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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 381: Gamora's Shock! [The Third Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

Gamora’s special fighting skills are actually underestimated by many people.

She being able to become Thanos’ adopted daughter proves that her talent is basically top-notch.

Who is Thanos?

The overlord of the universe, an extremely powerful existence.

In the normal timeline, everyone in the entire Avengers, plus other superheroes on Earth.

So many people added together.

None of them are opponents of Thanos.

This kind of strength is no joke.

As the overlord of the universe, Thanos has been in the universe for many years.

There is a huge army and a large number of masters under his command.

And also experienced, I don’t know how many battles, life and death battles.

His combat awareness and combat talent. is very scary.

It is very likely that Gamora was able to take a fancy to Gamora at a glance and adopt her because of her fighting talent!

And, when Gamora was adopted.

For such a long time.

Thanos asked her to do the most thing is to fight.

All kinds of brutal battles and life and death fights against enemies.

21 is not really like that kind of precious little girl, who is afraid of melting in the palm of her hand.

I can tell.

From the very beginning, Thanos adopted Gamora because he fell in love with Gamora’s fighting talent!

Moreover, Gamora’s fighting talent and fighting skills did not disappoint him.

Also another adopted daughter, Xing Yun.

Often between the two. Forced to fight.

For those who lose, part of their body will be replaced with mechanical parts.

Up to now, Xingyun’s whole body has almost turned into a machine.

As for Gamora, it was unscathed and remained in its original state.

It can be seen how exaggerated the strength gap between the two is.

Gamora’s fighting skills are also the key to her being so powerful now.

This fighting technique allows him to wield almost every weapon known.

Moreover, even if Gamora is facing an enemy stronger than himself.

It is also possible to bridge the gap between the two through combat skills.

Even defeat the opponent in turn.

This is very scary.


It is not without reason that Gamora’s fighting skills can be rated as a fourth-level commodity.

If you learn this fighting skill.

It is no less than the kind of real thing that can make people stronger.

After the two traded.

Gamora felt the extra power in her body and mind.

Try to use this ability to cause an attack.

Change as you like. It fits her idea very well.

After a short trial for a few minutes.

Gamora has not forgotten what he should do.

That is, ask Ye Fu, the truth about Yi Ge!

She also immediately asked.

“Tell me, this Egg, what’s going on?”

“What kind of conspiracy is hidden in his heart?”

She said very anxiously.

After all, at this time, she and Xingjue are already boyfriend and girlfriend.

My boyfriend is in a dangerous situation right now.

How could Gamora not be in a hurry?

Ye Fu was about to speak.

Suddenly, my own Observation Haki noticed the danger in the distance and hurried over!

His heart moved immediately.

“There are enemies coming.”

he said lightly.

After hearing what he said, Gamora still hadn’t realized what was going on.

Eyes are also opened wide!

In the distance, a battleship was heading towards his direction, and came out at a high speed!

Moreover, artillery was heard, and the sound of an attack was about to come!


Gamora screamed in panic.

on such a plain.

Being attacked by that battleship is basically waiting to die!

There is no cover at all that can block the opponent’s attack.

As long as the opponent uses machine guns and artillery, you will be dead!

Her face turned greener in an instant.

And Ye Fu, at this moment, has disappeared!

He directly turned into a blue electric current.

Appeared inside the battleship in an instant!

Among the battleships, there is only Xing Yun alone!

Nebula returned endless anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and looked at Gamora, and fired at her crazily!

She is already the other party’s greatest enemy.

After all, because of the battle with the opponent. Countless failures.

Her body has become what it is now.

It is unbearable to replace it with anyone.

Nebula Crazy Attack!

But I didn’t see Ye Fu behind me!

Ye Fu raised his arm. A flash of electric light was emitted directly, directly invalidating the control panel of the flying ship.

When Nebula didn’t know what happened.

Ye Fu used an electric current to paralyze the opponent’s entire body.

Then take Nebula and open a space portal.

In an instant, he returned to Gamora.

This series of actions is very long.

Actually less than two seconds.

Even Xing Yun, one of the parties involved, didn’t realize what happened, and went into a coma and went to the doctor.

Not to mention, Gamora standing on the ground.

Gamora only felt a blur in front of his eyes.

Ye Fu is back in front of her again!

In his hand, he also brought his younger sister Nebula.

Gamora looked at Ye Fu in front of her and was shocked!

“This…is too strong!”

【PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Come on, pretty guys!】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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