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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 446 The Powerful Ability Of Colossus, Incarnation Of Steel! [Second Update, Please Subscribe

And after this episode is over.

Deadpool’s attitude has obviously become a lot more respectful.

It can even be said that there is no such cynical look as before.

When standing with Colossus and Bullet Girl, she also looks very normal.

And Ye Fu is also preparing to start a deal with them.

“Who should we trade with first…it’s you, Colossus!”

He said to Colossus.

Among the mutants in front of him. He is a better hero for Colossus, after all, he is a relatively reliable person. Although he has a steel-like body, his personality is very normal, and he won’t do those convulsive things.

In comparison, Bullet Girl feels like she is being pulled, and she seems to be very remarkable.

Needless to say, Deadpool is not a normal person at all.

And Colossus’ super power is also quite special.

His body has completely changed, and he is completely different from human beings. All the tissues of the body are like steel, possessing extremely strong defense and particularly strong physical strength at one time.

Moreover, the structure of this body is not actually steel, but a substance that is much harder than ordinary steel.

It is said that in the entire Marvel universe, this hardness is second only to Edman alloy and vibration gold.

This also means that his body itself is an extremely precious resource.

He himself is very difficult to get injured, and he can freely control his physical state.

Even if you always want to be in the form of Iron Man, it’s okay.

So as long as he is on a mission, he will hardly suffer any harm. The opponent’s attack didn’t make much sense to him.

Moreover, Colossus also has extremely exaggerated defensive capabilities because of such a body structure. It can directly withstand the attack of missiles, even the impact of howitzers or super trucks.

Even strong high or low temperatures can’t hurt him.

Unless the temperature has reached an extremely terrible level.

And in his upgraded state, the whole person is in the state of a steel man, so he doesn’t need to breathe. No need to eat or anything like that.

Therefore, it is impossible to deal with him with the usual method of dealing with human beings.

Of course, in this state he also has very strong strength.

It can even be said that the strength can reach an incalculable level. Belonging is a kind of super power.

It can be compared with an unlimited powerhouse like the Hulk. It can also wrestle with the red tank, which can be said to be a very exaggerated existence.

As for Colossus, the strength in his body at this time is also a fifth-level commodity.

His situation is completely different from Spider-Man’s.

Because the strength of Colossus itself is basically obtained from this upgraded form. So all his states are gathered in one.

All superpowers come from this steel structure body tissue.

therefore. These forces are also integrated together to become a fifth-level commodity.

And Spider-Man is different, its power can be said to be dispersed, even if it is taken out alone, it can be used, so it is a variety of different powers.

At this time, Ye Fu also directly handed the other party a five-level product catalogue.

After Colossus took over the fifth-level product catalog. Hastily opened it with great interest to watch, while the other two also hurriedly looked at such things.

I want to see what is so powerful among these weapon products.

Soon several people fell into deep shock.

The power of a tier 5 item is no joke like the Nine Tails Chakra in the world of Hokage, the top entry. There are also the most powerful fruits in the pirate world.

Or something like Super Zanpakutō in the Shinigami world.

Even, everyone saw the powerful devices of the Marvel Avengers here, such as the hammer used by Thor.

Several people showed extremely surprised expressions.

“Whoa…now I believe everything you said is true.”

“You can still trade Thor’s hammer. And Iron Man’s super armor. This is definitely the real thing!”

Deadpool said very excitedly.

Although there is not much intersection between these mutant 440s and superheroes.

But they have heard of the great name of the Avengers. After all, there are information about those people everywhere on TV, newspapers, and various media.

Deadpool is also very familiar with these people.

Now seeing these familiar abilities, he certainly knows that what Ye Fu said is true!

Deadpool continued speaking habitually.

“Colossus isn’t very capable either.”

“How can it be compared with such powerful abilities?”

“I feel that you must be wrong. This guy can just use a trashy ability to get rid of it. There is no need to give him such a good ability. It is a waste!”

Deadpool chattered endlessly.

Colossus didn’t get angry after hearing this, he knew in his heart that the other party was not. I look down on myself, but just habitually joking.

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

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Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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