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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 168 Playing hand-to-hand combat? I'm going to arm Susan directly

And as the nine-armed whiskers gradually grew taller, bones condensed, and armor…

Mo Fan and Mo Xue were immediately shocked by this power and subconsciously took a step back.

Stepping on the ground of pure white space, I didn’t dare to move at all.

Especially Mo Fan, he felt paralyzed after seeing Su Ying, the towering Susanoo.

The same superpower? !


Raising his head suddenly, his eyes widened and he looked at Su Hao who was fighting with Yan Lao in the sky in disbelief.

Roaring sounds continued to be heard in the flame field, it was obvious that Su Hao was already fighting with Yan Lao.

And after a few minutes, he was able to withstand Yan Lao’s domain offensive!

And the ability to control the air just now…

That man in black robe…has been promoted to the diamond realm? !

Mo Fan was confused. After not seeing each other for a few days, it turned into Diamond Realm?

Also, forget about the Diamond Realm, what the hell is it to be able to transcend the Mortal Realm?

It’s so outrageous!

You know, Yan Lao is no ordinary extraordinary person!

He is an extraordinary boss with S-class fire element!

S level!

The proud man of S-class back then!

In his last life, Mo Fan also had countless opportunities and all kinds of trump cards, so that he could reach the level of nine-star diamonds and face extraordinary ones. And they were only extraordinary ones who had just been promoted, but they were still enough to shock the world!

But that guy has just been promoted to the diamond realm and can compete with extraordinary bosses.

Compared with him, Mo Fan suddenly felt like he was so useless.


That’s the case with Su Mo, and so is this hanging man. Why do they all look like bonbons?

It’s as if you were born to disgust him and stick to his side. You can meet him wherever you go. Damn!


The guy in front of me is not as perverted as that guy, right?

After all, the same abilities may be related to relatives…

Looking back at Su Ying who was clinging to the tall Susan, Mo Fan swallowed subconsciously.

Thinking of this possibility, his heart sank to the bottom.

Not to mention how shocked and uncomfortable he was at the moment.

At this time, above the sky and in the flame field, Yan Lao was even more confused than him.

Inside the domain, he looked at Su Hao who was resisting his attack like a god of war.

The old face was already full of shock and horror that could not be concealed.

“Is this kid…really a Diamond Realm Three Star rather than an Extraordinary Three Star?”

I saw that he kept urging his thoughts, and the power of heaven and earth within the half-domain turned into a continuous sea of ​​​​fire that overwhelmed the sky and suppressed it.

The temperature is terrifying and the space is distorted.

But Su Hao, who was inside Susanoo, stood quietly, waving his nine bone-armored arms quickly, and slashed out a series of evil Amaterasu sword energy, which was thousands of meters long, and the temperature was even higher than The sea of ​​​​fire is even higher!

Boom boom boom boom…!

The collision between the flames caused the entire area to dazzle as if the planet was cracking and dissolving.

“This flame…”

Yan Lao looked a little ugly.

Because he discovered that the black evil sword energy did not dissipate after the explosion, but spread around.

It turned into an evil black sea!

Then it swallowed up the flames that were scattered around him, and the temperature became higher and stronger!

What kind of flame is this? !

Yan Lao was horrified in his heart. As an S-level fire element awakener, he had seen many beings with the same fire element abilities.

There is a sky-destroying flame with a temperature so high that it explodes…

Its characteristics are completely different from those of fire, and it is the flame of life that specializes in healing…

But it was the first time he had seen this black flame that could not be extinguished and would devour energy growth.

It’s so weird!

Staring at Su Hao, Yan Lao was shocked, but he quickly regained his composure.

This kid does have two brushes and is very evil, but within the realm, he still has many ways to cure him.

Thinking about it, he saw the next moment, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth transformed into a crystal clear flame giant.

A pair of pupils flashed with monstrous fire, and the majestic body of flames reached a thousand meters high, completely detonating Susanoo!


After a roar, a huge flaming sword appeared in the hands of the flame giant and slashed directly towards Susano’o!

The most terrifying thing is that this flame giant actually performed martial arts under the control of Yan Lao’s thoughts.

An extremely domineering sword technique!

Mimicking all things in the domain and using all things to perform martial arts is also one of the killing abilities of the extraordinary boss.

Even more perverted than a simple attack with the power of heaven and earth, because it is more concentrated!

This sword seemed to open up the world, and ripples appeared in the space wherever it passed.


The sword screamed with trembling sound, breaking through the shackles of the speed of sound, and in the blink of an eye it was in front of Nine-Armed Susana.

“Oh, it’s serious!”

Su Hao’s expression changed slightly. He felt that this knife was a bit fierce!

The bone-armored arms holding the energy sword were quickly crossed in front of him, even for safety reasons.

He also simulated a Susano’s Shield…


A low and harsh sound of impact was heard, and the black flame-blue sword that emerged from the energy was directly shattered.

The moment the Susano’s Shield was connected, it was immediately filled with dense cracks.

call out–!

Susanoo, who was nearly two hundred meters away, was cut down by the huge force.

Bang bang bang bang…

The falling force exceeded the speed of sound, detonating the space with loud earthquakes.

If it hits the ground at such a speed, it will definitely cause landslides and cracks!

Just as Susano’o was about to be blasted out of the flame field, suddenly, the sea of ​​​​fire boiled over again.

It turned out to be a flanking attack, meeting Susanoo who was falling from below.

Once it is hit, the impact of the two forces will definitely be more miserable than smashing into the ground.

Frowning his brows, Su Hao looked solemn. Sure enough, even if he was promoted to the peak of three-star diamond level, it would still be a bit difficult to deal with a five-star extraordinary and experienced boss by himself.

Well, it was just a struggle, not to the point of being crushed.


In the room of lightning and flint, the power of Su Hao’s Mangekyou Sharingan eyes surged wildly, including the energy body of Susanoo, which directly turned into a virtual state. The falling force was instantly eliminated, and even the sea of ​​​​fire that surged forward was also revealed. Passed by Susanoo.


The two forces collided together, instantly erupting with a deafening loud noise, and the sea of ​​fire exploded into a scene of stars extinguishing.

Until the ripples of flames dissipated, the nine-armed Susanoo stood there unharmed except for his two chopped-off bone-armored arms.

Of course, in order to try to take Susan with him this time, Su Hao still put in a lot of energy.

The consumption is quite large.

But he escaped a killing move and was able to accept it.


But Yan Lao was at a loss, his eyes filled with disbelief: “The flames didn’t hit that kid, and the strength also lost its target?!”

Is this the ability that Lao Qin mentioned?

Can it blur the ability to ignore attacks? !

His heart was full of shock, but after all he had understood in advance, he quickly came to his senses. The flame giant condensed from the essence of heaven and earth once again slashed at Su Hao with a knife. Along with the sea of ​​fire that filled the sky, the attack became even more terrifying!

Taking a deep breath, Su Hao also knew that he could no longer hide his clumsiness at this moment.

“Playing hand-to-hand combat, right? I’m just going to arm the Susano with the Tiangang Demon Fist!”


The next moment, one saw the nine-armed Susanoo’s body surface, and a jet-black energy spread continuously, completely covering the blue energy.

It makes Amaterasu’s Armor even more profound and condensed, like a dark demon god, extremely ferocious!

On the nine ferocious arms, various weapons dissipated, and on the ferocious fists, the violent fist power of the Tiangang Demon Fist emerged.

The color of the weapon is hardened, the enhanced version of Susano’o, coupled with the shocking power of the fist.

The ultimate in attack and defense, I ask you if you are afraid!


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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