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Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy — Chapter 501 This World Is Full Of Real People! [The First Update, Please Subscribe! ! ! 】

But this degree of injury is not fatal to the black dragon at all.

His body was still squirming crazily, a huge Dragon Ball flew out, was hugged tightly by him, and then fled towards the distance.

His speed was extremely fast, and he fled thousands of meters away in a blink of an eye.

After the black dragon escaped, Ye Fu immediately chased after it.

But it turns out that he tore apart the space and escaped!

“I’m going, as expected of Fairy Tail’s ceiling, it can actually tear apart space.

“Forget it, since the ceiling is not my opponent, then I have basically swept the world of Fairy Tail. Today is a test of my own strength.”

At this station, the fire dragon had a panoramic view, but it was unexpected that this outsider would hang and beat the black dragon!

21 This is the strong man who has swept Aslante for 400 years, but he did not expect to be defeated by this man.

He flew over in a hurry with a puzzled expression on his face.

“You, how can you be so powerful!”

“Is it great? I don’t think it’s great. If it was, I should have slapped him to death.

Ye Fu smiled, and then added: “The skills I used just now, which one do you like?” According to the agreement, I should give you Susanoo.

“These slaying spells are too powerful, I dare not take them lightly, or I can exchange my dragon slaying magic – the roar of the fire dragon, with you.”

In this way, Huolong wasted a chance to go whoring for nothing.

I have to say that in the world of Fairy Tail, everyone is an honest person, especially keeping promises!

“Okay, I promise you.”

Ye Fu said helplessly.

Then with a thought, Susanoo turned into a golden phantom and flew in front of the fire dragon.

There was a smile on the corner of the dragon’s mouth, and then he reached out and grabbed Susanoo.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that terrifying aura, which made his soul tremble.

He didn’t expect that Ye Fu had such a heaven-defying weapon.

But thinking that he was about to acquire this ability, Huolong’s heart suddenly felt at ease.

As the fire dragon devoured Susanoo, his strength instantly rose to the peak.

At this time, the fire dragon has about three times the calendar area.

Moreover, his power is infinitely cyclical and can continuously absorb Susanoo.

“My strength is enough to crush any enemy here, and I am no longer afraid of that black dragon!”

Huolong smiled confidently.

Ye Fu didn’t control the fire dragon, but put away the dragon slaying magic – the roar of the fire dragon.

He didn’t open the system mall, he felt that he was already invincible in Fairy Tail, so it would be useless to ask for so many transactions.

And this world is full of honest people, there is no need to cheat them.

Even the black dragon just now is not necessarily so bad, it was the dragon clan who slaughtered his village first, and he worked hard to destroy the dragon clan so inspirationally.

Hey, 340 is not clear,

“Ignilu, this time the black dragon was taken care of by me, so you won’t leave Naz, and you should practice hard with Naz.”

Hearing Ye Fu’s words, Huolong was puzzled for a moment, he looked into the distance, and felt that the black dragon was not dead yet, and the century-old opportunity was imminent.

He couldn’t be with Natsu after all.

“I’m really sorry, I have to leave, I have my own things to do, and it’s also good for Naz, he needs to grow up.

“Don’t worry, I will help Naz grow up.”

【PS: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Come on, pretty guys!】.


Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Super soldier serum for shock fruit, earn crazy

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Ten more explosions every day, and more flowers will burst again!!! When Ye Fu obtained the system of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Middleman System], he knew that his life was about to start taking off, so there began to be one more in the heavens and ten thousand worlds – the merchant of the Ten Thousand Worlds!

War on top.

Sengoku: Lying groove, why are all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group at the level of the four emperors!

The Fourth Shinobi War.

Uchiha: It’s only been more than ten years since you step on a horse, and the eye of reincarnation and the nine-tailed chakra, the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the immortal mode can all be available to individuals?


Thanos: Numb, why does everyone have a six-jewel infinity glove!


Ye Fu: The Monkey King and so on in front, do you want to destroy the divine power a little and fight Frisha!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “Super Soldier Serum Changes Shock Fruit, Earn Crazy”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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