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The answer to Chapter 265 is to sell gas masks? !

The answer to Chapter 265 is to sell gas masks? !


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 265 version answer is to sell gas masks? !

  ”The lobby is safe!”

  The three teams that broke into the building quickly controlled the lobby. Group C set up a defense line outside the elevator and shot the gnawers attracted by the movement in the lobby.

  The newbie in charge of delivering supplies ran in from the main entrance with a backpack full of ammunition and explosives.



  Lao Wang next door picked up a backpack, unzipped it and took a look, and threw it to the battlefield atmosphere group waiting next to the elevator.

  ”Brother! It’s up to you!”


  The battlefield guy wearing heavy equipment stuffed the backpack to the darkest one beside him, and walked to the entrance of the elevator shaft, stretched out his two big hands, and grabbed the half-open elevator door. The

  output power of the miner I exoskeleton was increased to the maximum.

  I heard the rusty door panel creaking under the heavy load, and soon it was opened to a passage for one person to enter.

  An agile player from Group B ducked in, raised his rifle to check the entrance, and then made a safe gesture.

  ”The passage is clear!”

  ”Got it–”

  The battlefield guy held his breath and continued to exert force with his arms. The elevator door kept shaking, and the steel plates welded to the exoskeleton also shook along with it.

  Kakarot saw that the elevator door had not opened for a long time, so he quickly activated his strength talent and stepped forward to help. With the combined efforts of the two, the heavy elevator door was finally pulled down.

  ”MMP! This door is too strong!” The battlefield atmosphere team leader breathed a sigh of relief and raised his arm to wipe his forehead.

  I was standing next to him, still studying the backpack in his hand, unzipping it and looking at it repeatedly for a long time.

  ”What’s in it?”

  It’s heavy!

  The battlefield guy said with a chuckle.

  ”17 kilograms of explosives, you’d better be careful.”

  I was stunned for a moment.

  ”17 kilograms…what does that mean?”

  Kakarot: “Equivalent to two 155s.”

  I was confused, obviously not understanding what 155 meant.

  However, some of the more serious players did understand, and subconsciously hid away from the side, and cursed inwardly.

  Without wasting time, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team patted my darkest on the shoulder, signaling him to stop playing, and then led the team members into the elevator shaft.

  The space in the elevator shaft was quite spacious.

  The elevator car probably fell to the floor below, but there was no shortage of places to stay in the shaft. There were not only spare magnetic tracks and steel cables, but also climbing ladders, probably for people who repaired the elevator.

  The Battlefield guy put the devil’s wire survival rope on the steel cable, reached out and pulled the ladder embedded in the wall. Seeing that it could bear the weight of the exoskeleton, he moved all his center of gravity to the ladder with confidence.

  ”Our mission is simple, just like the spring LYB said, go straight from the elevator shaft to the 43rd floor, and then blast vertically downward!”

  My darkest swallowed his saliva.

  ”We just climb up like this?”

  Another team member patted his shoulder with a playful smile.

  ”What are you afraid of? I won’t get tired! It’s just a little troublesome at most.”

  The statement that you won’t get tired is actually inaccurate.

  When lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, players will feel heavy, weak, and slow in movement. Only the pain that comes with it will be blocked.

  However, compared to killing all the way up, it is much easier to break through vertically from the elevator shaft.

  Because of the spore cloud, the gnawers in the nearby streets and even the nearby subway station were all attracted to the vicinity of the building.

  And the stairs and corridors that can lead to the 41st floor are where the spore concentration is the highest!

  Just now, the battlefield guy took the time to take a look at the entrance of the safe passage on the back of the elevator shaft and found that the situation there was so tragic that it can only be described as “a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones”.

  Facts have proved that having a reliable commander still makes people feel safe!

  It took a lot of time to climb more than 40 floors with bare hands.

  Halfway through, they were exhausted and could only rest for a while with a lifeline. After resting enough, they continued to climb.

  When Team A successfully arrived at the 43rd floor, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon.

  Take a short break at the entrance of the elevator shaft on the 43rd floor.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group installed 300g of explosives on the elevator door, and led the team to move up to the 46th floor, and then detonated the detonator.


