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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 117 It’s great to give it away for free, but the situation is not very optimistic.

At this time, the waitress had changed drastically.

The black smoke dissipated, and it turned into a cold lady wearing a tight black leather jacket and a black robe.

One of her lips also turned purple-black, and compared to her delicate facial features, her charming and alluring temperament was particularly prominent.

A pair of beautiful eyes, now turned into patterned cyan whites, with a touch of cyan light in the pupils.

That hazy cyan light emanated from that blue pupil.

The green light continued to shroud Su Mo like a dream, making Su Mo’s whole body and his eyes glazed over.

After a while.

Standing there, Su Mo looked at the woman blankly like a piece of wood.

“Hehe, although the talent is very evil, he is still a younger brother after all. Facing my sister’s demon spirit eyes, I still have to be obedient. Unfortunately, in order to shield those two diamond-level old guys, it is a bit of a waste of black rock material, but it can It’s worth it to capture this little baby like you.”

As she spoke, the woman put her jade hands on Su Mo’s chest, stroking and looking at her.

“Tsk, tsk~ He’s really handsome, even more handsome than what he saw on the video. If it weren’t for the Holy Cult’s intention to recruit you, my sister would be reluctant to take you, the best male slave, back.”

Swallowing secretly, this charming woman looked intoxicated as she kept looking at every part of Su Mo’s body.

The jade hand wanted to reach out to Su Mo’s fair and handsome face.

“Sister, my face is not something anyone can touch.”


A voice of ridicule made the woman’s delicate body stiffen, and she suddenly raised her head to look, only to meet a pair of extremely enchanting eyes.

At this moment, Su Mo still looked dull and stupid.

There was a hint of ridicule in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes had already turned into Sharingan eyes, exuding a trace of strange blood light.

The three magatama were slowly rotating, looking directly into the woman’s blue eyes.

The dreamlike hazy green light gradually dimmed.

The charming woman’s eyes widened: “How could you…”

The demonic eyes and the invincible hypnotic illusion she was so proud of had failed? !

Just now, was this kid pretending to be hypnotized?

Is it this pair of blood-colored magatama eyes? !

But the intelligence didn’t say that this kid had such an ability!

For a moment, this charming woman looked horrified, and was filled with doubts.

Looking at the horrified woman, Su Mo chuckled and said, “Cast an illusion on me? I really belong to you, sister.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Sharingan turned crazily, and the power of the pupils spread crazily.

After a while, I saw that the charming woman’s beautiful eyes dimmed at first, and then regained their color again.

But she has fallen into the world of illusion.

Feel comfortable!

So comfortable!

With a slight grin on his lips, Su Mo was in a good mood.

I was worried about how to catch those rats at first, but now it was all for nothing, I was so happy.

Long live pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

This woman actually has the cultivation level of the Golden Nine Stars, and can hypnotize her with the level of illusion just now.

Ordinary diamond experts will suffer disaster if they don’t pay attention!

so far so good…

I have a Sharingan hand.

Looking at the charming woman with interest, Su Mo walked away with his peripheral vision and said with a smile, “Are you from the Black Rock Holy See?”

“Well, I am the phantom envoy, one of the seventy-two evil envoys of the Black Rock Holy See.”

Under the illusion world of the Sharingan, the woman who called herself the Phantom Messenger slowly opened her mouth and stared at Su Mo with great respect.

Seventy-two evil envoys?

Doesn’t the Black Rock Holy See only have nine holy envoys and nameless members?

Has anything changed in the past thousand years?

Frowning, Su Mo immediately asked: “Tell me about the current situation of your Black Rock Holy See.”

“Yes, our Holy Religion has changed a lot compared to thousands of years ago. Except for the status of the nine Holy Envoys, the Holy Religion has established thirty-six Heavenly Evil Envoys and seventy-two Earthly Evil Envoys. The only Heavenly Evil Envoys are The lowest level is all extraordinary and powerful, and the seventy-two earth demons range from extraordinary to diamond level. My ability is quite special, so I was specially approved as one of the seventy-two earth demons. The rank of nine holy envoys is currently only the deputy leader. You know, it’s mysterious.

The Thirty-Six Heavenly Evil Envoys are lurking in human society. Including our seventy-two Earthly Evil Envoys, countless believers do not know who the thirty-six adults are. “

The words fell.

Su Mo frowned, feeling heavy in his heart.

The worst outcome he expected actually happened.

Unlike the arrogance of thousands of years ago, the Black Rock Holy See today is resurrected and has learned to be patient and hide its strength and bide its time.

This is… very scary!

Moreover, it is not difficult to judge from the words of the phantom envoy that the current strength of the Black Rock Holy See has grown to a shuddering level. Not to mention whether the nine holy envoys exist or not, there are only thirty-six of them. The evil angels, thirty-six extraordinary powers, are terrifying!

Even if there aren’t that many, there should be ten, right?

The scalps of the ten extraordinary and powerful Black Rock Holy See executives lurking in human society are numb!

At this moment, Su Mo’s scalp was numb!

Taking a deep breath, he continued to ask: “What is the purpose of your coming to Yanzhou City this time?”

“It’s not that we are coming to Yanzhou City this time, but that we have always been in Yanzhou City. In Yanzhou City, our holy branch has existed for hundreds of years. It has been lurking for many years, creating conflicts among major forces and causing disputes. Gradually taking control of these forces, while transporting flesh and blood corpses to the Holy Cult. Recently, they have only caused disputes, a small harvest, and young men and women who cannot control the awakening of supernatural powers, but have strong Yuan Yin and Yuanyang. They are also sent to the Holy Cult. “

Hearing this, Su Mo’s eyes were twitching, and he swallowed hard: “Where is your branch? What is the purpose of transporting flesh and blood corpses and young men and women of Yuanyin and Yuanyang?”

“The Yanzhou City branch of our holy religion is located underground at the center of the Yanzhou City federal government branch. As for the role of flesh and blood corpses and Yuanyin Yuanyang, I don’t know. Only the top twenty Disha Only then can we know.”

Good guy!

Su Mo is such a good guy!

For so many years, the branch has been underground in the center of the federal branch, which…

Damn it, why should it be so scary?

What does this mean?

Representing the entire Yanzhou City, it has completely fallen into the hands of the Black Rock Holy See!

Over the years, I don’t know how well these rats have understood it, I’m afraid it’s not 80%.

You’re seventy, right?


It is truly an evil organization that was capable of causing chaos thousands of years ago.

No wonder the top management’s attitude was so perfunctory after the turmoil broke out.

At this moment, Su Mo felt like a little white sheep, as if he was in a wolf’s den.

Feeling uncomfortable all over!

“By the way, what is that black rock substance you just mentioned? It can actually block the perception of Bo Lao and the others.”

Facing Su Mo’s question, the phantom envoy said: “It is a special substance that can block perception. The tide of monsters in the Demon City was caused by our holy religion using this substance.”

Su Mo’s eyes widened when he heard this: “Did you single-handedly create the wave of monsters in the Demon City?!”



The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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