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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 451 The Power Of The Celestial Group, The Origin Of Mutants! [The Third Update, Please Subsc

Bullet Girl frowned and said in doubt, “What’s going on here?”

“There are so few things to choose from.”

There are less than ten abilities in total.

Compared with the dazzling array of fourth-level commodities and fifth-level commodities, it is simply not enough to look at.

But Colossus thought for a while, and just spoke.

“This is also a very normal thing.”

“It should be that the more powerful the commodity, the rarer it is, which is also in line with the normal law.

“How could it be possible that there are still a lot of top-level powers that you can choose at will?”

After he finished speaking, Bullet Girl also understood that what Gang Litian said was indeed correct.

After the three of them watched for a while.

Bullet Girl said: “I feel that this Chaos Magic should be the strongest.”

“Rewrite it directly. After the reality is used well, it will not even lose to the strongest mutants!”

What Bullet Girl said is absolutely correct, in fact, this kind of power is one of the powers of the 21 mutants [but it is still stronger than the mutant Lihuang.

Even people with the power of the phoenix can do things without this power, and it is even more powerful when developed to Ultimate.

Wanda is the most powerful of all mutants.

After Deadpool himself saw this magical power, although his face was full of interest, he shook his head.


“To be honest, I feel that I have been unable to control magic. After this thing falls into my hands, something big will definitely happen!”

He said so.

Although Deadpool looks a little crazy and abnormal, his brain is not really abnormal.

He is also very clear that he is definitely not this material, and all kinds of things he has done have proved it for such a long time. The way he is best at is to engage in melee combat and use various firearms to fight the enemy. He is definitely not good at magic.

Therefore, even if such power is indeed very powerful, he will not choose to trade this power.

This is his self-knowledge.

And the other two also understood such a thing in their hearts.

Deadpool, this guy, still understands.

Finally in some power. Deadpool chose the power of the “blood of the gods” among them.

He said to himself: “This thing can improve the level of life.”

“I don’t know what kind of situation it will get.”

He looked at Ye Fu and asked.

Ye Fu explained: “It’s very simple. You always know about the organization of the gods.”

After listening to his words. All three shook their heads in unison.

God group?

What is this thing? They have never heard of it.

And Ye Fu explained: “The reason why you mutants have developed so many powerful abilities is because of the mutant genes in your body and mutant genes. Some say it is the Celestial Group. So you brought of.”

“In the distant era, the Celestial Group implanted some genes of the Celestial Group in some human bodies, which led to the emergence of mutants.”

“Mutants have a lot of very powerful abilities, because of the power inheritance of the Celestial Group.”

“Of course, this is just the source of the mutant’s ability. It’s just one of the sayings, and it’s not necessarily true.

“However, even in the entire universe, the Celestial Race is the most powerful of all races. It is not an exaggeration to be called a god. Their incomparably powerful power is simply an exaggeration.”

After listening to him, the eyes of the three Deadpool members were also deeply shocked.

Didn’t expect this thing to be so powerful!

Even if Ye Fu just talked about it, they were surprised by the special and powerful meaning of such power.

It is completely unexpected that there is such a powerful existence in this world.

Even the existence of their mutants is caused by the blood of the other party!

Bullet Girl said calmly.

“So you have seen the Celestial Group with your own eyes.”

She actually had some doubts about saying that.

After all, what Ye Fu said was hype, but what kind of alien creatures in the universe is this Celestial Group? Speaking of 550, it still makes people feel unconvincing.

Colossus quickly opened his mouth to explain.

“Mr. Ye Fu! What she said just now did not mean to question. She just wanted to gain insight.”

Ye Fu smiled slightly, and the scarlet magic energy in his hands began to surge. A screen was projected again in front of everyone.

Among them is a huge planet.

The planet is floating in space.

Seeing such a picture, several people were a little puzzled.

Deadpool said it even more bluntly.

“What does this have to do with the Celestials we’re talking about? It’s just an ordinary planet.

“I don’t know how many planets like this exist in the universe. It’s not a rare thing at all, is it?”

As he said this, he saw a sudden change in the picture.

The huge planet slowly opened its eyes.

Seeing such a scene, the three of them all screamed!

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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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