  With a deafening roar, the elevator door was blown out, and the blast swept into the elevator shaft.

  The five players in Group A quickly descended and rushed into the 43rd floor of the building through the open elevator door. With a deafening roar, groups of gnawers rushed in from both sides of the corridor.


  The muzzle sprayed flames!

  Gunshots rang out in the corridor, bullets swept like a storm, and gnawers fell one after another like cutting wheat.

  For a while, blood and flesh flew in the corridor, and broken limbs and arms were all over the ground!

  However, even though the players’ firepower was fierce, the surging army of gnawers still rushed up like a tide!

  At this moment, a thunderous explosion came from outside the building.

  High-explosive bombs drilled into the broken French windows and hit the corridor, and the densely packed Gnawers fell down instantly!

  ”Quick! Hurry up!”

  The battlefield atmosphere team shouted loudly, pulled out a grenade and threw it to the safe passage at the end of the corridor.

  With a bang, more Gnawers fell!

  The A team did not linger in the battle, and moved to the target room while maintaining firepower.

  Rows of graphite-colored glass doors were displayed in the room, dividing the area into sections with different functions.

  This should be an office area or something like that!

  Raising the muzzle and shooting the rushing Gnawers, the battlefield atmosphere team quickly found the target location on the map, and then took out the pre-prepared explosives from the backpack handed to me by the darkest, placed them in a circle on the floor, and carefully pulled out the safety.

  ”3 kilograms of explosives! It should be able to make a hole in the ground!”

  ”Everyone pay attention to hiding, and shout when you are ready!”

  The other four players shouted excitedly.

  ”Got it!”

  Crouching in the corner, placing a table horizontally in front of them, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team took out the detonator and gently clenched it with their palms.


  With a deafening explosion, the shock wave and hot air waves of the explosion swept through the entire office area!

  The players quickly came to the center of the explosion.

  The concrete and floor tiles had been blown into pieces, and only a few were still hanging on the steel frame that was bent downward.

  Seeing this situation, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team’s heart suddenly sank slightly.

  Although they successfully blew up the downward passage, the destructive effect of the explosion was far less than expected. Three kilograms of explosives…

  In reality, it would be enough to blow down a small house!

  ”Damn! Is this house so strong?” I couldn’t help swallowing.

  Master Cai: “It may be a bit difficult to blow down the entire ceiling… Let Team B bring up the fuel.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team nodded solemnly.


  A brief exchange on the communication channel.

  Team A returned to the elevator shaft, fixed the winch at the entrance of the elevator shaft, and threw the rope down to the bottom of the elevator shaft.

  The winch turned!

  Soon, 50 liters of biomass fuel were hoisted up!

  After the fuel was in place, Team A returned to the blasting point again, and quickly descended to the 42nd floor through the ceiling that had been blown open.

  The situation here is completely different from the 43rd floor!

  The spacious office area is full of brown and dark red slime molds, and the air is filled with high concentrations of spores. The soles of the shoes feel sticky, as if they were stepping on moss.

  The visibility here is less than five meters!

  And at this moment, under their feet, is the mother nest that is taking shape!

  ”…Why do I feel like I’ve gotten into the belly of an alien species?”

  I swallowed my saliva, raised the rifle in my hand, and carefully checked every corner of the room with the muzzle.

  Since he came down from the ceiling just now, he has felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

  However, this sense of crisis came from all directions, so that he could not judge where the truly fatal crisis came from.

  The battlefield atmosphere team skillfully placed explosives on the ground and pulled out the safety pin.

  ”Your intuition is very accurate. If we don’t want to become the excrement of the mother nest, we’d better move faster.”

  The player squatting on the ground put away the test tube.

  ”The sample has been recovered!”

  another player said.

  ”Placing explosives!”

  The team members had a clear division of labor and each performed their duties. Soon, more than half of the task was completed, and only the last few explosives were left to be placed.

  However, at this moment, a hissing roar suddenly came from a corner of the darkness.

  Hearing the roar, everyone felt a chill in their hearts and immediately raised the muzzle of the gun in their hands and pointed it in the direction of the sound.

  There was no time to think about what it was, and the battlefield atmosphere team immediately ordered.


