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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 361: Rocket Raccoon's Trading Choice! [Second Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

At this point, Rocket Raccoon looks at Ye Fu.

He said very suspiciously.

“You… how do you feel that you are a profiteer?”

“Did you come here to deceive us about what we have in hand?”

Rocket Raccoon said suspiciously.

He was suspicious by nature.

No matter what the first thing that comes to mind is either irritable or questioning.

At this time, of course, Ye Fu began to doubt Ye Fu.

Ye Fu spread his hands innocently: “I just introduce my transaction to you.

“Remind me again, the things I trade are not ordinary things. They are very powerful abilities from different worlds.”

After listening to his words, both Rocket Raccoon and Groot obviously became interested.

After all, there are not many such good things.

The people I usually meet are at most selling some special creatures and special weapons.

What clothes and food, these very common things.

I’ve never heard of anyone being able to trade abilities.

And it is also particularly emphasized that it is the ability from different worlds.

Rocket Raccoon looked at Ye Fu suspiciously.

“What you say is indeed very tempting.”

“But 21, how do you prove that everything you say is true?”

he asked.

Ye Fu is very calm.

Pass the other party a third-level product catalog directly.

Rocket Raccoon looks like just a normal little raccoon. Fights are fought with his weapons.

In fact, Rocket Raccoon was treated as an experimental creature before he became a free man.

He has undergone a lot of transformation and strengthening.

Although it looks like an ordinary raccoon.

But his IQ has proved that he is definitely not ordinary.

Because of the transformation and strengthening in those experimental systems.

He has a lot of features, which can be said to be superpowers for ordinary creatures.

For example, speed, agility, vision, hearing. They are far superior to ordinary animals.

Of course this ability. Looks pretty powerful on a normal animal.

But it’s pretty average among Ye Fu’s products.

So just a tertiary commodity.

at this time. Rocket Raccoon took over the third-level product catalog dubiously.

Open it casually.

After seeing the magical abilities in those different worlds.

All his eyes widened.

Make a very exaggerated cry.


“I’m going! These things can’t be real!?”

he said in surprise.

Ye Fu is quite used to this.

Basically, everyone who can see the magical abilities of those different worlds in its catalog will have such a reaction.

At this time, Rocket Raccoon is greedily looking at those powerful abilities.

Chakra in the world of Hokage, Devil Fruit in the world of Pirates, Bankai in the world of Shinigami, stand-in in the world of jojo, breathing method in the world of Ghost Slayer…

These abilities dazzled him.

After looking at it for a long time, Rocket Raccoon was finally willing to look up.

With bright eyes, he said to Ye Fu: “If we trade with you, can I have all these abilities?”

Ye Fu was speechless for a while.

Rocket Raccoon is a little too greedy.

With so many powerful abilities, he actually wanted them all.

This guy, is not outrageous in general.

He also directly told the other party: “Of course that won’t work.”

“My trading principle is equivalent exchange.”

“Whatever ability you have, you can trade the ability of the same level.”

“For example, you only have one third-level ability. You can only choose one of them.”

After hearing Ye Fu’s words, Rocket Raccoon also looked disappointed.

After all, with so many powerful abilities, he wanted them all.


He also knew that what he just said was outrageous.

Rocket Raccoon did the same just now, just wanted to test it out.

At this time, he also became serious.

“Trade this ability with my ability.”

“Then you won’t make money if you say that!”

“After all, I will lose one of my abilities.”

Don’t look at him as just a raccoon, with a small head.

But not at all stupid than ordinary people.

Ye Fu always explained.

“You can rest assured of that.”

“When you trade, you don’t lose what you already have.

“My trading mechanism is to copy your ability.”

listened to him.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot’s eyes lit up again.

That being said, it’s really good news that you can make a profit without losing money.

Definitely very lucrative.

When Rocket Raccoon thought of this, he still had some doubts.

“Although these abilities of yours seem to be very powerful, and you have never heard of them.”

“But how to prove that this is true.

“It’s not the kind you made up.”

He finished speaking.

Ye Fu was already prepared.

After all, he has already heard such a question, I do not know how many times.

Ye Fu directly said to Rocket Raccoon: “Let’s do this. You choose what kind of product you want, and I can give you a five-minute trial.”

“After the trial, you are choosing whether you want this ability, hmm.”

After hearing such words.

Rocket Raccoon is really ready to give it a try this time.

The conditions Ye Fu said were too favorable.

There is even an applicable link.

In this case, if he still doesn’t choose.

Then he was a fool himself.

Rocket Raccoon frantically looked at 717 in the third-level commodity catalog.

All kinds of powerful abilities in different worlds interested him very much.

In the end, he also chose one of them.

“I want to try this ability.”

“Explosive fruit!”

“This ability is really suitable for me.”

he said.

He himself really likes to create all kinds of explosions.

The kind that wrecks the world.

And this explosive fruit, although there are certain restrictions, can also be easily produced to explode.

This made him very interested.

After hearing Rocket Raccoon’s words, Ye Fu also directly condensed one in his hand. Trial version of the commodity photosphere.

And threw it on Rocket Raccoon.

After the ball of light came to Rocket Raccoon, it slowly merged into his body.

Looking at such a miraculous scene, Rocket Raccoon’s eyes widened.

Then he felt his physique changed!.

He casually threw a hair out of himself.

Causes a small explosion directly nearby!

to such a situation.

Rocket Raccoon couldn’t be more excited.

“Great! Great!”

“This is so cool! This is the ability I want!”

Rocket Raccoon said happily.

【PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Come on, pretty guys!】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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