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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 130 Perfect rating, crystallization of supernatural powers

“Vice Principal Guo, although I am not qualified to deny your choice, I just want to say that the fellow humans you saved have always regarded you as a heroic senior, which is not meaningless.”

As Su Mo sighed, Feng Xiaoyao looked at the old man with a complicated expression: “Brother Guo Zhang…why?”

At this moment, he still felt that it was so unreal.

Why did the big brother, who was kind and cheerful and often invited them to drink, become like this?

Staring at Su Mo fiercely, Guo Zhang suddenly turned his head to look at Feng Xiaoyao, and said in a reluctant tone: “Because I envy you, I envy you for having the talent to step into the realm of kingship, to be alive, to continue to become stronger, it’s that simple, And…I have no regrets about joining the Holy Cult!”

When he said he had no regrets, the old man’s tone was so decisive.

This made everyone completely silent, and the trace of luck in their hearts that wanted the old man to turn around was shattered into pieces.

Murong Changkong’s face was slightly cold: “Brother Guo Zhang, are you sure you want to be so stubborn?”

“Hahaha… Obsessed? No, I think this is the most correct choice I have made. I hate it! I hate why I was so stupid and wasted my time saving those ants. I hate myself for not joining the Holy Cult earlier. In this case, maybe I, Guo Zhang, will be crowned king!”

Laughing maniacally, Guo Zhang’s face was full of ferociousness, like an angry beast, and his hatred for the world was clearly revealed.

Shaking their heads, Feng Xiaoyao and everyone looked sad, completely giving up trying to persuade him.

People have completely changed!

My heart is completely different from what it used to be!

Su Mo, on the other hand, sighed helplessly, then turned around and walked towards the frozen unknown believers.

For now, the task is still urgent.

He had consulted with Feng Xiaoyao, Guo Zhang could not move, and he could decide the life and death of all the Black Rock followers at will.

Although Feng Xiaoyao and the others were confused as to why he was so murderous, they just let him go when they thought they were killing those rats.

Even if the poisonous agent was agreed upon in advance, Su Mo could deal with it himself.

After all, the information that one Heavenly Evil Envoy knew was enough for the government to inquire into.

Walking towards the frozen congregation, Su Mo first asked Murong Changkong to slow down the area, and then touched the corpses.

Is it called touching a corpse even if it’s not dead?

Well, by the time he’s done touching them, the rats will be dead.

So, under the helpless and roaring gazes of all the believers, Su Mo carried out the body touching operation in an orderly manner.

After a while, although the good goods put together by these rats were not as good as the fraction given by Poison Envoy and Guo Zhang, they added up to a lot.

No matter how small the meat is, it is still meat, just put it in your pocket.

“You don’t have to stare at me like this. Take your money. When I become stronger, I will help you atone for your sins and become a good person.”

After saying this shamelessly, Su Mo immediately fired out the halo from his right fist without saying a word.


Buzz buzz…

There was a sound like breaking glass, and then thin cracks were seen spreading out, and the shock caused an air tremor in the hall.

Wherever the crack passed, the humanoid ice sculpture frozen by Murong Changkong turned into ice powder on the spot.

He cannot die any more!

Fortunately, with the help of Murong Changkong’s domain, he was able to kill him so easily, which was equivalent to a K head.

Otherwise, if he were to do it by himself, he would not be able to defeat a small number of the high-star Diamond Realm cult members.

Just lying down and letting him kill would take a lot of time.

“Ding! The host has killed an unknown member of the three-star Golden Realm of the Black Rock Holy See. Do you want to complete the mission now?”

“Ding! The host has killed an unknown member of the Black Rock Holy See’s Golden Nine Stars. Do you want to complete the mission now?”

“Ding! The host has killed an unknown one-star diamond member of the Black Rock Church. Do you want to complete the mission now?”

Along with the prompts for mission progress, prompts for killing creatures also pop up frequently.

This time, you will definitely make a lot of money!

Half an hour later, with Feng Xiaoyao and others watching in astonishment, Su Mo forcibly shook the nearly 10,000-strong congregation into ice flakes.

As for the remaining poisoners, well, he doesn’t plan to kill them.


“Ding! The host’s special synchronization mission: Killing the remaining members of the Black Rock Holy See has been completed, and the rating is perfect. Do you want to receive the mission reward now?”

That’s right, after killing all the nameless followers except Poison Envoy and Guo Zhang, the mission barely reached the perfect level.

As for continuing to kill the poison envoy, Su Mo felt it was unnecessary.

It would be more cost-effective to let Feng Xiaoyao and others capture him. If Guo Zhangning refuses to surrender, there will be poisonous messengers, right?

This poisonous envoy seems to be a master who is afraid of death, and he is definitely easy to talk to.

Of course, touching the corpse is still essential, and I got some good stuff from whore, it smells so good~

Feng Xiaoyao looked at Su Mo who was walking back with a satisfied look on his face, patted his shoulder and chuckled: “Xiao Su, you have done a great job this time. When you go back, the government will definitely give you a heavy reward, and I, the Demon City University , and naturally get more honors, hahaha!”

Big reward?

Su Mo said, I love it.

Of course, if it weren’t for the principal and the others this time, he wouldn’t be able to complete the task so easily.

So I still have to be humble: “It’s because you are here, Principal Murong, seniors, that I dare to act so rashly.”

“You’ve become more humble, haven’t you? If I, the principal, don’t praise you more, the government won’t give you that much by then.”

“Ah don’t, then the principal should say a few more words.”

“You kid…”

Soon, under Feng Xiaoyao’s instructions, Murong Changkong, a powerful king-conferring man, personally captured Guo Zhang and the Poison Envoy and returned to the Demon City. He informed the old man in the Demon City as quickly as possible, while the others temporarily suppressed Yan. Prefecture and city, prevent the major forces from causing riots because of the missing leader, and at the same time rescue the group of captured boys and girls.

Although it is not yet known what purpose the Black Rock Holy See has in capturing these young men with strong Yuanyin and Yuanyang, they must pay attention.

After this incident, the government will definitely take special care of this special group of young people.

As for Su Mo, he returned to the hotel in a happy mood.

After receiving the news of his return, Shangguan Feiyan and others quickly gathered around.

Ning Keke looked at Su Mo with a puzzled look, “Senior, where have you been during this time?”

Su Mo: “Secret.”

His mysterious appearance immediately made everyone curious.

Only Su Ying came closer and asked curiously: “How much do you earn?”

“The cup eye can be opened.”

“As expected of you.”

The next day, Su Mo took everyone back to Magic City.

The branch of the Black Rock Holy See in Yanzhou City has been wiped out. It can be said that there is no longer a leading rat.

Of course, riots will not happen. This trial mission has been completed, and his pockets are bulging, and he is eager to go back and squander some money.

After returning to the Magic City, Su Mo ordered Chen Darong and others to hand over the mission.

He rubbed his hands and returned to his room to retreat. As for the Black Rock Holy See, that was something the government needed to worry about.

He is still too weak to get involved, but he would be happy to do it for free.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Su Mo licked the corners of his mouth: “System, complete the task.”

“Ding! The special synchronization task is completed, the completion progress is perfect, and the rewards are being distributed…”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving a random drawing of 100,000 to 2 million energy points, a supernatural power crystal, a random drawing of intermediate unlocking progress, and a random drawing of intermediate high-grade martial arts.”

In addition to the random drawings of unlocking progress, there are also new things, especially the mysterious crystal called the crystal of supernatural power.

Su Mo’s eyes were instantly attracted, so he looked curiously.


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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