  The gun head sprayed flames!

  The flames from the muzzle illuminated the darkness and fog, and the bullets rushed towards the direction where the sound came from.

  And at this moment, the players finally discovered in horror that the figure standing in the dark was actually a tyrant!

  The nearly four-meter-tall body was like a rotten rotten wood, but the outrageously thick keratin armor had a protective power that was no less than that of steel.

  The bullets hit the tyrant’s body, just like stones hitting the swamp, only rolling up a series of small splashes.


  With a roar of pain, the tyrant actually withstood the firepower that was fired at him, running forward with his legs, and swinging his claws violently.

  Caught off guard, my darkest chest was immediately slapped.

  The bulletproof vest was directly cracked!

  I only heard Lao Hei groaning, and the whole person flew up, smashing the long-disrepaired French window with his back, and fell outside the building.


  The scream faded away, and there was a faint “cook!”.

  Group A lost one person!

  The players quickly dispersed, trying to distract the tyrant with crossfire and prevent it from approaching for harvest.

  At this moment, the shouting of the fountain commander came from the communication channel.

  ”What’s going on over there!? Why did I see someone flying out?”

  With his finger firmly on the trigger, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team cursed, “We encountered the Tyrant! What you just saw was my darkest! Damn, can you hit it there?”

  Fountain Commander: “We can hit it, but we can’t see what’s going on over there at all! The spore concentration is too high!”

  The dense spore cloud was like gel, almost blocking all vision.

  Random firing will only hurt teammates by mistake!

  In a blink of an eye, another player was killed.

  In just one minute, Team A had lost two people!

  Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “MMP! 7mm can’t penetrate this thing at all! If we keep fighting like this, we will all have to go back home!”

  Fountain suddenly had an idea.

  ”Quick! Give me a mark!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Team: “Mark?”

  ”Incendiary bomb! Mark it with an incendiary bomb!”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team immediately understood what Fountain meant, and immediately pulled out the incendiary bottle hanging on their waist.

  ”Suppress it!” Shouting to the teammates, the battlefield atmosphere team seized the opportunity and threw the Molotov cocktail at the tyrant. The

  sudden burst of firepower temporarily restricted the tyrant’s movement, and the Molotov cocktail hit its forehead squarely.

  Flames rose!

  The tyrant let out a violent roar.

  It was on fire and struggled to put out the fire on its body. At the same time, four armor-piercing incendiary bombs dragging flames drilled in from the French window, and three of them hit its shoulders and abdomen fiercely.

  Flames and smoke continued to billow out, and the three armor-piercing incendiary bombs that hit the target were like burning nails, stuck in the tyrant’s body.

  The enraged tyrant rushed around in the office area, trying to extinguish the flames on his body, but it didn’t work.

  At this time, another player who was responsible for placing the explosives had already placed the last piece of explosives.

  In addition, the oil barrel used to clean up the slime mold was also rolled to the center of the room.

  ”Prepare to retreat!”

  The player shouted, and was the first to retreat to the hole in the ceiling, climbing up on the table.

  ”Got it!”

  Seeing this, the other two also responded and retreated towards the hole in the ceiling.

  Back to the 43rd floor, the three of them rushed all the way and rushed to the elevator shaft.

  Hanging the survival rope on the steel cable, the battlefield atmosphere group jumped and descended to the lower floor.

  ”Brothers, hold on!”

  As the voice fell, he clenched the detonator in his hand.

  With a light click, accompanied by a deafening sound, the flames of the explosion shot up into the sky, and the fierce shock wave instantly shattered the concrete between the 42nd and 41st floors!

  The flames and heat waves raged like a tsunami, swallowing the upper and lower floors, and even rushed into the corridor and poured into the elevator shaft!

  The whole building seemed to be shaking!


  ”I feel the elevator shaft is shaking!”

  ”You can’t press it later!”

  Everyone in the elevator shaft was shocked. Fortunately, the lifeline was tied firmly, so they almost fell down like dumplings. The

  battlefield atmosphere team wearing exoskeletons was in a better situation. After stabilizing themselves, they smiled awkwardly.

  ”I’m afraid the signal will be bad if we go down!”

