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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 158 Is this urgent?

As the Black Rock Saint finished her words, Chu Chengfeng, who was sitting firmly on the main seat, remained unmoved and just narrowed his eyes slightly: “You said Xing Wuhen… chose to join you?”

The Xing Wuhen mentioned by Chu Chengfeng is the current leader of the Wefa Alliance.

A legendary superpower at Level 6, one of only two legends in the secret world!

In Chu Chengfeng’s eyes, Xing Wuhen was the kind of master who was unwilling to succumb to others. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

I remember that some time ago, the mysterious Black Rock Holy See was able to descend into their world through the entrance to the outside world.

This shocked the two of them to the extreme, but more importantly, they were still wary, and even… murderous!

Because this means that the outside information that the two major leagues have worked hard to seal for so many years is likely to be broken.

The status…will be shaken!

It wasn’t until the Black Rock Saint revealed the situation in the outside world that the two bosses fell silent.

Their two major alliances are actually very resistant to the external environment!

If you are used to the cruel survival law of the weak and the strong, if you really have to face the rules and regulations set by the federal government outside.

Let me ask, after being accustomed to being the boss, who would be willing to succumb to others and be the second child?

Absolutely can’t stand it!

On the contrary, it was the Black Rock Holy See’s philosophy of governance that they quite agreed with.

And this also laid the foundation for cooperation between people on both sides.

The Black Rock Holy See used its knowledge to help the two major alliances perfect their formations and completely seal the entrance from the inside.

The two major alliances informed the Black Rock Holy See of all the conditions within the secret realm.

It’s a mutually beneficial relationship.

Therefore, Chu Chengfeng was so surprised that Xing Wuhen actually chose to join the Black Rock Holy See on an equal footing.

Hearing Chu Chengfeng’s rhetorical question, the Black Rock Saint gave a sweet smile at first, and then said in a charming tone: “It was the leader of the Xing Alliance who came to me. He said he wanted to step out and see the outside world. He wanted more!”

Hearing this, Chu Chengfeng fell silent.

In fact, when the Black Rock Holy See talked about the external structure and governance philosophy, he also had such thoughts…

Unexpectedly, it was Xing Wuhen who couldn’t bear it first.

But I think it must be that the Black Rock Holy See has come up with some tempting conditions, so Xing Wuhen is so irresistible, right?

“What’s the deal for that guy?”

With a sweet smile, the Holy Goddess Black Rock said with longing, “Eternal life, and transcendence to the realm of becoming a king!”

As soon as these words came out, Chu Chengfeng’s hand on the seat trembled subconsciously.

After taking a deep breath, he sighed: “Forget it, if your Black Rock Holy See really has such a foundation, I am willing to join.”

“Hehe, then I am here to welcome Senior Chu to join the Holy Cult~”

The Black Rock Saint looked happy and smiled charmingly.

Being able to recruit two powerful kings to the Holy Religion is definitely a great achievement!

Although the important task this time is to find the spirit of the secret realm, it can recover two saintly envoy-level beings.

It can be considered a major event.

Next, the conversation between the two parties gradually became harmonious, and they discussed matters about outsiders joining the church.


But at this moment, beside Chu Chengfeng, the figure of an old man suddenly appeared.

Then he came close to Chu Chengfeng and whispered something in his ear.

By the time the old man finished speaking, Chu Chengfeng’s brows were already frowning.

When the Black Rock Saint saw this, her beautiful eyes asked curiously: “Leader Chu, what happened?”

Chu Chengfeng frowned and looked at her: “Your people shouldn’t have revealed anything, right?”

The words fell.

The Black Rock Saint couldn’t help but be stunned: “What do you mean?”

Seeing her expression that didn’t seem to be fake, Chu Chengfeng said with a headache: “Most of the base cities in the entire secret realm suddenly began to spread all the news about the outside world.”

The Black Rock Saint frowned.

what’s the situation?

It should be impossible for the six senior Heavenly Demons she brought to do such a thing.

After observing this period of time, the two major alliances have also done a perfect job of sealing off outside information.

At least no one in the secret realm knew about it, not even most people in the two major alliances knew about it.

Under such circumstances, how could the natives in the secret realm know the situation in the outside world?

It’s impossible to be good at all!

Could it be…

Are there people like them who have entered the secret realm?

But how is this possible? !

They, the Black Rock Holy See, can enter the secret realm without going through the only entrance, because they have incomplete secret realm spirits.

This thing was discovered by her grandfather, the deputy leader of the Black Rock Holy See, after all the hard work in the secret realm of the holy religion.

In the outside world, the federal government has never heard of anyone with this ability.

Otherwise, the speed of exploring the secret realm would not be so slow.

But if it is not the influence of external factors, then what is going on?

None of the natives in the secret realm have ever been outside, so it should be impossible to know the news, right?

For a moment, the Black Rock Saint was confused and puzzled.

Chu Chengfeng was also a little confused.

So far, only Xing Wuhen, him, and at most two close followers have learned about the situation in the outside world from the Black Rock Saint. Even the formation masters who have sealed the entrance do not know the situation in the outside world.

I only received orders from the two alliance leaders, saying that there was a formidable enemy outside the entrance and they must be guarded.

In this case, how did those guys know those details that were so specific that Black Rock Saintess neglected to mention them?

Turning his head to look at the old man, Chu Chengfeng ordered: “Go and check.”


After the old man left, Chu Chengfeng had no choice but to say: “I, Xing Wuhen, and our cronies, together can only be counted in the palm of a hand, and you, the Black Rock Holy See, cannot spread information that is not beneficial to you. News, that’s weird.”

The Black Rock Saint thought for a moment, and her frown gradually relaxed: “As long as the entrance is not found, everything is just a rumor, isn’t it?”

“We can only wait and see what happens.”

A few days later, major base cities discovered that there was no news from the two major alliances, and there was no response.

Even its members looked confused, and they were a little confused for a moment.

Could it be that what is happening outside is false and the two major alliances are unaware of it?

Is the illusion a conspiracy set up by someone to deal with the two major alliances?

In the Holy City of Dawn, Su Hao said with a smile on his face: “Can you bear this? Forget it, let’s muddy the water for them a little more.”

As soon as the words fell, the two figures turned into ripples and disappeared.

It was not until the next day that a piece of news was once again discussed and spread by major base cities.

[The two major alliances collude with foreign cults and try to harm the world! 】

Wait until this news comes out.

The Black Rock Saint and others, who were hiding in the dark and preparing to find the source of the Holy Spirit, finally became anxious.

Are the two major alliances colluding with foreign cults?



Isn’t this just talking about them? !

Not to mention the news about the outside world, even the situation of their Black Rock Holy See was known.

This is definitely not something that indigenous humans can understand!

Even outside humans, not many people understand it, right?

What’s going on!

The pretty little face of the Black Rock Saint is extremely ugly.

Since the Yanzhou branch was destroyed, the guys from the federal government seemed to have learned about the resurgence of the Holy Cult.

After that, everything went wrong for them in the Holy See.

Could it be that the guys from the federal government were even involved in this important mission?

And soon, the two major alliances finally couldn’t bear it anymore and released the news.

[Those who spread rumors randomly will be killed without mercy! 】

But as this order fell, the eyes of the talkers in the major base cities lit up.

Is this urgent?


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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