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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 443 The Tortured Past, Deadpool's Actions! [The Third Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

After hearing such things.

Deadpool nearly had a nervous breakdown.

After all, what he wants is to cure his illness, and then go home to reunite with his wife.

Who would have thought that such a thing would not bring him a cure in the end.

Instead, let it be upgraded to become a mutant, and then become a subordinate controlled by others.

According to Francis, even after they are upgraded, they will not move freely, but will be put on control coils. You must obey the orders of the military to survive, or you will be executed.

After hearing such things. Deadpool also knew that he might never see his wife again.

Under the torture of the spirit and the double torture of the body.

He really upgraded successfully this time.

But the consequences of upgraded success are also very tragic.

Although the cancer cells in the body are completely killed. But his own body was also dissatisfied with a large number of horrible scars.

Especially his face, which used to be handsome, has now become completely disfigured like a ghost.

Of course. At this time, Deadpool thought that his 220 cancer cells were all killed, but it was not the case. The cancer cells in his body actually existed forever, but his regenerative ability was stronger. Even if the cancer cells continued to invade his body, he could still Resurrection.

After inspiring superpowers. Deadpool is not free.

Francis hated him so much that he locked Deadpool in an oxygen tank and continued to torture him.

Deadpool found an opportunity, stole the match, and directly ignited his oxygen tank.

He is also a ruthless person, so he will be the first to be hurt when he ignites like this, but for the sake of freedom, he doesn’t think about these things at all. A violent roar erupted from the entire oxygen tank, and the terrifying flame directly blew up the secret laboratory. smashed.

Deadpool climbed up from the ruins, and his body’s self-healing ability was rapidly recovering. And Francis also fought fiercely with him (cbfb).

Deadpool has not yet mastered very powerful fighting skills at this time. Although he has a very strong regeneration ability, he cannot fight against the opponent. Compared with the fairly fast reaction speed, it still can’t beat the opponent.

Next, Francis used a steel bar to directly penetrate it fiercely on the ground. Then Francis himself left here.

Then the entire laboratory collapsed into endless ruins, burying Deadpool and his entire body.

I thought that Deadpool would definitely die if he continued like this, but Deadpool’s recovery ability can be called heaven-defying. Even after suffering such a serious and incomparable injury, he still recovered and crawled out from under the terrifying ruins. come out.

After he came out, he wanted to find his wife. He followed in the street, but the same gazes around him made him lose his courage.

Countless people looked at him as if they were looking at a terrifying monster. After all, his face at this time was like the skin of a skeleton, with a large number of pitted scars on it, which was extremely terrifying.

have such a body. It is impossible for his wife to accept him again.

Deadpool can only choose another path at this time.

That is to find those people in Francis. After killing them, find out how to heal your face. Maybe in the future, I can find my wife again and live a good life with him.

After all, my face became what it is now, all because of those people.

And if anyone in this world can heal his face, it is probably only those people.

Deadpool officially named himself Deadpool, and made a white masked uniform. Look everywhere for clues.

It’s just that his fighting style is relatively rough, and he will suffer a lot of damage every time, and the blood will dye the whole white clothes red, so he directly chose a red and black uniform afterwards.

This incident killed a large number of Francis’ accomplices. Finally found the whereabouts of Francis.

But on a bridge, when he finally stopped the opponent with a knife, he was spoiled by other mutants.

He had wanted to kill Francis. But the Colossus who appeared stopped him.

I want him to use his mutant ability to do some good things instead of killing people here. It’s better to be a superhero.

Deadpool thought that everything the other party said was farting. But his strength can’t beat Colossus.

After all, Colossus is made of extremely strong steel. His attack can’t break through the opponent’s defense at all, and the opponent can only let him throw it away easily.

Under such circumstances, Ganglishi is also desperate, dragging him to leave. However, Deadpool cut off his arm and escaped from here.

On Francis’ side, there is also revenge and revenge. They quickly found Deadpool’s girlfriend and kidnapped her directly. And sent a text message to Deadpool, threatening the matter.

After knowing such a thing, Deadpool can only go!


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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


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Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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