  The team members: “@#%!”

  The elevator shaft was filled with beautiful Mandarin.

  At this moment, on the east side of the building.

  Commander Quanshui, holding a telescope in his hand, was standing in front of the broken French window, looking at the 41st floor with thick smoke.

  A fire broke out on the dark red wall, and black smoke replaced the gray-green fog.

  Even hundreds of meters away, you can feel the scorching heat coming towards you…

  ”Although it is slightly different from the plan, it should be deader than dead.” Commander Quanshui put down the telescope.

  It should be able to strangle the mother nest in the cradle before it is formed, which should weaken the strength of the wave.


  the spore cloud gathered around here will be difficult to retreat in a short time.

  The commander of the fountain glanced to the north and frowned. The endless clouds seemed to be brewing a rainstorm.

  The player lying in front of the French window rolled his eyes when he heard his words.

  ”Can we not set a flag?”

  As he said that, he pulled the trigger and fired a high-explosive bomb at the 41st floor.

  The commander of the fountain hurriedly reminded him.

  ”Don’t use high-explosive bombs. Haven’t you heard of explosions to put out fires? Just add two incendiary bombs for your sake.”

  It doesn’t matter whether to add or not.

  In the face of such a raging fire, a 20mm incendiary bomb is like a match thrown into a fire, and not even a sound can be heard.

  The first floor of the building.

  Group A returned to the team, and the battlefield atmosphere group and the two players behind them came out of the open elevator door along with the billowing smoke.

  The three people were all black, as if they had just rolled out of a coal mine.

  Kakarot went up to help the battlefield brother and asked excitedly.

  ”How is it, is it done?”

  ”Done,” although they looked a little embarrassed, there was no embarrassment in the voice of the Battlefield Atmosphere Group, but it was full of excitement, “The mother nest has been blown up! Damn, it was so exciting when I came down from the elevator shaft!”

  The two teammates behind him heard it and couldn’t help but spray.

  ”Damn! Are you still embarrassed?”

  ”That’s right! I was almost shaken and fell down!”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group coughed dryly.

  ”It doesn’t matter! It’s okay as long as we pass the level!”

  Kakarot counted the people.

  ”Why are there only three back?”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group said casually: “One fell down, and the other stayed up there.”

  ”The brother who fell down called me the darkest, right? It’s really dark enough.” Lao Wang next door smacked his tongue, “Falling down from more than 40 floors, the scene is really eye-catching…”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group’s heart moved.

  ”Where is it? I’ll go and see!”

  Kakarot looked at him strangely.

  ”What are you looking at when they are all dead, the VM is broken.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Group smiled embarrassedly and scratched the back of his head.

  ”It’s mainly because I haven’t seen it before.”

  Kakarot: “…”

  Lao Wang next door: “…”

  All the players: “…”

  Is this what a human should say?

  At the same time.

  Outside the building.

  Chu Guang, who was standing on the pedestrian bridge, withdrew his gaze from the building with billowing smoke, looked at Heya standing beside him and asked.

  ”Does this solve the problem?”

  Heya stared at the building for a while and nodded slowly.

  ”It should be solved… The mutant slime mold is not resistant to high temperatures. The damage to the incubator has reached more than 90%, which is basically irreparable damage.”

  Vanus stared at the almost shattered corpse and a pool of blood on the road not far away, and couldn’t help but remind him.

  ”I seemed to see something fall down just now.”

  He was sure.

  It seemed that it fell down just now.

  But Chu Guang, who was standing next to him, didn’t care, and just replied casually.

  ”Small problem, not important.”

  It’s just a little active substance, even if it is awakened, it’s only two points.

  Is this a big deal?

  Obviously not!

  Vanus was stunned for a moment.

  He felt that his worldview and his understanding of the blue coat had been subverted.

  And it was the second time today…


  [Announcement for all servers: The mother nest of the New Era Data Building has been cleared, and the strength of the wave has been weakened! Let’s applaud the 20 players who participated in the battle! ]

  Official website forum.

  The most popular posts on the official website in the past two days are either the acceptance speeches of the newbies or the discussion about the upcoming wave.

