“What’s wrong? Are you lacking in physical strength?”

He also thought that it must be very tiring for Ye Fu to fly such a long distance alone.

As everyone knows, such a thing is nothing to Ye Fu.

Ye Fu shook his head and said to Tony: “No, the people who came to rescue you will be here soon!”

“There is a town not far away. You wait a little while, and they will be able to come over.

Tony understood what Ye Fu said immediately.

He was very surprised and said: “Wait a minute.”

“What do you mean by that, are you leaving now?”

In his heart, Tian Fen was puzzled.

Ye Fu is the one who saved his life.

Tony himself is a famous rich man, or a famous scientist, and he is a very concerned existence in the world.

The news of his disappearance must have received a lot of media attention.

Just take him to the rescuers. Ye Fu will be famous in no time.

Let the whole world know that he is the one who saved Iron Man!

Such a good thing.

Is Ye Fu not interested?

Of course Ye Fu doesn’t care about being famous.

I am famous and let other people know my existence. It is also convenient for him to trade with other people.

But this time is different.

Tony will be involved in many forces.

Not only ordinary rescuers, but also his men.

Even those in the military.

Ye Fu knew, although those people also rushed to save Tony.

But their purpose is not so simple.

These people are very greedy…

For any existence that can threaten their safety, there is also an existence that can make them stronger.

These people have only one attitude, and that is to hold them tightly in their hands.

After Tony invented the armor in the future, those people knew about it, and they would try their best to get such an invention into their own hands.

Equip them for their soldiers to kill some innocent people.

Ye Fu knew that he needed to bring Tony to appear in front of those greedy guys.

Those people definitely have thoughts about themselves.

After all, not everyone can bring a big man all the way from such a distant desert.

They will definitely want what Ye Fu has on hand!

Of course Ye Fu is not afraid of these people anymore.

But the existence of these people was like flies to him.

Once it’s glued it buzzes, annoyingly.

at this early stage. Ye Fu intends to stay away from this group of people for the time being.

Avoid them from bothering you all the time.

Otherwise it would be really annoying.

He briefly told Tony what he thought.

After Tony trained, he also reacted quickly.

“No problem! I’ll keep your existence a secret from these people.”

“Will you come over when I’m back at my own company?”

Tony asked.

Some look forward to it.

After all, he had seen it before. Those magical abilities in the catalog 2.7.

They all come from different worlds.

He is also extremely interested in these abilities.

I feel that after studying these abilities, my own skills can also be developed.

Even let the world have more possibilities.

This is a very important thing to drag in.

Ye Fu listened and nodded.

Of course he was going.

After all, this guy Tony still owes him technology, and he didn’t give it to him.

After saying goodbye to him briefly.

Ye Fu’s figure also disappeared instantly!

And Tony waited in place for a short time.

There was a roar of an engine.

And the sound of helicopters.

At this point, Tony already knew that this group of people would come.

He looked as usual waiting to be rescued by these people.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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