  Although the countdown on the official website is still 10 days, most players have already felt the changes in Qingquan City with their naked eyes.

  Gray-green clouds are spreading outward from the city center. The rotting zombies wandering in the streets are much stronger than before, both in speed and strength.

  The crawlers that used to only shuttle through tunnels and ruins are now appearing more and more frequently on the streets. In

  just two days, four hunting teams of five people have been wiped out, and the cause of death is without exception because they were surrounded by gnawers.

  Irena: “It’s so exciting to hear you say that I want to come back. (Funny)”

  Ye Shi: “Isn’t Red River Town exciting? (Funny)”

  Irena: “It’s okay, but it’s too desolate here. It doesn’t feel as fun as Qingquan City.”

  Elf King Fugui: “The main reason is that there is too little food here, you know.”

  Irena: “Get out! (`Д*)9”

  Makabazi: “Hahahaha!”

  The war between Red River Town, where a large number of mercenaries gathered, and the Snake Clan of the Bone Chewing Tribe fell into a stalemate. Both sides dug trenches, built fortifications, bombarded each other, and started a brutal positional war.

  It is said that the Snake Clan seems to be waiting for reinforcements from the Tooth Clan, but the fighting power of the Tooth Clan is completely restrained by the resistance organization in Xizhou City, and they can’t spare any effort.

  Not only that, there are rumors that the plague broke out in Xizhou City due to the large number of dead bodies caused by the terror of the predators.

  This rumor was confirmed by the strong man.

  His power is expanding rapidly, and it is even slightly beyond his control…

  These rats are breeding too fast!

  Fang Chang: “Hasn’t there been an outbreak in Xizhou City?”

  Qiangren Suoyi: “No, I feel that compared with Qingquan City, Xizhou City can only be regarded as a relatively large small county. It may be because it is located in the hills. The buildings here are not very high and the building density is not large. On the contrary, the vegetation is quite lush. Rats, cockroaches, and hyenas are relatively common species here. Then there are burrowing beasts, centipedes… and some things I haven’t seen yet.”

  Lao Bai: “It feels like a satellite city next to a super first-tier city.”

  Qiangren Suoyi: “You can understand it that way! (grin)”

  Midnight Killing Chicken: “There is no wave in our Yuanxi Town, but There are quite a lot of trees. (@ω@)”

  Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes: “Pfft, there is a wave there, not even a gnawer. ”

  Bored Tiger: “I hope it won’t affect the land I contracted, I just planted a crop of green peppers. TT”

  Stop Bullshitting: “Don’t affect my fishing! I’m not interested in waves, I just want to fish!” “

  Crow Crow: “Hey, this wave came at such a good time… Teng Teng and I were shopping in the store, and we didn’t buy anything, but we were forced to spend 40 chips to buy two gas masks… I feel that these chips are more expensive than silver coins. _:(□`」∠):_”

  Edge Paddling: “What the hell? ! What mask is so expensive? Do you need 40 chips? !”

  Teng Teng: “Eh? Did you buy it too expensive? (°ー°〃)”

  Edge Paddling: “…”

  Debt Eyes: “Border Brother wanted to say that he picked up a few plastic bottles at the garbage dump, got two pieces of gauze and some activated carbon and made one, and it worked amazingly. (Grinning teeth)”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “Fuck!! Twenty chips for a mask? I really want to come back and do business! If I make tens of thousands of gas masks and bring them to Boulder City, wouldn’t I make a lot of money? !” ”

  Kuangfeng: “Analyze it rationally, maybe I can make a fortune. But 20 chips for a mask… This is just being slaughtered like a fat sheep, right? (Sweating)” ”

  Crow Crow”: “!!!” ”

  Teng Teng: “Σ(°△°|||)”

  In fact, if you think about it, you will know that twenty chips are equivalent to an ordinary person’s weekly income.

  If it is really so expensive, how can ordinary people afford it?

  5~6 ​​chips should be a more reasonable market price, and it is also a price that ordinary people can afford.

  The mole was still lamenting that he had missed the opportunity to make a fortune.

  However, at this moment, WC Zhenyou Mosquito, who had been silent all the time, suddenly appeared from the forum.


  ”Give it to you!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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